What is Ringworm (Alopecia Areata)? Symptoms and Treatment

What is Ringworm (Alopecia Areata)? Symptoms and Treatment

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Alopesi areata (halka şeklindeki saç dökülmesi), bağışıklık sisteminin kendi dokularına saldırmasıyla oluşan otoimmün bir hastalıktır. Genetik faktörlerle de ilişkilidir ve egzama, tiroid hastalıkları, adrenal yetmezlik, sedef hastalığı, alerjik rinit gibi diğer rahatsızlıklarla birlikte görülebilir. Belirtileri, kafa derisinde yuvarlak, saçsız lekelerdir ve kaş, kirpik, koltuk altı, sakal ve kasık kıllarını da etkileyebilir. 40 yaş altındakilerde ve erkeklerde daha yaygındır ve Mongoloidizm ve kronik lenfositli tiroidit gibi risk faktörleri vardır. Tedavi, genellikle semptomların şiddetine bağlıdır ve kendiliğinden iyileşme görülebilirken, daha ağır vakalarda kortikosteroid kremler veya enjeksiyonları kullanılır. Besin takviyeleri doğrudan etkili olmasa da, vitamin eksiklikleri kontrol edilmeli ve biotin, demir, çinko, B12 ve folik asit gibi besin maddelerinin yeterli alımı sağlanmalıdır. Teşhis genellikle klinik bulgulara dayanır ancak mikroskopik inceleme veya biyopsi gerekebilir.

It is generally seen in the hair and manifests itself as rounded hair loss. Although ringworm, also known as alopecia, develops due to intense stress, it can also occur due to chronic disorders or thyroid problems. Ringworm can be seen in individuals who experience intense distress apart from the stress of daily life. It can be observed especially in children in primary school or pre-school education, people who are under the influence of bad events such as parental separation, and individuals who have experienced severe traumatic events.

What Causes Ringworm (Alopecia areata)?

The cause of ringworm cannot be clearly explained. However, overworking of the immune system causes it to attack its own tissues, in which case ringworm may occur. Autoimmune disorders occur when the body recognizes its own cells and structures as foreign. In ringworm, immune cells attack the hair follicles, preventing hair growth and causing hair loss.
According to studies, ringworm is known to be linked to genetic factors. Various disorders occur with ringworm, indicating that genetic factors are effective. We can list some of these disorders as follows;

  • Itching (eczema)
  • Chronic inflammatory thyroid disorder
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Psoriasis
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Bleaching disease
  • Butterfly disease

What are the Symptoms of Ringworm (Alopecia Areata)?

The symptoms of ringworm can be characteristic and are characterized by one or more round, hairless patches on the scalp. The surface of the affected area is healthy and there is no inflammation of the skin.
Hair loss usually starts from the scalp and progresses. However, all types of scalp including eyelashes, eyebrows, armpit hair, beards and pubic hair can be affected by ringworm and changes in the texture of the nail can occur. This varies from individual to individual.
The progression of the condition is unclear and can sometimes recur chronically. The condition may get better on its own or worsen during the healing process. When hair grows back on the bald area, it is usually white at first.

What are the risk factors for ringworm (Alopecia Areata)?

In addition to genetic factors, different environmental factors also play an effective role in the occurrence of this condition. Boredom is the most important of these environmental factors. Along with this, there are some risk factors for this disease;

  • This disease occurs in most people under the age of 40.
  • Men are more prone to ringworm than women.
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Mongolism
  • Chronic lymphocystic thyroiditis

What is the Importance of Nutritional Supplements in Ringworm?

Nutritional supplements do not directly play a good role in ringworm. However, supplements are used as support in the treatment of every disease. In particular, patients should be told about the importance of a healthy diet. Along with this, sleep patterns are also very important. Blood tests should be performed on sick people to see if there is a vitamin deficiency. Apart from these, biotin is the main factor in hair production. Therefore, biotin can be recommended as nutritional support whether or not the patient has biotin deficiency. In addition, if the person is low in iron deficiency, zinc deficiency, B12 and folic acid, these should also be eliminated. Iron deficiency is very common in people, so it affects the quality of the hair, so these deficiencies should be eliminated.

How is Ringworm (Alopecia Areata) Diagnosed?

The symptoms of ringworm can be very typical. Therefore, the diagnosis is usually recognized by the sufferer and the patient's immediate environment before going to a specialist. However, in some cases, ringworm may be similar to ringworm. An examination by a specialist in skin disorders may be necessary to make the correct diagnosis. The specialist first observes the symptoms and looks at the degree of hair loss. With the help of a microscope, he or she examines several hair samples and tries to determine the diagnosis. If necessary, a sample is taken for definitive diagnosis and sent for examination in pathology.

How is ringworm (Alopecia Areata) treated?

The treatment of ringworm is applied by a dermatologist. The main goal of treatment is to prevent the progression of the condition and reduce the degree of symptoms. In some mild and early-stage cases, hair regrows spontaneously without specific treatment.
In more advanced cases or severe symptoms, corticosteroid medications are used. Corticosteroids are first applied as a cream. In the later stages, depending on the course of the disease, they can be applied to the scalp with an injector. Applications to the eye area carry a risk for eye health.
However, if you have hair loss complaints that are similar to ringworm, you should consult a dermatologist to prevent the progression of the disease.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 October 2022
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