What is Varicocele?

What is Varicocele?

Content Summary

Varikosel, çoğunlukla genç erkekleri etkileyen yaygın bir rahatsızlıktır ve vakaların %10-15'inde görülür. Çoğu durumda semptom göstermez ancak ağrı, şişlik veya skrotumda kitle oluşması durumunda üroloji uzmanı tarafından muayene edilmesi önerilir. Varikosel, sperm kalitesini ve dolayısıyla doğurganlığı olumsuz etkileyebilir, ancak her zaman sperm üretimini etkilemez. Teşhisi kolaydır ve çoğu durumda tedavi gerektirmez. Ağrı gibi şikayetler olduğunda tedavi uygulanabilir ve genellikle cerrahi yöntem tercih edilir. Nedeni tam olarak bilinmese de, sperm kordonundaki damarlardaki kapakçıklardaki sorunlardan kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir. Bu kapakçıklar kan akışını engellediğinde, kan birikir ve damarlar genişler, bu da testislere zarar verebilir. Vakaların %90'ı sol testisde görülür. Tedavi için ağrı kesiciler, sıkı iç çamaşırı ve çoraplar kullanılabilir. Cerrahi müdahalede kan akışı normalleştirilmeye çalışılır. Cerrahinin riskleri arasında hidrosel, tekrarlama, enfeksiyon ve damar hasarı bulunur. Varikosel şüphesi olan bireylerde, infertilite gibi ciddi sorunları değerlendirmek için sperm analizi (spermiogram) yapılabilir.

Varicocele is the swelling, enlargement and enlargement of the veins in the scrotum that protect the testicles in male individuals. This condition is similar to "varicose veins", also known as varicose veins, which can also occur in the legs. It is mostly seen in the left testicle, but can also be seen in the upper part of the testicles. The person may not recognize this condition when lying down, but when he/she stands up or checks it manually, he/she may notice it.

It is a common condition and mostly affects young men. Approximately 10 or 15 percent of men may experience this problem and it may not cause any problems. However, if it causes a problem and causes discomfort, it is recommended that people should be examined by a urologist immediately.
In addition, this condition can lead to a decrease in sperm quality and a decrease in sperm quality up to rates that can cause infertility. However, sperm production is not affected in all cases. This condition, which can develop over time, is easy to diagnose and diagnose. In most cases, treatment is not needed. While treatment can be applied with the occurrence of some complaints, surgical method is generally preferred.

What Causes Varicocele?

Medically, there is no clear explanation and conclusion as to why this problem occurs. It is also thought to be caused by a problem with the spermatic cord, which provides blood flow to the testicles.
Doctors believe that when the valves that provide and control the flow in the vessels in the spermatic cord prevent a normal blood flow, the blood collects in the back and causes dilation of the vessels. This pooling can damage the testicles and reduce fertility.
This problem usually occurs during puberty. In normal cases, the left testicle is located in the left testicular veins because the left testicle is lower than the right testicle. Approximately 90 percent of cases are reported to occur on the left testicle, 9 percent on both testicles, and the remaining 1 percent on the right testicle. There are no risk factors that cause this condition to develop.

What are the Symptoms of Varicocele?

In most of these cases, there are no signs or symptoms, but in some rare cases it can cause pain. These pains can range from a mild problem to severe pain. This can be exacerbated by prolonged standing and physical exercise.
In cases where pain is experienced, the person can alleviate the pain by lying on their back, but it can lead to decreased productivity. This condition can become much more pronounced as time progresses. In many cases, it is seen in the left testicle and can lead to swelling.
It may go unnoticed in the absence of symptoms and in the absence of any complaints. If it is not detected in some physical examinations, it may not be detected. However, this condition should be checked by a specialist doctor with a pain, swelling and mass in the scrotum.
In addition, in cases where this condition is experienced during adolescence and individuals who want to have children afterwards experience this problem, a specialist should be visited and an examination should be provided.
While there may be many medical conditions that can lead to scrotal masses or testicular pain, it is important to intervene and treat some of them immediately.

What are the Complications of Varicocele?

The condition that can usually be seen in people with the problem is pain. In addition, there are 2 complications that may occur, such as testicular shrinkage (atrophy) and infertility.

Testicular Shrinkage (Atrophy)
In the natural structure of men, a large part of the testicles consists of tubules that reproduce sperm. If damage occurs with this condition in the testicles, shrinkage and softening may occur. The underlying cause of this shrinkage is not known exactly. Due to the valves that can cause problems, blood cannot flow and accumulates in the vessels, which can cause damage to the surrounding tissues.

This condition can sometimes keep the temperature in or around the testicle at high levels, negatively affecting sperm production and motility and preventing it from fulfilling its functions.

How Is Varicocele Surgery Performed?

Some symptoms and findings that may be experienced in cases may cause complaints and complaints in people over time. The priority in surgical intervention in these cases is to normalize blood flow.
In cases where blood flow cannot be made, the new vessels that appear are compressed and closed and flow is provided from normal vessels. Although this surgery does not have many risks, there are some risks. These risks can be listed as follows:

  • Fluid accumulation around the testicle (hydrocele)
  • Recurrence of this problem
  • The occurrence of certain infections
  • Damage to the vein

How Does Varicocele Pain Pass?

This problem, which is known as broadcasting, mostly affects young men during adolescence. In these cases, there are different methods and applications that can be used to alleviate the pain that may occur if some minor discomforts do not affect productivity.
The use of painkillers recommended by the specialist doctor and available from pharmacies is beneficial in terms of alleviating the pain.
In order to lower the blood pressure that may occur and to prevent the expansion of the veins, it is necessary to prefer tight underwear and products such as compression stockings that can keep the area tight and high. These situations can help alleviate and eliminate pain and discomfort.
The person's eating habits have no connection with the development or treatment of this condition.

What is Sperm Analysis (Spermiogram) in Varicocele?

After this condition, which can cause serious problems such as infertility, is identified and the person is diagnosed, a sperm test (spermiogram) can be performed. It is usually done in two types of time and the interval between the two tests should be at least 1 and 3 weeks. With this test, sperm count, shape and movement can be determined.
If the sperm count is between 5 and 10 million, the person may need to have an additional blood test. Together with the blood test, the levels of FSH and testosterone hormones that affect sperm production are measured. If the sperm count is less than 5 million, some genetic tests are performed and chromosomes are examined.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 November 2022
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