What is metastasis? What are the treatment options?

What is metastasis? What are the treatment options?

Content Summary

Metastasis, kanserin vücudun farklı bölgelerine yayılmasıdır. Bu yayılma doku, lenf sistemi veya kan yoluyla gerçekleşir. Metastatik kanser, orijinal tümörün bulunduğu yerle adlandırılır; örneğin, karaciğere yayılan kolon kanseri karaciğer kanseri olarak değil, karaciğer metastazı olan kolon kanseri olarak tanımlanır. Belirtiler yayıldığı yere göre değişir ve baş ağrısı, nöbetler, nefes darlığı, kemik ağrısı ve şişlik gibi semptomlara neden olabilir. Erken teşhis hayati önem taşır ve tanı yöntemleri arasında kan testleri, röntgenler, ultrason, MRI ve biyopsi yer alır. Tedavi, kemoterapi, radyoterapi, hormon tedavisi, immünoterapi ve cerrahiyi içerebilir ve tümörün evresiyle hasarın derecesine bağlıdır. Tedavi mümkün olsa da, erken teşhis en önemli faktördür.

Metastasis is the spread of cancer cells to different tissues or organs as a result of their formation in organs or tissues anywhere in the body. This indicates that the cancer is more aggressive and in advanced stages. Even if it spreads to a different organ, it is identified by the name of the organ or tissue where it first occurred. It is a condition that should be taken seriously and is directly linked to cancer.

Early diagnosis and intervention of this condition is very important for the health of the person. While an increase in the cancerous mass is seen as a result of its development, even if it progresses to a different part, it is named with the place where it first developed. For example; Colon cancer that progresses to the liver is not reported as liver cancer, it is defined as colon cancer with liver metastasis. In addition, recovery is provided with colon cancer treatment applications.

What is Metastasis Cancer?

It is defined as the spread and spread of the cancerous area to different regions. It is detected by new tumor foci that occur when cancer cells spread to a different part of the body through the bloodstream or lymph vessels. There are 3 different ways that cause it to spread. These are; it can spread through tissue, lymph and blood.

Tissue route: Cancer can grow and spread as it progresses from the site of formation to nearby areas.

Lymph System: The spread of cancer cells to different parts of the body using the lymph vessels.

Blood Pathway: This is when cancer cells move through the blood vessels to different parts of the body.

Lymph nodes are known to be the most common place where this happens. It can also spread to other organs such as the lungs, liver, brain and bones. Some types of cancer are more likely to spread to some organs. For example, prostate cancer is most likely to spread to the bones. Cancer cells originating from bone tissue are most likely to settle in the lung tissue.

What are the Symptoms of Metastasis Cancer?

There are a number of complaints and symptoms that this disease causes on the person. This situation may vary from person to person, as well as depending on the type of cancer and the areas to which it has spread. When it spreads to the brain, symptoms such as headaches, seizures, visual disturbances and dizziness are observed.

When it develops in the liver, people may experience loss of appetite, bloating, indigestion and jaundice. In addition, some metastatic tumors can also occur after cancer treatment.
In addition, metastasis symptoms that may occur during cancer disease are as follows:

  • Frequent bone pains with being in the bones, being prone to fracture
  • Difficulty breathing, coughing, chest pains, blood in the mouth and heart problems with lung involvement
  • Swelling, pain and the appearance of inflammatory fluids in the areas formed after the development of the lymph gland
  • Symptoms of stroke in the nervous system, loss of sensation or strength in different parts of the body, balance problems, vision problems, speech impairment, personality disorders and loss of consciousness

Causes of Metastasis

Although the causes of this condition may not be obvious, the symptoms appear rapidly. After this stage, it is very important to diagnose the condition early and apply the right treatment.
It is common in cancer patients and occurs in most cases, although there is no certainty that it will always occur. This condition, which can occur at one time or many times, consists of 2 stages. Among the causes, late diagnosis of the disease is known as a factor.

Diagnosis of Metastasis

A person undergoing cancer treatment is examined at certain intervals during treatment. These are done with some methods such as X-rays and blood tests. In addition to these, the disease is diagnosed by applying some tests and imaging methods while listening to the history of the disease in people with symptoms.
After the diagnosis, cancerous cells are taken under control and the follow-up process begins. The disease should be checked and monitored frequently after diagnosis. Biopsy is among the diagnostic methods that give the best results in the diagnosis of the disease. Imaging methods such as ultrasound and MRI are applied to people before biopsy.
Then, the condition of the disease is determined and the treatment required by the specialist doctor is planned and progress is ensured. While the presence of this condition can make cancer treatment difficult, it is aimed to eliminate recurrent cancer and tumors that cause this condition with some medications. While the applications are made to ensure that the person is minimally affected by this situation, a number of different diseases are also observed in the area where the disease occurs.
The occurrence of this condition makes the person tired and weak. For this reason, additional supplements and vitamins recommended by the specialist doctor can also be used.

Treatment of metastasis

The treatment of the disease is the same as the cancer treatment process. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy and surgical methods are used. The level of the tumor at the site of the disease and the damage to the organ or tissue play an active role in the treatment process.
The best and most effective method of treatment is chemotherapy. In this treatment, cancerous cells in the person are eliminated with the help of antibiotics.
X-rays are used in radiotherapy. Nuclear medicine drugs administered intravenously are preferred. Hormone therapy is not applied to all types of cancer, but it is applied to some specific types of cancer.
With surgery, i.e. surgical intervention, if cancerous cells can be removed according to their condition, they are removed and cleaned and this situation is prevented. Depending on the condition of the disease and the person, some medications deemed appropriate by the physician can also be used.
Treatment of this disease is possible. For this reason, the fact that the disease carries the cancer to the last stage does not carry a one hundred percent life-threatening risk of the disease. This situation not only advances the cancer but also spreads it. An effective treatment to be applied according to the location and condition of the disease can give positive results. For this reason, early diagnosis, which is the most important and serious issue, occupies a very important place in this disease.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 November 2022
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