What is Varicose Veins? What are the Symptoms and Treatment Methods?

What is Varicose Veins? What are the Symptoms and Treatment Methods?

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Variskoz venler, kadınlarda erkeklerden daha yaygın olan ve yaşla birlikte artan bir durumdur. 50 yaş üstü kişilerin yarısında görülür. Sebepleri arasında hamilelik, obezite, uzun süre ayakta durma, bazı meslek grupları, doğum kontrol hapları, hormonal değişiklikler, dar giysiler, kabızlık, yaşlılık ve genetik faktörler yer alır. Venöz kapakçıkların yetmezliği sonucu kan birikimi ve damarların şişmesine neden olur. Belirtiler arasında bacaklarda morarma, ağrı, şişme, uyuşma ve kaşıntı yer alır. Varis türleri kılcal, retiküler ve genişlemiş ven olmak üzere üçe ayrılır. Tedavi yöntemleri arasında cerrahi, skleroterapi, lazer ve radyofrekans ablasyonu yer alır. Önleme için düzenli egzersiz, uzun süre ayakta veya oturmadan kaçınma, dar kıyafetler giymeme, yüksek topuklu ayakkabı giymeme, sağlıklı beslenme, kabızlıktan kaçınma, bacakları yükseltme ve gerektiğinde kompresyon çorabı kullanma önerilir.

Varicose veins is the appearance of the veins in the lower layer of the skin as an expanding and curved structure in blue colors. In the first stage, swelling occurs with the expansion of the veins, but as the symptoms increase, larger veins may form and cracks can also be seen. In the first years, it may cause discomfort in terms of appearance, but in later periods it may cause pain. In addition, when there is clotting in the veins (thrombophlebitis), pain, swelling and redness may occur in the legs.

The occurrence of this condition, which is more common in women than in men, increases with advancing age. In cases where the likelihood of occurrence increases with old age, it is usually seen in one of every two people aged 50 and over.

Why Varicose Veins Occur?

There are many factors among the causes of varicose veins. Pregnancy, obesity, very long and repetitive standing, certain occupational groups, women, birth control pills, hormonal changes, choosing very tight clothes, prolonged constipation, old age and genetic factors can cause this condition.
It can occur when the venous valves fail. Blood constantly backs up and accumulates. The accumulated blood increases the pressure in the veins and causes them to swell.
In the future, the veins become wider and tortuous. This can occur at any level in the veins. Vein insufficiency can also be seen in the groin area, as well as on different leg surfaces.

Who Can Get Varicose Veins?

This condition, which is more common in women than in men, is also seen in those who are genetically in the family. In addition to these, it can be seen in people with too much weight, elderly individuals, menopause periods, people who stand for a long time due to work, while it can be seen in cases such as blockage and clotting of the vein and valve insufficiency.

What are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

Although the reasons for the occurrence of this problem, which is among the circulatory system problems, vary, the negative situations and effects that usually occur are similar.
Symptoms of varicose veins and some of the symptoms and complaints that can cause this condition to occur are as follows:

  • Bruising of the legs and bluish veins
  • Pain
  • Swelling and heaviness of the legs
  • Numbness of the legs
  • Itching conditions

What are the Types of Varicose Veins?

Types are divided into 3 groups. These are known as capillary, large vein and reticular. It is mostly formed as a result of capillary vessel cracking. Women who use pregnancy and certain hormones can be seen more often. Varicose vein types are as follows with explanations:
Capillary Varicose Veins: It is the mildest type. It does not cause conditions such as protrusion on the skin surface. They also do not progress.
Reticular Varicose Veins: It is seen as a result of the swelling and blue color of the skin seen behind the knee and ankle.
Enlarged Vein Varicose Veins: It occurs in case of insufficiency in the large vein in the leg called saphenous vein. They reveal all of the symptoms.

How is varicose vein treatment performed?

While surgical intervention can be used to remove the problematic vein, this prolongs healing and may cause the patient to have difficulty. Another method is to eliminate the problem by applying foam into the vein. This treatment is known as sclerotherapy. This method is more likely to recur.
In laser treatment, the problematic veins are burned with the help of a laser device. In radiofrequency application, a radio wave is sent to the vein and heat is generated. In this case, the vein is burned and treatment is provided. Local anesthesia is applied to the person during the applications. The patient is usually discharged on the same day.

How to Prevent Varicose Veins?

There are a number of applications and methods that can prevent and prevent its development. The person can prevent this situation by adopting a healthy and regular lifestyle and fulfilling the following items. The applications to be done are as follows:

  • Exercising regularly
  • Not standing still, standing or sitting for a long period of time
  • Not wearing too tight clothes
  • Not wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time and regularly
  • People with excess weight should pay attention to their nutrition and lose weight
  • Not sitting cross-legged for a long time
  • Consuming foods high in fiber against constipation
  • Raising the legs in the air and after prolonged standing
  • Preferring compression stockings depending on the occupational group

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 November 2022
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