- NPISTANBUL Hospital is Turkey's first private neuropsychiatric hospital established with the aim of providing effective treatment services for diseases related to mental/brain health with the most advanced treatment facilities enabled by modern medicine.
- NPISTANBUL Hospital has JCI (Joint Commission International) accreditation certificate, the world's largest and most prestigious health accreditor. This accreditation is a special document that only three hospitals in the world, including ours, outside the United States, are entitled to receive.
- In addition to the existing services in the field of brain, it also provides services in neurosurgery, general surgery, neurology, otorhinolaryngology, internal medicine, pediatrics, etc.
- It is the first private hospital in the field of psychiatry that responds to all the needs of its clients with 24/7 Emergency Psychiatry service with private ambulance.
- It has class A operating theater and intensive care services. It has a superior technological infrastructure that assists surgical operations with Turkey's first and only 1A Ultra Clean operating room equipment approved by an independent accredited organization.
- It is the pioneer of new approaches such as "Treatment by measuring brain functions" and "Thought-Oriented Medicine" in Turkey.
- It is the first and only hospital in Turkey to adopt the Pharmacogenetic approach (therapeutic drug blood level monitoring (TDM), Phenotyping and Genotyping) in diagnosis and treatment processes and apply it in the clinic.
- It is the scientific partner of Üsküdar University. It realizes various technological, academic and scientific collaborations with the University.
- It offers Neuromodulation treatments, the first of its kind in Turkey. This center aims to treat by measuring brain functions with brain stimulation.
- It provides telepsychiatry (online therapy) services for out-of-town and overseas clients.
- It is a hospital that focuses on excellence in health, taking into account the "comfort of treatment" that will positively affect the treatment processes in addition to science.
- As Addiction Clinic (NPAMATEM), Advanced Toxicology Verification Laboratory service is offered.
- Evidence Based Treatment is one of our basic principles.
a) Conducting pre- and post-tests
b) Use of biomarkers such as brain mapping
c) Reporting the outcome

Why NPISTANBUL Brain Hospital
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NPISTANBUL Hastanesi, Türkiye'nin ilk özel nöropsikiyatri hastanesi olup, modern tıp teknolojisiyle desteklenen en gelişmiş tedavi olanaklarıyla ruhsal/beyin sağlığıyla ilgili hastalıklar için etkili tedavi hizmetleri sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. JCI (Joint Commission International) akreditasyonuna sahip olan hastane, nöroşirürji, genel cerrahi, nöroloji, kulak burun boğaz, dahiliye, çocuk sağlığı gibi alanlarda da hizmet vermektedir. 7/24 acil psikiyatri hizmeti ve özel ambulansıyla öne çıkarken, Türkiye'de ilk ve tek olan 1A Ultra Temiz ameliyathane ekipmanı ve “Beyin fonksiyonlarını ölçerek tedavi” ve “Düşünce Odaklı Tıp” gibi yeni yaklaşımların öncülüğünü yapmaktadır. Farmakogenetik yaklaşımı (TDM, fenotipleme ve genotipleme) uygulayan hastane, Üsküdar Üniversitesi ile bilimsel ortaklık içinde olup, nöromodülasyon tedavileri ve telepsikiyatri hizmetleri de sunmaktadır. Kanıta Dayalı Tedavi ilkesiyle ön ve son testler, beyin haritalama gibi biyobelirteçler kullanarak tedavi sonuçlarını raporlamaktadır. Ayrıca, Bağımlılık Kliniği (NPAMATEM) ile Gelişmiş Toksikoloji Doğrulama Laboratuvarı hizmeti de vermektedir.