20 reasons to walk! A little movement is better than no movement!

20 reasons to walk! A little movement is better than no movement!

Content Summary

Düzenli yürüyüş hem fiziksel hem de ruhsal sağlığı korur. Ekipman gerektirmeyen ve sağlığın temel taşlarından olan yürüyüş; kalp sağlığından metabolizma hızına, kilo vermeden zihinsel ve nörolojik hastalıkların önlenmesine kadar birçok alanda önemli rol oynar. Uzmanlar günde en az 30 dakika yürüyüşün önemini vurgular. Yürüyüşün faydaları arasında kalp sağlığının güçlendirilmesi, kemik sağlığının korunması, stres hormonlarının azaltılması, metabolizma hızının artması, bağışıklığın güçlenmesi, ruh halinin iyileşmesi, uyku kalitesinin artması, kilo kontrolü, demans, depresyon ve Alzheimer gibi hastalıklara karşı koruma ve bilişsel yeteneklerin geliştirilmesi sayılabilir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, yetişkinler için haftada toplamda 2,5 saat orta düzeyde aktivite (nefes nefese kalmak ama terlememek) önermektedir.

Walking protects both physical and mental health. Walking, which does not require any equipment and is of great importance for health, plays a major role in many areas, from heart health to accelerating metabolism; from weight loss to preventing mental and neurological disorders. Emphasizing the importance of regular walking, experts underline the need to walk for at least 30 minutes a day.

Since 1991, the first weekend of October every year has been celebrated as World Walking Day. Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Dr. Faculty Member Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu made important evaluations about the effects of walking on physical and mental health.

You have 20 reasons to walk!

Stating that walking has a special place in health, especially in health where preventive approaches gain more importance, Erdoğanoğlu listed the effects of walking on health as follows:

1. You can walk anywhere, in any season and at different times of the day. At home, on vacation, by the sea, in nature, in the mountains... As long as you want to do it.
2. Hiking does not require complex equipment and you make the rules. It is enough to have a suitable outfit for hiking, a pair of sneakers and walk out the door.
3. You can walk both individually and with a friend.
4. Walking makes your heart stronger and improves your blood circulation. Your heart pumps more blood to your body tissues.
5. Regular walking reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 40 percent.
6. It strengthens your bones and prevents osteoporosis in old age.
7. Walking reduces stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.
8. It speeds up your metabolism.
9. If you do it in a light jogging style, it improves your lung volume and allows you to breathe better.
10. It increases your body's resistance to infectious diseases such as colds.
11. With walking, increased serotonin and endorphins give your body a happy disposition.
12. It regulates your insulin levels naturally. In a sense, this means natural satiety.
13. If you walk regularly, you sleep better and most importantly, your sleep quality improves.
14. You will have healthier skin.
15. You will experience fewer complaints such as migraines or headaches, as regular walking releases natural chemicals that relieve pain.
16. It helps you control your weight. For example; If you are a person weighing 70 kg, you will burn 149 calories when you walk at a fast pace for half an hour. In other words, by walking for an hour a day, it is possible to lose approximately 1-3 kg of weight per month depending on your weight and walking speed.
17. It protects against diseases such as dementia, depression and Alzheimer's and improves your cognitive abilities.
18. If you do light jogging, your red blood cell count increases and your blood vessels become more elastic.
19. Your liver removes waste materials from your body more easily.
20. If you do light jogging regularly, it will set your biological age back by up to 12 years.

Walk at least 30 minutes a day!

Prof. Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu said, "In principle, moving even a little is much better than not moving at all," and concluded her words as follows:
"It is healthy to walk for at least 30 minutes a day. The World Health Organization recommends a total of 2.5 hours of moderate activity per week for adults. Moderate activity means a little breathless but not sweaty. Keep walking, keep moving!"

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 January 2021
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