What is Inflammation?

What is Inflammation?

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İltihap, akut ve kronik olmak üzere iki kategoriye ayrılır. Akut iltihap, kısa sürede oluşan önemli bir iltihaplanma durumudur (iki haftadan az) ve semptomları hızla gelişir. Kronik iltihap ise yavaş ancak önemli ölçüde gelişen (6 haftadan fazla süren) ve belirli bir yaralanmayla bağlantılı olmayan bir durumdur; altta yatan neden iyileştikten sonra bile devam edebilir. Akut iltihaplanmanın belirtileri ağrı, sıcaklık, kızarıklık, şişlik ve fonksiyon kaybıdır. Kronik iltihaplanma ise yorgunluk, ateş, ağız yaraları, deri döküntüleri, karın ve göğüs ağrısı gibi daha ince belirtilerle karakterizedir. Kronik iltihabın nedenleri arasında uzun süreli stres ve otoimmün hastalıklar bulunur. Tanı için CRP (C-reaktif protein) ve ESR (eritrosit sedimentasyon hızı) gibi kan testleri kullanılır ve gerekirse MRG veya röntgen gibi radyolojik incelemeler yapılır. Tedavi, yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri (düzenli egzersiz, sağlıklı beslenme, kilo kaybı), ilaçlar (kortikosteroidler gibi) ve altta yatan hastalığın tedavisini içerir. İltihap, vücudun normal bir bağışıklık fonksiyonudur ancak kronikleşmesi hasara neden olabilir, bu yüzden belirtiler gözlemlenirse uzman desteği alınmalıdır.

Inflammation, also known as inflammation, is a reaction of the immune system to defend the body against different types of illness or injury. Inflammation is the main basis for many healing processes that take place in the body. In some individuals, inflammation may be caused by autoimmune disorders in which the immune system tissues produce antibodies against other healthy cells of the body.

The nature of inflammation is divided into two categories: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation generally describes a significant inflammatory state that occurs over a short period of time. In acute inflammation, the time is less than two weeks and symptoms develop rapidly. Acute inflammation is described when it occurs in situations such as new onset of discomfort and injury.
Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is an inflammatory condition that develops slowly but significantly, usually for more than 6 weeks. It is not linked to a specific injury and can persist even after the underlying cause has healed. Long-term stress and autoimmune disorders are among the causes of chronic inflammation.
Inflammation is defined as a tissue response to damaging chemicals, environmental factors, trauma and infectious diseases. This tissue response is an important process for healing wounds and controlling microbial disorders.

What are the Symptoms of Inflammation?

Inflammation that occurs in a certain part of the body structurally has 5 symptoms. Pain, warmth, redness, swelling and lack of function in this part are the 5 characteristics of inflammation. The other specific symptoms may vary depending on the part of the body where the condition is present or for different reasons.
Long-term inflammation is categorized as chronic inflammation. In contrast to acute inflammation, in chronic inflammation the symptoms are more subtle and can be confused with symptoms of other conditions. Symptoms of chronic inflammation include fatigue, fever, mouth sores, skin rashes, abdominal pain and chest pain. Symptoms can be moderate or severe and usually progress over a period of months or years. Chronic inflammation can follow six different medical conditions;

  • Inadequate immune response of the body to an infectious condition that progresses with acute inflammation
  • During the presence of unidentified substances that cannot be blocked by defense tissues
  • In the process of autoimmune disorders
  • In disorders such as "Familial Mediterranean Fever", which is caused by impaired cellular functions related to the regulation of the course of inflammation
  • Due to the chronicity of the inflammation, various complaints such as fatigue, numbness or reduced mobility in the joints can be added to the disease picture over time.

Symptoms that may occur in case of chronic inflammation are as follows;

  • Pain in the body
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Sleep disorders
  • Depression, anxiety, worry and various mood disorders
  • Digestive system problems such as constipation, diarrhea, reflux
  • Disturbed balance of weight gain and loss
  • Persistent infectious diseases

How is Inflammation Diagnosed?

Monitoring the development of inflammation in the body and the increase in the rate of certain substances such as inflammation in the bloodstream makes these substances important in the diagnosis of inflammation.
C-reactive protein is abbreviated as inflammation reagents CRP. They are the first substances that come to memory. The CRP rate can also occur intensely in people with advanced age, overweight or cancer. High CRP levels may increase in acute and chronic inflammation conditions. shows.
The blood sedimentation rate test is abbreviated as ESR. It examines the rate of collapse in the tube containing red blood tissues due to inflammation. ESR cannot determine the cause of inflammation, but it plays an important role in monitoring the process of this event in the sick person.
If deemed appropriate by specialists, various radiological tests such as magnetic resonance imaging and X-rays may also be performed, especially to follow up the identification of signs and symptoms related to specific parts of the affected person.

How is inflammation treated?

Recent studies show that there is a link between an individual's lifestyle and the level of inflammation. People with high CRP levels are usually physically inactive, have high blood sugar levels and do not have healthy eating habits. These individuals may also have a tendency towards various health problems such as hypertension and overweight. The diet can be changed with a proper diet. In addition, a light exercise plan can be applied.
Differences in lifestyle and healthy diet have a good influence on the flow of chronic inflammation. Losing weight is a healthy step to reduce the flow of inflammation. Not consuming excessive fatty foods, avoiding saturated foods, consuming more foods such as vegetables and fruits, and making a proper diet are among the dietary differences that can be applied to lose the effect of inflammation.
Experts can prescribe different medications for the disease that causes chronic inflammation. In addition to the recommended medications, corticosteroids may be prescribed for the treatment of autoimmune disorders such as lupus and inflammatory disorders with a significant course.
Although inflammation is seen as a normal immune function of the body, chronicity causes damage to the affected part. In this process, if a particular symptom or finding is noticed in the body, it is necessary to seek support from a specialist.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 January 2023
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