What is Hashimoto's? What are the Symptoms?

What is Hashimoto's? What are the Symptoms?

Content Summary

Hashimoto hastalığı, tiroid bezinin otoimmün bir hastalığıdır ve kadınlarda daha yaygındır, ancak her yaş ve cinsiyette görülebilir. Belirtiler spesifik değildir ve kilo değişiklikleri, kabızlık, ses değişiklikleri, yorgunluk, sık soğuk algınlığı, cilt sorunları, adet düzensizlikleri, dil büyümesi, depresyon, iştahsızlık, sinirlilik, göz altı torbaları, yüz şişmesi, konuşma bozuklukları, konsantrasyon güçlüğü, unutkanlık ve hareketlerde yavaşlama gibi genel semptomlarla kendini gösterebilir. İlerlemiş vakalarda düşük sodyum seviyesi, cinsel sorunlar, meme akıntısı, uyku apnesi, akciğer ve kalp zarlarında sıvı birikmesi ve yüksek kolesterol görülebilir. Risk faktörleri arasında sigara kullanımı, kadın olmak (özellikle hamilelik dönemi), aile öyküsü, orta yaş, bağışıklık sistemi bozuklukları, erken menopoz ve karaciğer hastalıkları yer almaktadır. Teşhis, kan testleriyle tiroid hormon seviyelerinin belirlenmesiyle yapılır. Tedavi genellikle sentetik hormon ilaçları ile yapılır ve yaşam boyu sürebilir. Düzenli egzersiz ve dengeli beslenme de önerilir. Ayrıca, eşlik eden depresyon gibi psikolojik sorunlar uzman bir psikolog veya psikiyatrist tarafından tedavi edilmelidir.

The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormone. Hashimoto's disease is the emergence of a disease condition in this area as a result of damage to the thyroid gland by the immune system. The damaged thyroid gland experiences problems in its functionality and produces hormones below normal, causing hypothyroidism, that is, thyroid deficiency. Depending on this condition, a number of different complications can develop.

The thyroid gland, which is located in the lower part of the neck and resembles a butterfly due to its structure, is linked to the functioning of the organs with the thyroid hormone it secretes. Any negativity in the balance of this hormone affects the heart and other organs.
Hashimoto's disease, also known as (Hashimoto's thyroid), is one of the most common problems. Depending on the occurrence of this disease state, many systems in the body may slow down. This disease, which affects women in the middle age group more, can be seen in people of all groups and genders today.

What are the Symptoms of Hashimoto's?

There are no specific findings and symptoms specific to this disease. Generally, symptoms such as weight, constipation, difference in voice, fatigue, frequent colds, skin problems and dry skin are more common. However, since these symptoms can be seen in many health problems and disorders, it is not easy to diagnose this disease. In addition to these conditions, the symptoms of Hashimoto's are as follows:

  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Growth of the tongue
  • Depression
  • Decreased appetite
  • Irritability and nervousness
  • Skin problems, dry and fading skin
  • Difference in the under-eyes and swelling of the face
  • Speech disorders
  • Focus problems
  • Forgetting too much and slowing down movements
  • Drop in pulse rate

When this condition progresses further, the sodium level in the person's blood may decrease, while sexual problems, milk and discharge from the breast outside the breastfeeding period, sleep apnea and narrowing of breathing, fluid formation in the lungs and heart membranes may occur. Mostly these patients have high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Causes and Risk Factors of Hashimoto's Disease

This disease is more common in certain risk groups and some conditions can cause this disease more. Risk factors and some conditions among the causes of Hashimoto's disease can be listed as follows:

  • People who smoke
  • Women and women during pregnancy
  • Family history of this disease
  • Middle age (can occur at any age but is most common in middle age)
  • Immune system disorders
  • Early menopause
  • Liver diseases

The risk of developing this disease is about 7-8 times higher in women than in men. This disease, which can be seen in all age groups and genders, is more common in the middle age group. It is especially recommended that women who have miscarriages during pregnancy, people with high prolactin levels, those with high cholesterol and anemia should be careful against this disease.

Diagnosis and diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease

Patients often present to hospitals with constipation, fatigue, hair loss and facial swelling. In cases where such problems occur, the doctor requests some tests from the patient. With these tests, the level of thyroid hormone in the blood is determined. Depending on the low level of this hormone, the patient may be diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
In cases such as having this disease in the family or family history before or after, having a different autoimmune disease in the person, having undergone radiation therapy before or being exposed to environmental radiation due to another reason, the person should see an endocrinologist regularly.
In addition, those who have undergone thyroid surgery, thyroid medication and radiation therapy (especially in the head and neck area) should definitely consult a specialist doctor and have their controls done.

What are Hashimoto's Treatment Methods?

Depending on the doctor's recommendation, medication is mostly preferred for the treatment of the disease. Along with drug treatment, regular sports and balanced nutrition programs are recommended to the person.
If there is no negative situation in hormone values in people who undergo blood tests, the disease is followed up with a balanced life and regular exercise. If hypothyroidism is found in these tests, the person is given medication suitable for this disease.
These medications are mostly used according to the state of hunger. The pills that the person takes on an empty stomach are synthetic hormones that mimic the thyroid gland. Since they cannot prevent the immune system from damaging the body, the person may have to take these medications for life.
After about 2 months of taking the medication, a blood test is performed again and the condition of the disease is observed. Afterwards, the doses of the drugs are determined according to the condition of the disease and the patient.
These medicines are used with the advice of a doctor. The person should not do anything that the doctor does not recommend and should use the medicines as recommended by the specialist doctor.
Another condition that causes this disease is psychological problems. Depression is one of these problems. Depression can be seen in the person due to decreased mental and emotional activities. In addition, in some psychological conditions, a person may also experience sexual reluctance. These problems are eliminated by being treated by a specialist psychologist or psychiatrist. The person can return to their normal life again.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At11 November 2022
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