What is Non-Surgical Varicose Veins Treatment?

What is Non-Surgical Varicose Veins Treatment?

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Varisli damarlar, cilt yüzeyine yakın damarların büyümesi ve genişlemesinin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkabilen bir sorundur. Damarların genişlemesi kan akışının artmasına, ayrıca gelişen bölgede bazı morarmalara ve ağrılara neden olabilir. Bu durumlar ateşe, kızarıklığa, bazı yaralara ve şişmeye yol açabilir. Görünüm açısından rahatsız edici olabilen bu durum, genellikle bazı özgüven sorunlarına veya psikolojik sorunlara yol açabilir. Varisli damar tedavisi olumlu sonuçlarla biten bir yöntemdir. Bulguları olan kişiler doktor başvurusunda bulunarak konu hakkında destek alabilirler. Gerekli muayene ve tanı işlemlerinin yapılmasıyla da teşhis edilebilen bir durumdur. Teşhisle birlikte hastalığın altında yatan nedenler belirlenir ve tedavi süreci buna göre kararlaştırılır. Tedavi sürecinde genellikle cerrahi işlem gerektirmeyen tedavi yöntemleri öncelikle uygulanır. Ancak ileri vakalarda, doktorun tavsiyesine bağlı olarak cerrahi tedavi gerekebilir. Varisli damarlar üç tipe ayrılır: büyük (4-15 mm çapında), orta (hafif çıkıntı, mavi-yeşil renk) ve kılcal (örümcek ağı görünümünde, mor-kırmızı renk). Daha çok kadınlarda görülen bu sorun, genetik faktörlerden, aşırı kilodan, yaşlılıktan, menopozdan, uzun süre ayakta durmaktan, damar tıkanıklığı ve pıhtılaşmasından ve kapak yetmezliğinden etkilenebilir. Tedavi yöntemleri arasında köpük tedavisi (skleroterapi), lazer ablasyonu ve radyofrekans ablasyonu bulunur. Yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri (düzenli egzersiz, tuz tüketiminin azaltılması, rahat ayakkabı tercih edilmesi, kilo verilmesi) da yararlı olabilir.

Varicose ve ins usually occur as a result of swelling and enlargement of the veins in the leg area and feet. It is the appearance of the veins as an expanding and curved structure in blue colors in the lower layer of the skin. It is possible to treat this condition, which is mostly seen in adult women. Non-surgical varicose vein treatment methods can be applied before resorting to surgical methods. Positive results can be achieved if the applied treatment is done correctly.

How is varicose veins treated?

Varicose veins is a problem that can occur as a result of the growth and enlargement of the veins located near the surface of the skin. The enlargement of the veins can cause increased blood supply. In addition, some bruises and pain may occur in the developing area.
These conditions can lead to fever, redness, some sores and swelling. This condition, which can be disturbing in terms of appearance, can often lead to some self-confidence problems or psychological problems.
Varicose vein treatment is a method that ends with positive results. Individuals with the findings can get support on the subject by applying to a doctor. It is also a condition that can be diagnosed by performing the necessary examination and diagnostic procedures.
With the diagnosis, the underlying causes of the disease are determined and the treatment process is decided accordingly. In the treatment process, treatment methods that do not require surgical operation are usually applied first. However, in advanced cases, surgical treatment may be required depending on the doctor's recommendation.

What are the Types of Varicose Veins?

This problem, which can be seen in men and women, is usually a problem that varies depending on long-term standing, weight, age and gender.
There are 3 types of varicose veins. Varicose veins types are as follows:
Large Varicose Veins: There is a visible protrusion on the skin of the leg. Their diameters are between approximately 4 mm and 15 mm.
Medium Varicose Veins: There is a slight protrusion on the surface of the leg and they are usually blue and green in color.
Capillary Varicose Veins: It is a condition that has a shape like a spider web while there is no protrusion. They are small varicose veins seen in purple and red colors.

Who Has Varicose Veins?

This problem, which is more common in women than men, can be seen in people affected by genetic factors. In addition, it can be seen in overweight people, the elderly, menopausal periods, people who stand for a long time due to working conditions, while it can also be seen in cases such as blockage and clotting of the vein and valve insufficiency.

Varicose Veins Treatment Methods

It is possible to get rid of this condition, which occurs with swelling, dilation and enlargement of the veins, with many treatment methods. Depending on the gender, age, health, whether the person has a chronic disease or not and the condition of the area where the problem is experienced, treatment methods may vary.
While veins are located in every part of the body, this problem can occur in all veins in the body. However, some changes in the person's lifestyle can reduce the expansion of the veins and prevent this situation. Some applications that can be done are as follows:

  • Regular exercise can increase blood flow in the veins
  • Not consuming too much salt
  • Choosing more comfortable shoes instead of high heels
  • Slimming of individuals with too much weight

There are also many reasons why this can happen. In a healthy person, there are valves in the veins that prevent blood from returning and accumulating.
With advancing age, if the person is standing for a long time, genetics, vascular problems, pregnancy and gravity can cause damage to these valves. In this case, blood can accumulate and cause the veins to swell and this condition to occur.
After determining the causes, the appropriate treatment method is selected.

Non-surgical varicose vein treatment methods can be listed as follows:
Foam Varicose Veins Treatment
Another name is sclerotherapy, which is a method that does not require surgical intervention. It is applied to the person without anesthesia by administering a substance called sclerosant to the veins.
Sclerosant is a substance that damages and destroys tissues. By injecting it in this way, the vessels where blood accumulates are injured and burned. In this case, the blood is directed to healthy vessels and its flow is ensured.
The vessels where the blood accumulates are destroyed by this method and the treatment process is carried out and the appearance is improved. Before the procedure, sclerosing foam is made and applied to the enlarged veins.

Varicose Veins Treatment with Laser
This method, also known aslaser ablation, is a technique used to treat problematic veins with the help of a laser. In this non-surgical method, local anesthesia is performed by numbing the problematic area.
A thin laser wire is sent into the problematic veins and with the help of this wire, laser energy can be sent to the wall of the veins. The heat generated and applied by this method ensures that the problematic veins shrink and disappear over time.

Radiofrequency Varicose Veins Treatment
It is also calledradiofrequency ablation and does not require surgery. It is performed by applying the radio waves generated by the radiofrequency device to the enlarged and problematic vessel walls.
In this method, which is applied by specialist doctors trained in the field, the inner part of the leg is imaged by ultrasound and the problematic veins are detected. Afterwards, a thin tube (catheter) is passed through the vein and radio waves are applied to the vessel walls.
The controlled heat generated by radiofrequency destroys the problematic veins. In addition, enlarged veins that appear purple in color are also eliminated. While this may vary from person to person, a high rate of success is achieved.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 November 2022
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