What is Phlegm? How to Expel Phlegm?

What is Phlegm? How to Expel Phlegm?

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Balgam, akciğerleri ve alt solunum yollarını koruyan bir mukus türüdür. Normal şartlarda rengi açık ve berraktır. Akciğer ve solunum yollarını nemli tutar ve bakteri ve yabancı maddelere karşı koruma sağlar. Akciğerlerden üretilen fazla balgam, burun pasajlarında birikebilir ve rahatsızlığa neden olabilir. Fazla balgam üretildiğinde öksürükle vücuttan atılır. Sinüs ve burun akıntısındaki mukus, balgamla vücuttan atılır. Balgam, evde uygulanacak basit yöntemlerle tedavi edilebilir. Balgam üretimi, akciğerlere verilen hasar, yenidoğan bebeklerde sık görülen bir durum, viral veya bakteriyel enfeksiyonlar gibi birçok faktörden kaynaklanabilir. Astım, bronşit, pnömoni, alerjiler ve soğuk algınlığı gibi hastalıklar balgama neden olabilir. Sigara kullanımı, hava kirliliği, gebelik, boğaz enfeksiyonu ve bademcik iltihabı gibi faktörler de balgama yol açabilir. Balgam belirtileri arasında öksürükle gelen kalın mukus, öksürüğe bağlı boğaz tahrişi, nefes darlığı, hırıltı ve göğüs ağrısı yer alır. Balgamın rengi ve kıvamı, altta yatan hastalığı gösterebilir. Beyaz balgam üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarına, sarı-yeşil balgam viral veya bakteriyel enfeksiyonlara, pembe-kırmızı balgam akciğerlerde sıvı birikmesine, kahverengi balgam ağır sigara içenlere ve siyah balgam aşırı hava kirliliğine işaret edebilir. Balgam tedavisi genellikle antibiyotikler ve ilaçlarla yapılabilir, ancak bazı durumlarda solunum tedavisi yöntemleri de kullanılır. Viral nedenlerden kaynaklanan balgamda antibiyotik kullanılmaz. Evde uygulanabilecek yöntemler arasında buhar tedavisi, şifalı bitki çayları (örneğin ıhlamur, zencefil, kekik, rezene ve meyan kökü), bol su tüketimi, duş almak, havayı nemlendirmek ve tuzlu su ile gargara yapmak yer alır. Balgam miktarı günlük yaşantıyı etkileyecek seviyeye ulaştığında mutlaka bir uzmana danışılmalıdır.

The protective mucus fluid produced in the lungs and lower respiratory tract is very important for body functions. Moisturizing the area, mucus prevents the organs from drying out. Thanks to the mucus in the sputum structure, it acts as a filter and protects the respiratory tract against bacteria. Some diseases can cause an increase in mucus fluid. Sputum is formed in the throat and lungs and is expelled by coughing. Diseases such as respiratory infections, influenza and sinusitis can cause a disturbing increase in sputum. Another cause of increased sputum production is allergic reactions. In non-serious cases, there are also methods you can use for home treatment.

What is Sputum?

Sputum is a type of mucus that protects the lungs and lower respiratory tract. The color of sputum under normal conditions is light and clear. Sputum keeps the lungs and respiratory tract moist and provides protection against bacteria and foreign substances. Excess phlegm produced by the lungs can accumulate in the nasal passages and cause discomfort. When phlegm is produced in excess, it is expelled from the body with a cough. Mucus in sinus and nasal discharge is expelled from the body with sputum. Phlegm can be treated with simple methods to be applied at home.

Why does phlegm occur?

Damage to the lungs increases sputum production. Phlegm formation is common in newborn babies. Lungs and respiratory tracts that are not yet fully developed in infants are exposed to germs and foreign substances. Accumulated microbes cause problems such as sputum accumulation in the nasal passages, nasal obstruction, irritation of the respiratory tract and cause coughing with phlegm. As a result of viral or bacterial infection, sputum with a dense structure and dark color can be seen.

Main diseases that cause phlegm;

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Allergies
  • The common cold

Some factors that cause phlegm;

  • Smoking
  • Air pollution
  • Pregnancy
  • Throat infection
  • Tonsillitis

What are the Symptoms of Phlegm?

  • Thick mucus from coughing
  • Irritation in the throat caused by coughing
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
  • Wheezing in the lungs
  • Chest pain

What are the Types of Sputum?

Sputum colors indicate some diseases. This varies according to the color and consistency of the sputum.

White Sputum

People with upper respiratory infections may have white phlegm with coughing if their sinuses are blocked. If the tissues in the nose are swollen, it means that the mucus cannot move through the nasal passages as it should. At the same time, white phlegm with coughing may indicate sinus blockage caused by a respiratory infection.

Yellow-green phlegm

Viral or bacterial infections can cause viscous and dark-colored phlegm. The phlegm that causes coughing in the lungs occurs in the sinuses or lower respiratory tract. As a result of white blood cells fighting against the infection, yellow-green colored phlegm is formed.

Pink-red phlegm

It can be a sign of fluid in the lungs. Patients with pulmonary edema have pink and frothy phlegm. Red colored sputum is caused by cough and chest infection. It is mostly seen in older people who smoke. Bloody mucus may occur in patients with colds and bronchitis due to inflammation or nasal irritation.

Brown Sputum

Brown phlegm may occur in heavy smokers. Air pollution, smoke inhalation and dried blood in the nose are other factors that cause brown sputum formation.

Black Sputum

Exposure to excessively polluted air and inhaling smoke can cause black phlegm. Sputum that comes in dark colors can be a symptom of a serious condition such as lung disease.

How to Treat Sputum?

Sputum, which is naturally present in the respiratory system, should be checked by a specialist when it increases to a level that affects daily life. Excessive mucus usually does not cause a serious problem. While sputum treatment can usually be treated with antibiotics and medication, respiratory treatment methods are also used in some diseases. When sputum is caused by viral causes, antibiotics are not used in its treatment. Rather, methods such as good nutrition, moisturizing and resting are sufficient. You can also try home treatment methods to relieve symptoms.

How to expectorate phlegm, how to remove phlegm?

  • Steam has a softening effect on mucous membranes. Utilizing the vapor of boiled hot water will soften the phlegm and facilitate its removal from the body. For this, it will be enough to lean over the steam and breathe the steam for a few minutes. This will be an answer to the question of how to remove phlegm.
  • We know that herbal teas are very useful. The answer to the question of how to remove phlegm is also hidden in herbal teas. A mixture of linden, honey and lemon will soften the chest and throat, relieve the respiratory tract, expel phlegm and relieve nasal congestion.
  • Another useful food is ginger. Ginger is very good for coughs, colds and phlegm. Since it has both therapeutic and protective properties, it is possible to protect against diseases with its consumption. Ginger can be grated and mixed with water and consumed as a detox drink, or it can be added hot to herbal teas, or honey and ginger can be drunk together with a warm brew.
  • The health of the lungs should be taken into consideration during this period, so the person should protect himself from the cold. The answer to the question of how to expel phlegm begins with the person paying attention to himself especially during the cold seasons. Since flu or cold can turn into pneumonia, it is necessary to protect from cold as much as possible in order to prevent it from descending into the lungs.
  • How to remove phlegm, consuming plenty of water for phlegm will thin the phlegm, making it easier to remove and expel phlegm.
  • Taking a shower is relaxing and at the same time, since it is exposed to steam, it softens the phlegm and facilitates the removal of phlegm and its removal from the body.
  • In order for phlegm to be easily removed from the body, the air must be humidified. Humidification of the air makes breathing easier and for this reason, the air should be humidified.
  • Since ginger has the ability to kill bacteria and viruses that cause sputum formation in the respiratory tract, it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of ginger mixed in a glass of milk before going to bed at night. Ginger helps to remove phlegm.
  • How to remove phlegm; thyme, fennel and licorice root herbal teas are both expectorant, cold treatment and cough reliever.
  • We know the effects of smoking on the respiratory tract. While smoking is the biggest cause of sputum formation, not smoking plays an important role in the treatment of phlegm.
  • Gargling with salt water is throat cleansing and relaxing. The mixture obtained by adding 1 teaspoon of himalaya or rock salt to 1 glass of warm water can be used to gargle. When sputum is applied to this recipe, it is more easily removed from the body and phlegm is removed.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At22 November 2022
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