What the Coronavirus Pandemic Teaches

What the Coronavirus Pandemic Teaches

Content Summary

COVID-19 salgını, insanlığın kibirli ve teknoloji odaklı yaşam tarzının kırılganlığını ortaya koydu. Salgın, modern insanın ölüm gerçeğini hatırlamasına, başarı odaklı yaşam felsefesini sorgulamasına ve sosyal izolasyonun aksine sosyal işbirliğinin önemini anlamasına neden oldu. Bu durum, ölümün gerçekliğiyle yüzleşme, mevcut yaşam felsefesini değiştirme ve sosyal destek, empati ve paylaşım gibi değerleri benimseme ihtiyacını vurguladı. Yazara göre, kapitalist ahlakın hüküm sürdüğü ve doğanın dengelerinin bozulduğu bir dünyada, insanlığın hayatta kalabilmesi için daha iyi bir insan olmak ve "sevgi, ilgi, paylaşım" ilkesiyle yeni bir insanlık inşa etmek gerekmektedir.

"More important than social isolation in the corona days is social cooperation." This is what the Chinese Covid-19 report says. However, we said 'Life fits in the house', Modern man's freedom was restricted, he had to think about someone else. At least this is necessary to overcome this crisis.

And then what?

I put myself in the place of the modern human type, I wrote it down, anyone can travel between the lines with me.

O modern man!

While you were proudly walking around the earth building skyscrapers, going into space, producing autonomous robots, the internet of things, 3D printers, big data, virtual reality, simulations, you suddenly succumbed to a virus...

You are afraid of losing what you have gained, you remember the reality of death, but you also have the capacity to get up and move on. Has everything turned out to be a lie, is nature taking revenge on us, is there a message from the unseen reality that speaks in the language of events? This uncertainty is enough for us. But where there is life, there is hope.

Where will the pandemic stop, are new waves possible? While we were afraid of the atomic bomb, this half-living, self-reproducing microbe has made us dizzy, we don't know where it gets its power from, but it will leave its mark with what it gains and what it loses...

We can say that nothing will be like 2019. This fear is enough for us.

It is like the butterfly effect of a virus!

Human beings, who felt very powerful, successful, capable of everything, wandering around like I created the low mountains, at the point of intervening in the quantum universe, were walking around the earth like 'Almighty Absolute' with the feelings of omnipotence, that is, omnipotence with what technology brought. An invisible virus came and suddenly everything seemed to lose its meaning. In Yunus' words, 'a fly hit an eagle on the ground'.

Everything has become a lie, friends, don't be depressed!

You can't hug your friends, you can't even put your own hand on your own face, you look at the arms you hold on the subway, bus, stairs as if they are enemies... When you come home, even your clothes seem to become enemies. Your dreams and plans for the future have been turned upside down, everything has become a lie, friends, don't be depressed!

You hesitate to kiss your parents' hands, you can't hug your children. If you are a health worker, you are a thousand times more afraid, you stay in another house, you panic if they accidentally touch you at work, you give the paper to your friend from a distance, you are afraid of your friends in case they hug you...

If you die, no one will come to your funeral, everything has become a lie, friends, don't be depressed!

Meetings, schools, fairs, restaurants, cafeterias, weddings, tourism, flights have all been canceled. Airplanes are packed like birds in the cold and cannot fly. Coastal cities are saying "don't let the summer people come", everything has become a lie, friends, don't be depressed!

Unlike the epidemics in history, it does not discriminate between race, language, religion, rich, poor, strong, weak, private, general. You have new friends, water, disinfectant, soap, social distancing, that is, loneliness, I don't know how long this will last, everything has become a lie, friends, come and don't be depressed!

The shutters are down, the bills are running, the time and amount of rent have not changed, the taxes are the same, we are in the same boat, social support remains very weak, we will pay a price but we don't know to what extent, the importance and priorities must change in the crisis, the meaning of everything has changed, right and wrong have changed places, everything has become a lie, come and don't be depressed!

The hasty, impatient, speed and pleasure-oriented modern man could not gain the ability to postpone satisfaction, he had lost his endurance, he did not ask if success in life was the only true one and did not seek the right philosophy of life...

If you feed on the hunger of the hungry, the weakness of the weak, the begging of the poor, you are doomed, tremble and ask yourself! You cannot be happy in a world where the disadvantaged are not happy. Just as you cannot laugh if there is crying at home, the ship is going into the unknown, either share it or throw your mind out.
If modern man does not change his philosophy of life, he is a candidate for secondary crises "Either new philosophy of life or depression" is our decision.

We forgot the reality of death, we worked for the world as if we would never die, we never thought about the meaning of life, death was a part of life and it was our choice whether to fear it or not. We put our heads in the sand like an ostrich so that the death hunter would not catch us, but we cannot keep our heads in the sand, so shouldn't we think about what we will take with us to the afterlife?

Will we be able to say that every meaning has been turned upside down, everything is illusion, it is time to discover the factory settings of our existence? If you cannot find a solution, of course you will wander in the dark valleys of depression.

We have turned the order of nature upside down, we have reduced greenery, environmental pollution and global warming have taken over, we have played with the rules of the universe, greed, insatiability, capitalist morality has become global morality. We forgot the poor, as if exploiting them was not enough, we welcomed refugees with guns and sticks, we did not sacrifice our pleasure while children were dying in wars and their corpses were washed up on the shore. What do you think the higher minds who cannot be at peace behind the ivory tower will do now? We are in the same boat, everything is moving rapidly towards the unknown. Everything has become a lie, friends, let's take our heads between our hands and think...

There is a solution, of course, we will not lose hope, we will take lessons from these writings to do the opposite, to light a candle of goodness to make the world a better place.

Around us:

A loving gaze,

A sweet smile,

A few kind words,

A warm greeting,

Building a new humanity with the slogan"Love, Care, Share". If we don't do it today, when will we do it? While maintaining social distance, we can close the spiritual distance, that is, we can love from afar. We can do silent favors. It is not difficult at all to give people the benefit of the doubt and think the best of them.

Social cooperation, empathy, thinking of others, sharing, compromising, wanting for others what you want for yourself, being happy with small things, in short, we have to learn to be good people.

Life goes by fast, the important thing is not to pursue money, power, fame, interest, but to pursue meaning! In other words, to remember our humanity, in short, to rebuild our philosophy of life.

"A sign is enough..."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At30 March 2020
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