What is WBC Elevation?

What is WBC Elevation?

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Normal beyaz kan hücresi (WBC) sayısı, laboratuvara göre değişmekle birlikte, yetişkinlerde mikrolitre (mcL) başına 4.000 ila 10.000 arasında değişir. Yeni doğanlarda bu sayı 9.000 ila 30.000 mcL, 2 yaşından küçük çocuklarda ise 6.200 ila 17.000 mcL arasındadır. Yüksek WBC (10.000 mcL'nin üzerinde), enfeksiyonlar, gebelik, depresyon, hormonal sorunlar, sigara kullanımı, yoğun egzersiz, lösemi, bağışıklık sorunları, kan hastalıkları ve kalp krizi gibi çeşitli faktörlerden kaynaklanabilir. Düşük WBC ise grip enfeksiyonları, mikrobik hastalıklar, kemik iliği bozuklukları, bağışıklık sistemi sorunları, HIV, dalak büyümesi, romatizmal hastalıklar, beslenme sorunları ve vitamin eksiklikleri gibi nedenlerden kaynaklanabilir. WBC testi, viral enfeksiyon, inflamasyon veya otoimmün hastalık şüphesi olan kişilerde, yüksek ateş ve vücut ağrısı gibi durumlarda yapılır ve kolunuzdan alınan küçük bir kan örneği ile gerçekleştirilir.

The values encountered by patients in blood test results are curious. One of these reference values is the WBC value . The WBC value has a very important place in the defense function of the body, representing white blood cells. It is responsible for the primary defense of the body when there is an infection or a different discomfort in the human body. WBC forms an immediate line of defense and usually increases and takes action before the symptoms of the disease occur.

What are WBC Normal Values?

The WBC ratio range varies according to laboratories. However, it is considered normal to have approximately 4 thousand to 10 thousand mcL of white blood cells in a microliter (mcL) of blood.
In newborn babies, the WBC level should be in the range of approximately 9 thousand to 30 thousand mcL, while in children under 2 years of age, it is expected to be seen in the range of approximately 6200 to 17 thousand mcL.

What is High WBC?

In the blood of individuals in good health, there are 4 thousand to 10 thousand mcL WBC or leukocytes in different words. According to the results of the blood tests, a WBC ratio of more than 10 thousand mcL is called WBC elevation . Elevated WBC cannot be interpreted alone. These viruses, which are usually characterized by bacteria, microbes and parasites, can cause an increase in WBC levels in the blood. We can list the different reasons that cause the WBC value to increase as follows;

  • Pregnancy
  • Depression
  • Hormonal problems
  • Smoking
  • Intense exercise movements
  • Leukemia
  • Immune problems
  • Blood division disorders
  • Heart attack

What is Low WBC?

Low WBC can be caused by flu infections, microbial diseases, genetic disorders in which bone marrow production is impaired, the body's immune function destroying these cells and bone marrow, infections caused by intense and viruses, bone marrow deficiencies, HIV virus causing AIDS , intense spleen enlargement, rheumatic diseases, eating problems, vitamin deficiency can cause a decrease in white blood cells.

What is white blood cell count WBC used for?

A WBC test is performed if a person has any symptoms of a virus, inflammation or autoimmune disease in the body. WBC counting is recommended for problems such as high fever and characterized by chills, body aches, pain in the head area. A small amount of blood taken from the arm is sufficient for a WBC count. White blood cell count WBC measures the number of white blood cells in the blood. White blood cells are integral to the immune system. They help the body fight viruses and other diseases.

How is WBC White Blood Cell Count Performed?

The WBC reference level varies according to laboratories. However, it is considered normal to have approximately 4 thousand to 10 thousand mcL of white blood cells in a microliter (mcL) of blood. In newborn babies, the WBC ratio should be around 9,000 to 30,000 mcL, and in babies younger than 2 years of age, it is expected to be around 6200 to 17,000 mcL.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 August 2022
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