Zero Waste Certificate

Zero Waste Certificate

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi NPISTANBUL Hastanesi, 12/07/2019 tarihli ve 30829 sayılı Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanan Sıfır Atık Yönetmeliği'ne uygun olarak Sıfır Atık Yönetim Sistemi kurarak İstanbul Valiliği Çevre ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü tarafından verilen Temel Seviye Sıfır Atık Belgesi aldı. Bu belge 5 yıl geçerli olup, hastane geri dönüşümlü ve geri dönüşümsüz atıkları (evsel, tehlikeli ve tıbbi atıklar) ayrı ayrı topluyor. Atıkların ayrıştırılması için renkli ve görsellerle desteklenmiş konteynırlar kullanılıyor ve tüm atıklar lisanslı şirketlere teslim ediliyor. Hastane personeli, etkili ve doğru atık bertarafı için çevre, atık ve sıfır atık yönetimi konularında eğitim alıyor.

NPISTANBUL Hospital received Zero Waste Certificate

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital received the Basic Level Zero Waste Certificate by establishing the Zero Waste Management System in accordance with the Zero Waste Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 12/07/2019 and numbered 30829. The certificate issued by the Istanbul Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization will be valid for 5 years.

Recyclable wastes are collected by separating them from domestic waste in order to keep our world a livable place. With the steps taken in line with the Zero Waste Regulation; NPISTANBUL Hospital received the Basic Level Zero Waste Certificate.

Within the scope of the "Zero Waste Project" initiated under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization to prevent waste, use resources more efficiently, reduce the amount of waste, recycle waste, and leave a clean world for the future, the hospital has received the Zero Waste Certificate at the Basic Level by carrying out the necessary work.

Within the framework of the Zero Waste Regulation, recyclable packaging, non-recyclable (domestic), hazardous and medical wastes are separated in labeled, colored waste containers in accordance with the regulation within the hospital and collected in waste collection areas designated according to the nature of the waste. Each accumulated waste is given to licensed companies.

Recyclable packaging waste (paper, plastic, glass and metal) is delivered to the recycling company contracted by the municipality, non-recyclable (household) waste is delivered to the municipality, and hazardous and medical waste is delivered to the company licensed by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.

Trainings are provided on waste

Within the framework of the Zero Waste Regulation, waste containers were colored and visuals were added to waste labels for effective waste separation. Vegetable oils produced in the hospital's cafeteria are delivered to a licensed company. All wastes are given to companies in exchange for documents and records of the wastes are kept. Trainings are provided within the framework of environment, waste and zero waste management in order to dispose of waste effectively and correctly.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At05 July 2021
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