What is Sun Allergy? What are the Symptoms?

What is Sun Allergy? What are the Symptoms?

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Güneş alerjisi, güneşe maruz kalan ciltteki değişikliklerden kaynaklanan, bağışıklık sisteminin güneşten etkilenen cildi "yabancı" olarak tanıması ve buna karşı savunma geliştirmesiyle oluşan bir reaksiyondur. Belirtiler kızarıklık, küçük kabarcıklar veya nadiren başka cilt döküntüleri şeklinde olabilir ve şiddeti güneş maruziyetinin süresi, yoğunluğu ve alerji türüne bağlıdır. Kadınlarda daha yaygın olup, genetik yatkınlık, alerjiye neden olan ilaç kullanımı ve kimyasalların uzun süreli kullanımı risk faktörleridir. Teşhis, fizik muayene ve kişinin kullandığı ilaçlar veya cilt bakım ürünleri hakkında bilgi alınması ile konur. Tedavi, güneşten korunmayı içerir; şiddetli vakalarda ise ilaçlar, kremler veya fototerapi uygulanabilir. Güneş yanığı, uzun süreli güneş maruziyetinden kaynaklanırken, güneş alerjisi çok kısa süreli güneş ışığına bile reaksiyon verebilir.

Sun allergy is a skin condition characterized by redness, swelling, itching and rashes caused by direct exposure of the skin to sunlight. The reactions can range from mild to severe, with the most common type of allergy known as polymorphic light flare. The most effective treatment for allergies is to avoid sun exposure.

While mild sun allergies can resolve without treatment, severe rashes require some form of treatment. In case of severe allergy, preventive steps should be taken.

What Causes Sun Allergy?

Sun allergies are triggered by changes in the skin exposed to the sun. It is not known exactly why the body develops this reaction. However, the immune system recognizes some components of sun-affected skin as "foreign" and the body develops immune defenses against them.
This can lead to an allergic reaction that takes the form of redness, small blisters or, rarely, another type of skin rash. Sun allergies only occur in certain sensitive people, and in some cases they can be triggered by only a few short-term exposures to the sun.

What are the symptoms of sun allergy?

Symptoms of sun allergy may appear a few minutes, hours or days after sun exposure. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the amount of skin surface exposed, the duration of time in the sun, the intensity of the light and the type of allergy. The rash usually appears in the areas exposed to sunlight, but in some cases it may appear in a different area. Symptoms of sun allergy can be listed as follows:

  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Blisters or hives
  • Crusting
  • Stinging or burning sensation
  • Inflatable

Who Has Sun Allergy?

Sun allergies, which are more common in women than men, is a skin problem that can occur in people of all age groups. However, some conditions may increase the risk of this allergy. These are as follows:

  • Genetic predisposition, having this type of allergy in family members increases the risk of occurrence
  • Allergy-triggering drug use
  • Prolonged use of different chemicals such as perfumes and disinfectants that can cause allergies

How is Sun Allergy Diagnosed?

Sun allergy can be diagnosed after a physical examination by dermatologists or specialized doctors. Since this allergy usually occurs shortly after the skin is exposed to the sun, the specialist may ask the person some questions. In addition, the specialist will be informed about the medications the person is currently using or the products they apply to their skin. The specialist may resort to a number of tests to determine the exact cause of the skin condition.

Is there a treatment for sun allergy?

Sun allergy treatment is planned depending on the type of allergy and the symptoms that occur. The most effective treatment for sun allergy is to avoid sun exposure. For people who are exposed to the sun, who are not protected or who show more severe reactions, various treatment methods such as medication or phototherapy can be applied by a specialist doctor. In drug treatment, some creams and medications can be given to relieve the itching sensation that occurs in the person. In addition, in severe cases, ultraviolet light is applied to the parts of the body exposed to the sun with phototherapy and the skin is accustomed to this light.

Are sunburn and sun allergy the same?

Sunburn is a condition that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure of the skin to sunlight. Burns occur on the skin of people who stand in the sun for a long time without sunscreen or protection.
For sun allergies to occur, it may be enough for a person to stay in the sun for only 1-2 minutes. This condition is different from sunburn and can cause symptoms such as sudden itching, swelling, burning and stinging.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At30 March 2023
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