What is Rheumatic Disease?

What is Rheumatic Disease?

Content Summary

Romatizmal hastalıklar, eklemlerde şişme, kızarıklık ve sıcaklık artışı, tekrarlayan ağrı ve eklemlerin hareket ettirilmesinde veya kullanımında zorluğa neden olan hastalıklardır. İltihaplı ve iltihapsız olmak üzere ikiye ayrılırlar. İltihaplı romatizmal hastalıklar mikrobiyal, mikrop içermeyen iltihaplanma ve eklem ve dokuları içeren iltihaplı romatizmal hastalıklar olarak alt gruplara ayrılırken, iltihapsız romatizmal hastalıklarda en önemlileri artroz ve artrittir. Artrozda eklemde iltihap yoktur, ancak aşınma ve yıpranma mevcuttur. Hem sıcak hem de soğuk tedavi, hastalığın evresine bağlı olarak kullanılabilir; akut alevlenmelerde soğuk, kronik evrede ise sıcak tedavi faydalıdır. Kumda yatma gibi sıcak tedavi yöntemleri, güneş ışığı yoluyla D vitamini üretimini artırabilir ve psikolojik olarak olumlu etki sağlayabilir, ancak her zaman bir doktora danışılmalıdır. Kaplıca tedavisi veya balneoterapi, vücut direncini artırabilir, genel durumu iyileştirebilir, ağrıyı azaltabilir ve kalıcı hasarı önleyebilir; ancak doktor kontrolünde ve gerektiğinde fizik tedavi ile birlikte etkilidir.

Rheumatic disease; It is a disease that causes swelling, redness and temperature increase in the joints of the person, recurrent pain, difficulty in moving or using the joints.

What are Rheumatic Diseases?

Rheumatic diseases are divided into 2 as inflammatory and non-inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

1.Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases are divided into 3;

  • Microbial Rheumatic Disease
  • Germ-free Inflammation
  • Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases Involving Joints and Tissues

2.Non-Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases

The most important are arthrosis and arthritis. In arthrosis, there is no inflammation in the joint. But there is wear and tear. The cartilage in the joint becomes thinner over time and disappears after a while. Accordingly, bone protrusions occur at the edges of the joints. Traumas, mechanical, physical causes, psychological and metabolic factors are among the most important causes of non-inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

Which of hot or cold treatments is recommended for rheumatism?

Arthritis symptoms tend to worsen in the morning, sometimes in cold and humid weather. However, it can be seen in every season and geography. They usually go through periods of exacerbation and recovery. Both hot and cold treatment can be used depending on the stage of the disease.

They benefit from cold treatment during acute flare-ups and hot treatment in the chronic stage. The physician's assessment is essential.

Especially the elderly bury themselves in the sand in the summer months, to what extent does this method contribute to the treatment?

Heat treatment of rheumatic diseases can help the body produce vitamin D through sunlight and have a positive psychological effect on the patient. Nevertheless, it is best to consult a physician first. Even if everything that is done without consulting a physician is considered good in line with the information from the environment, in some people this may do more harm than good. In such cases, it is always necessary to see a physician and try such things under his treatment plan.

What is the importance of hot springs or thermal waters in treatment? Are they useful?

The utilization of the therapeutic effects of hot, mineral underground waters in the form of baths or partial baths is called spa treatment or balneotherapy. Spa treatment in rheumatic diseases can increase body resistance, improve general condition, reduce the patient's complaints, eliminate some of the patient's symptoms, and prevent permanent damage. Under the control of a physician, spa treatment is effective together with physical therapy if necessary.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At22 December 2020
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