What is Paraplegia (Spinal Cord Paralysis)?

What is Paraplegia (Spinal Cord Paralysis)?

Content Summary

Omurilik felci, bacaklarda ve ayaklarda kas gücü ve hareketinde tam veya kısmi kayıp olarak tanımlanır; derin tendon reflekslerinde azalma veya tam kayıp da görülebilir. Trafik kazaları, yüksekten düşme, sığ suya baş üstü dalış ve yaralanmalar sonucu ortaya çıkabilir. Spastik parapleji ise beyindeki hasara bağlı olarak gelişir ve hareket sistemini ve zihinsel fonksiyonları etkiler. Nedenleri arasında genetik beyin dokusu bozuklukları, gebelik sırasındaki enfeksiyonlar, anne ve baba arasındaki kan uyuşmazlığı, gebelikte alkol ve sigara kullanımı, beyin travmaları ve yüksek ateşli hastalıklar yer alır. Belirtiler, omurilikten geçen tüm fonksiyonların kısmi veya tam kaybından kaynaklanır ve hasar derecesine göre değişir. Kas gücünün azalması veya tam kaybı, hareketsizlik (felç), uyuşukluk, ağrı, sıcaklık ve temas gibi hislerin azalması veya tam kaybı, reaksiyon ve reflekslerin zayıflaması veya tam kaybı, bağırsak fonksiyonlarında bozulma ve idrar ve dışkılama fonksiyonlarında hasar belirtiler arasındadır. Tanı, bacak ve ayaklardaki reaksiyon ve bulgulara bağlı olarak uzman doktor tarafından yapılır; gelişmiş görüntüleme teknikleri (MRI veya BT) omuriliğe ne kadar hasar verildiğini gösterir. Tedavi, omuriliğin tamamen hasar görmediği durumlarda omurganın yapısının ve kırıklarının onarılmasını, ilaç tedavisini ve iyileşme sürecinin izlenmesini içerir. Rehabilitasyon, kas ve otonom fonksiyonların iyileştirilmesine odaklanır. Komplikasyonlar arasında enfeksiyonlara karşı direncin azalması, iyileşmenin uzaması, septisemi ve zatürre gibi ciddi durumlar ve akciğer embolisi bulunur. Uzun süre hareketsiz kalma yatak yaraları, bağırsak problemleri, kan basıncı problemleri, dolaşım bozuklukları, kaslarda sertlik ve eklemlerde donma gibi sorunlara yol açabilir.

Paraplegia (spinal cord paralysis) is defined as the loss of muscular structure and sensory functions in the lower limbs. However, not only muscle and sensory loss, but also functions that work against the will of the person can be affected. In short, problems that may occur on the spinal cord; trauma, injuries, damage to nerve tissues, tumors, bleeding, radiation exposure or infections are called spinal cord paralysis .

Spinal cord paralysis is a complete or partial loss of muscle strength and movement in the legs and feet. There may also be a reduction or complete loss of deep tendon reflexes. It is often caused by traffic accidents, falling from a height, diving headfirst into water with little depth and injuries.

Causes of Spastic Paraplegia

Spastic paraplegia, which develops according to the damage that may occur in the brain, affects the movement system and mental functions. The causes of spastic paraplegia are as follows;

  • Genetic disorders in brain tissue
  • Infections during pregnancy
  • Blood incompatibility between mother and father
  • Alcohol and smoking during pregnancy
  • Brain traumas
  • Illnesses with high fever

What are the Symptoms of Paraplegia (Spinal Cord Paralysis)?

This condition occurs as a result of partial or complete loss of all kinds of functions carried out through the spinal cord. Symptoms vary according to the degree of damage. The symptoms of paraplegia (spinal cord paralysis) are as follows;

  • Decreased or complete loss of muscle strength
  • Becoming unable to move, paralyzed
  • Numbness; decrease or complete loss of sensations such as pain, temperature, contact
  • Weakness or complete loss of reactions and reflexes
  • Impaired bowel function
  • The urinary and fecal excretory functions may be damaged and unable to function

How is Paraplegia (Spinal Cord Paralysis) Diagnosed?

Spinal cord paralysis, which mostly develops due to traumas and occurs as a result of serious injuries, is detected by a specialist doctor after an examination. During the examination, it is diagnosed depending on the reaction and findings in the legs and feet. It is diagnosed by the loss of sensory functions and the lack of feeling. Advanced imaging techniques (MRI or CT) show how much damage has been done to the spinal cord and are a factor in the diagnosis.

How is paraplegia (spinal cord paralysis) treated?

If the spinal cord is not completely damaged, if it is under compression or if spinal cord damage is observed due to a fracture in the spine, the structure of the spine and the fractures must first be repaired. Afterwards, medication is administered and the healing process is monitored.
After the impression, the person should start rehabilitation activities. With these activities, muscle functions and autonomic functions (functions that work against the will of the person) are tried to be improved. The level of injuries, preserved muscle strength, sensory status and level, urinary and fecal excretion are determined according to the stage of the damage. Patients with partially preserved lower muscular functions are determined before they are able to use devices or assistive devices.
Neurologic rehabilitation activities improve muscle function and autonomic (non-voluntary functions) functions. However, depending on the level of injury, if the problem is in the lower lumbar parts of the patient, it is possible to walk with a cane or walking aids. The decision is usually made according to the condition of the person and after examining many details.

Complications of Paraplegia

In paraplegia, people's resistance to infections decreases and they are more likely to get sick. Recovery takes longer than normal. Serious conditions such as septicemia and pneumonia can result in death. The most common cause of death is pulmonary embolism. Due to numbness and loss of ability in the legs, there is a high probability of a clot from the leg veins to the heart.
In the event of a blood clot in the artery from the heart to the lung, breathing stops and can cause death. People who are immobilized for a long time may develop bedsores, intestinal problems, blood pressure problems, circulatory disorders, stiffness in the muscles and frostbite in the joints.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 October 2022
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