Who Can Give Blood?

Who Can Give Blood?

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Kan bağışı, gönüllü ve sağlıklı bir verenden kan ve kan ürünleri elde etmek amacıyla kan merkezleri tarafından yapılan bir kan alma işlemidir. Erkeklerde ortalama bağış aralığı 90 gün, kadınlarda ise 120 gündür. Bağıştan önce mide dolu olmalı, yağlı yiyeceklerden kaçınılmalı, bol sıvı tüketilmeli, alkol alınmamalı ve genel sağlık durumu uygun olmalıdır (nabız, tansiyon, vücut ısısı). Bağıştan sonra bol sıvı tüketilmeli, en az 1 saat sigara içilmemeli ve kan alınan koldan ağır yük kaldırılmamalıdır. Hepatit B, Hepatit C, AIDS gibi hastalıkları olanlar, otoimmün hastalığı olanlar, kanama eğilimi olanlar, aspirin kullananlar (apheresis trombosit konsantresi hazırlanmasında), aşı olanlar (4 hafta), akupunktur, botoks, dövme, piercing, saç ekimi vb. yaptıranlar (1 yıl), ameliyat olanlar (1 yıl), kanser hastaları, kemoterapi görenler, kronik kalp yetmezliği, kronik böbrek yetmezliği, önceden kalp krizi geçirenler, stent takılanlar, kronik karaciğer yetmezliği olanlar, intravenöz insan kaynaklı ilaç kullananlar, düşük yapan kadınlar (9 ay), hamile kadınlar ve doğum yapmış kadınlar (9 ay), diş tedavisi olanlar (7 gün) ve alkol alanlar (12 saat) kan bağışında bulunamazlar. Kan bağışı yaklaşık 10 dakika sürer ve yaklaşık 450 ml kan alınır. 19 yaşından büyük, kronik hastalığı veya bulaşıcı hastalığı olmayan kişiler kan bağışında bulunabilir.

Blood donations are only accepted at Red Crescent Blood Donation Centers. Hospital transfusion centers can only accept blood donations in special cases upon authorization of Red Crescent blood centers. It is very important to find the right answer to the question of who can donate blood . It is especially important to fill out the blood donor inquiry form correctly and completely. There are some conditions to become a blood donor. We can list these conditions as follows;

  • Being 19 years old
  • Not being 65 years old (for those who will donate blood for the first time, they should not be 61 years old)
  • Body weight more than 50 kg
  • Body temperature below 37.5 C
  • People who answered the questions on the Donor Inquiry Form correctly and were found eligible
  • Blood donation can be performed if the hemoglobin level is Female; 12.5- 16.5 g/dl, Male; 13.5- 18.0 g/dl and the platelet count is greater than 150.000/mm3 in the tests performed before bag blood collection.
  • Hypertensive patients can donate blood if they are taking medication and their blood pressure is within acceptable limits.
  • The use of mild painkillers, vitamins, antidepressants does not constitute an obstacle for blood donation.

The average donation interval is 90 days for male donors and 120 days for female donors. In cases of necessity, this period can be adjusted by the blood center doctor.

Before blood donation, the stomach should be full, even if it is not dense, and especially fatty foods should not be consumed. Drink plenty of fluids. The donor should not be too tired or sleep deprived. 12 hours before the donation, the donor should not drink alcohol. Care should be taken to ensure that the pulse rate, blood pressure and body temperature are within the appropriate range.

After the blood donation process; plenty of fluids should be taken, smoking should not be smoked for at least 1 hour, heavy loads should not be lifted with the arm from which the blood was taken and heavy work and activities should not be done that day.

Who cannot give blood?

The reasons for not being a blood donor vary widely. Many factors can prevent blood donation. Some people cannot donate blood for a lifetime. The answer to the question of who cannot give blood is as follows;

  • Those who have had diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, AIDS
  • Those with autoimmune diseases that cause the immune system to attack its own tissues
  • Those with a tendency to bleed
  • Aspirin use (not acceptable when taken to prepare Apheresis Platelet concentrate)
  • People who have been vaccinated cannot be donors for 4 weeks.
  • People who have had acupuncture, botox, tattooing, skin piercing for jewelry, hair transplantation or aesthetic applications cannot be blood donors for 1 year.
  • Cannot be a donor for 1 year after all surgical procedures.
  • Cancer patients and those receiving chemotherapy
  • Chronic heart failure, chronic renal failure, previous myocardial infarction and/or stent implantation
  • People with chronic liver failure
  • People who take intravenous human-derived medication (growth hormone, clotting factors, insulin, etc.) cannot be donors.
  • Women who have had a miscarriage cannot donate blood for 9 months.
  • Women cannot donate blood during pregnancy and for 9 months after pregnancy.
  • Cannot donate for at least 7 days after dental treatment such as extraction, filling, root canal treatment.
  • Cannot donate blood for at least 12 hours after alcohol intake.

Conditions to Become a Blood Donor

It is possible in some cases to save a life by donating blood, but it is not possible to be a blood donor under all circumstances. Blood donation is defined as the process of blood collection by blood centers in order to obtain blood and blood products from a voluntary and healthy donor. After reading the 'Donor Information and Consent Form' and 'Donor Inquiry Form', the questions are answered and the form is filled in. If there is no obstacle to donation, donation is accepted after the approval and control of the physician.

It is very important tobe19 years old, not to have any chronic disease and not to carry any infectious disease. Blood donation is a process that takes about 10 minutes. Approximately 450 ml of blood is taken during the process. In addition, before the blood donation process , the patient should not be hungry, feel well enough to give blood, and should not be tired or sleepless.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At03 March 2023
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