What is Testicular Inflammation (Orchitis)?

What is Testicular Inflammation (Orchitis)?

This condition, calledtesticular inflammation or orchitis, is inflammation of one or both testicles, usually due to an infection. In some cases, the underlying cause cannot be determined, while bacterial or viral infections can cause orchitis. This condition can cause pain and can affect a person's fertility. Treatment is planned by a specialist doctor after determining the underlying causes. It can usually be treated with medication, rest and lifestyle changes.

This rare condition, which is caused by infections and can affect the testicles, can often occur in conjunction with mumps inflammation.

What causes testicular inflammation?

The causes of testicular inflammation include viral and bacterial infections. During an existing urinary tract infection, bacteria can reach the testicle and cause inflammation. Sexually transmitted diseases can also cause this condition. One of the most common causes of viral orchitis is the mumps virus.

Viral orchitis associated with mumps develops about 4 to 10 days after the salivary glands swell. Testicular inflammation can occur for many different reasons. The conditions and risk factors that can cause this condition are as follows:

  • Not being vaccinated against mumps
  • Having recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Being born with an abnormality in the urinary tract
  • Not using protection during sexual intercourse
  • Having more than one sexual partner

What are the Symptoms of Testicular Inflammation?

If orchitis, which can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, progresses, it can lead to disorders in the structures called epididymis, which are involved in the transportation and storage of sperm. Symptoms of testicular inflammation may include the following findings:

Most cases of orchitis are acute, which means you have sudden, severe pain in one or both testicles that can radiate to your groin (the area where your upper thigh meets your lower belly). You may also have

  • Sudden, severe pain in one or both testicles
  • Swelling and tenderness in the testicles
  • High fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain and burning in urine
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Urethral discharge

How is Testicular Inflammation Diagnosed?

In case of testicular pain, tenderness, high fever and symptoms related to this condition, a urologist should be consulted first. The specialist doctor learns the person's disease history in detail. Afterwards, a physical examination is performed and some tests may be requested if deemed necessary. Some methods applied in the diagnosis of testicular inflammation are as follows:

  • During the physical examination, swelling, tenderness and redness in the testicle are observed
  • Urine test to identify sexually transmitted diseases and other bacteria that may be responsible for the infection
  • Blood test to determine the presence of a sexually transmitted disease
  • Scrotal color doppler ultrasonography examination

How is Testicular Inflammation Treated?

Testicular inflammation treatment is planned and performed by a urologist after determining the underlying cause. In cases caused by bacterial infections, some antibiotics are recommended by the doctor. When it is caused by a sexually transmitted disease, the sexual partner of the person may also need to be treated.

Treatment for viral infections is usually aimed at relieving symptoms. In addition; analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, resting the person, cold compresses can be applied as recommended by the specialist.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At28 April 2023
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