What is Stretch Marks? How Does It Go Away?

What is Stretch Marks? How Does It Go Away?

Content Summary

Çatlaklar, çoğunlukla hamilelik ve ergenlik dönemlerinde görülen, aşırı kilo alıp verme, hormonal etkiler ve genetik yatkınlıkla ilişkilidir. Hamilelikte karın bölgesinin aşırı gerilmesi, ergenlikteki hormonal değişiklikler, boy uzaması ve kas gelişimi çatlaklara neden olabilir. Vücut geliştirme ile uğraşanlarda aşırı ağırlık kaldırma da çatlaklara yol açabilir. Obez kişilerde çatlak riski daha yüksektir. Kortizon kullanımı da çatlak oluşumuna katkıda bulunabilir. Çatlaklar başlangıçta kırmızı veya mor olup zamanla cilt rengine yakınlaşır ("stria rubra" ve "stria alba" evreleri). Tedavi, görünümü iyileştirmeyi amaçlar ve %100 sonuç garanti etmese de, erken başlanması daha etkilidir. Lazer, radyofrekans, dermabrazyon, dermatherapi, PRP ve mezoterapi gibi yöntemler kullanılabilirken, bitkisel yağ ve kremler etkili değildir.

A skin crack is a deformation that can be seen in every person, regardless of whether they are male or female, and can develop in many parts of the body due to different reasons. It occurs as a result of overstretching of the dermis layer of the skin, medically known as 'striae'. The skin becomes too thin and tears begin to form. This condition, which is a common problem, is very curious about its treatment because it affects the external appearance.

Although there is no definitive solution as a treatment, there are many methods to lighten the depth and color of stretch marks. Among these methods; It can be lightened by using methods such as functional laser, radiofrequency, dermatherapy, PRP. Methods such as herbal oil and cream, which are included in some alternative treatment applications, are not effective in the disappearance of stretch marks.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

The first reason for the appearance of stretch marks, which are mostly seen during pregnancy and adolescence, is too much weight gain and loss. In addition, the effect of hormones and genetic predisposition is also high. The formation of stretch marks during pregnancy occurs due to too much stretching of the abdominal area. Changes in hormones during adolescence, growth, height increase and muscle development can also cause stretch marks.
People who are interested in bodybuilding may experience stretch marks on the skin when they lift too much weight. As a result of many examinations and researches, the likelihood of stretch marks on the bodies of people with weight problems, that is, obesity problems, can increase up to 45 percent compared to healthy and normal people. Different diseases and medications can cause this condition. Elastin and collagen fibers are damaged in patients using cortisone drugs. In this case, cracks can be seen in different areas.

What are the Symptoms of Skin Cracks?

The cracks, which usually occur in the waist, hips, arms, abdomen, breast area, are red or purple in color at the beginning. Then it takes a color close to the color of the skin. This condition, which has a great effect on weight gain and loss, is usually seen in men; on the arms, back or buttocks. In women, it is more common on the buttocks, legs and chest. Cracks do not show a different symptom other than appearing while they are forming. In some cases, the formation of very large cracks can cause itching in the person.

What are the Types and Stages of Stretch Marks?

Skin cracks are first reddish or purple in color compared to the color of the skin. This period is called "stria rubra". Over time, its color fades and turns into tones close to the skin's own color. This period is also called "stria alba".
When they first appear, different changes occur on the surrounding tissues. In the first stage, vasodilation and an increase in lymph cells are observed. In the next stage, there is a decrease in collagen fibers.

How to Treat Skin Cracks

A skin crack does not pose a health problem other than affecting the appearance. Therefore, it is not necessary to treat it. People who care about aesthetics and appearance may want to be treated as it may cause concerns. Treatment of stretch marks after their formation does not give one hundred percent result. However, improvement can be achieved in terms of appearance. The important thing is to start treatment early. When the formation of stretch marks is noticed, the more effective the results are if treatment is started without wasting time. The aim of the treatment is to return the skin to its former color and reduce the depth. The methods applied for the treatment of stretch marks are as follows:

  • Functional laser
  • Radiofrequency
  • Dermabrasion
  • Dermatherapy
  • PRP
  • Mesotherapy

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 October 2022
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