What is Masked Depression? Symptoms and Treatment

What is Masked Depression? Symptoms and Treatment

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Maskeli depresyon, daha çok fiziksel belirtilerle karakterize edilen bir depresyon türüdür. Tipik depresyondaki gibi ruhsal belirtiler de gösterse de, daha sık fiziksel belirtilerle kendini gösterir ve çeşitli fiziksel sorunlara yol açar. Kadınlarda erkeklere göre daha yaygındır. Belirtileri arasında yaşamdan zevk alamama, iştah değişiklikleri, karar verme güçlüğü, değersizlik düşünceleri, uyku bozuklukları, konsantrasyon bozukluğu, unutkanlık, motivasyon bozukluğu, sürekli kendimizi suçlama, karamsarlık, geçmişte takılı kalma ve cinsel işlev bozuklukları yer alır. Maskeli depresyonda uyku, iştah ve cinsel istekte artış görülebilirken, tipik depresyonda azalma olur. Diğer belirtiler arasında aşırı uyku, ağırlık artışı, kollarda ve bacaklarda ağırlık hissi, eleştiriye karşı aşırı hassasiyet, geçici iyileşmeler ve duygularını tanımlamada zorluk yer alır. Tedavisi, ilaç ve psikoterapi ile tipik depresyon tedavisiyle aynıdır ve uzman hekim tarafından belirlenir.

What is masked depression?

What is masked depression, masked depression is a form of depression that is characterized by more physical symptoms.

The symptoms of masked depression may show the same symptoms as major depression, but more often the condition manifests itself with physical symptoms and causes various physical problems in the person.

Masked depression is more common in women than in men.

What are the symptoms of masked depression?

Masked depression is more common in women, and the reason for this is entirely related to the roles, duties and responsibilities they take in life. What are the symptoms of masked depression;

  • Inability to enjoy life
  • Changes in appetite
  • Difficulty in making decisions, i.e. indecision
  • Thoughts of worthlessness
  • Sleep disorders,
  • Loss of appetite
  • Impaired concentration
  • Forgetfulness
  • Motivation disorder
  • Constantly blaming ourselves
  • Pessimism
  • Dwelling on the past.
  • Sexual dysfunctions

These are normal symptoms of depression, but in masked depression, or smiling depression, physical dysfunctions are more common.
They can appear as sexual dysfunctions, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, skin problems. The causes of masked depression are the same as those of depression, but the symptoms are more physical. It is more common especially in people who have difficulty in expressing their emotions. Because when we cannot express our emotions, our body starts to speak for us. In other words, verbal expressions are replaced by physical expressions.
Masked depression is most common in women. The reason for this is that women experience their emotions more inwardly and do not want to talk about them.
One of the main differences between masked depression and depression is an increase in sleep, appetite and sexual desire. In typical depression, the person experiences a decrease in sleep, appetite and sexual desire.

  • Increased appetite and weight gain
  • Hypersomnia (sleeping for hours) and continuing to feel sleepy throughout the day.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs (intermittent throughout the day)
  • Special sensitivity to rejection and criticism, which can directly affect interpersonal relationships.
  • Feel a temporary improvement in mood due to good news, but then feel the discomfort again.
  • Difficulty identifying and maintaining your emotions. When asked, they usually say they are fine.
  • Present the idea that showing signs of deep sadness is a sign of weakness.

The treatment for typical depression and masked depression is the same: Medication and psychotherapy. The general course of treatment is decided by a specialist physician.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At04 November 2022
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