What is Good for Throat Inflammation?

What is Good for Throat Inflammation?

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Boğaz iltihabı, virüsler, bakteriler, mantarlar, bazı mikroorganizmaların enfeksiyonları, romatolojik hastalıklar ve immün hastalıklar gibi faktörlerin neden olduğu, burun bölgesinden gırtlak, bademcikler ve boğaza kadar inflamatuar reaksiyona neden olan bir sağlık sorunudur. Belirtiler arasında boğaz ağrısı, ateş, üşüme, yutkunma güçlüğü, öksürük, burun akıntısı, burun tıkanıklığı, göz kızarıklığı ve sulanması, halsizlik, boğaz şişmesi, kulak ağrısı, boyun ağrısı, cilt sorunları, baş ağrısı, bulantı, kusma, karın ağrısı, kas ve eklem ağrısı ve ses kısıklığı yer alır. Tedavi, altta yatan nedene bağlıdır; bakteriyel enfeksiyonlarda antibiyotikler kullanılabilirken, viral enfeksiyonlarda semptomatik tedavi ve dinlenme önerilir. Evde uygulanabilecek yöntemler arasında bol sıvı tüketimi, dinlenme, nemli ortamlarda bulunma ve boğaz tahrişini artıracak faktörlerden kaçınma yer alır. Ancak, boğaz iltihabı şüphesi durumunda bir uzmana başvurulması önemlidir.

Throat inflammation is a common discomfort in daily life and increases especially with the cooling of the weather. This problem, which can be caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi, is a health problem that people may experience when it occurs in the throat. As a result of this situation, there are a number of methods that the person can apply at home and benefit from this discomfort as well as receiving doctor treatment.

Among the answers to the question "What is good for throat inflammation?" that most people wonder about this issue and among the methods that can be applied at home; There are items such as drinking plenty of fluids, resting, being in humid environments and avoiding factors that will increase throat irritation.

What is Throat Inflammation?

Inflammation of the throat is a health problem that occurs as a result of certain factors such as viruses and bacteria that cause an inflammatory reaction from the nasal area to the larynx, tonsils and throat.
Among the factors that can cause these infections are viruses and bacteria, as well as fungi, infections of some microorganisms, rheumatologic diseases and immunologic diseases.

Why Does Throat Inflammation Occur?

The body has a number of defense systems and regions against the negativities that may come from outside. While the inside of the mouth is in the first place among these, there are tonsils at the back of the oral cavity. This region is a strong tissue in terms of defense cells.

Tonsils form the first defense channel by fighting microorganisms that may come through the mouth. Some problems that may occur in this area can cause infection in the throat tissues.

Since children in school periods are in very close contact with each other, they can encounter many microorganisms with the spread of fluids in cases such as sneezing and coughing. For this reason, it can be seen more commonly in children.

If the disease is caused by microorganisms, it differs depending on the type. While some microorganisms cause inflammation directly in people, others can cause infection in case of decreased immunity.

In cases of immunological or rheumatologic disorders, inflammation may occur without any infection. If it develops due to these reasons, the person should be examined by a specialist doctor immediately and the situation should be evaluated.

After determining the cause of the disease, the correct treatment method to be applied should be started and if this treatment is not applied correctly, it can cause serious negativities in the person's life. For this reason, it is recommended that people with this problem should see a specialist and apply to health institutions without wasting time.

There are also some disease conditions that may be encountered with this condition. These can be listed as follows:

Streptococcal Infection
Streptococcal infections, also known as beta micro, are one of the most common throat infections. About 20 and 30 percent of these cases are caused by streptococcal infections. In addition, some bacteria such as diphtheria anaerobic bacteria and mycoplasma can also cause inflammation.

Adenovirus Infection
Viruses are the most important agent among the factors of this disease. Among these viruses; There are adenovirus, coccaki virus and "EBV and CMV" known as kissing disease.

Candida Infection
Candida infection, which can cause infections in people with a weakened immune system, is known as the most common fungal infection and can also be seen with this condition.

Kawasaki Disease
It is one of a number of systemic diseases caused by viruses that cause infection in the tissues of the throat.

In addition to these, there are thyroid inflammations, reflux and some throat tumors that can be confused with this disease and cause sore throat. In different cases where viruses and bacteria cause infections and throat problems, if timely and appropriate treatment is not applied and ignored, it can cause very serious problems in a person's life.

What are the Symptoms of Throat Inflammation?

While the symptoms may vary from person to person, the symptoms also differ in which part of the body and where they occur. The symptoms of throat inflammation are as follows:

Sore Throat: It is the most common symptom. It may vary in severity depending on the condition of the disease. It can be understood with swallowing and pain can be felt.

Rising Fever and Chills: Generally, a fever of 38-39 degrees and above is experienced. With the rise in fever, the person may also develop chills. This can also be seen in some viral infections.

Difficulty Swallowing: It is often accompanied by a sore throat. It is experienced as a result of narrowing with swelling and pain in the throat.

Cough: Coughing may occur when the infection in the throat causes irritation on the larynx. It can also be seen in infections caused by nasal discharge.

Nasal Discharge: In this case, which is mostly caused by viral infections, nasal discharge or nasal discharge can be seen together.

Nasal Congestion: This condition is seen with nasal or nasal discharge in inflammations caused by viral infections.

Eye redness and tearing: In these cases, which are also caused by viral infections, tears and redness can be seen in the eyes.

Fatigue and weakness: In case of infections, the body starts to fight this situation by activating the defense system. In these cases, the person may experience symptoms of fatigue and weakness.

Swelling of the Throat: Lymph nodes swell in cases of infection and inflammation. This can lead to swelling of the throat and difficulty swallowing.

Earache and Neck Pain: This condition, which can be seen in the tissues of the throat, middle ear inflammation or structures in the neck, can cause ear pain and neck pain in the person with inflammation.

Skin Problems and Rashes: Some bacteria or viral infections can cause some symptoms, redness and rashes on the skin.

Headaches: Headache problem is among the common symptoms in people with this problem.

Nausea and Vomiting: Along with fever and sore throat symptoms, the person may also experience nausea and vomiting symptoms while experiencing this health problem.

Abdominal Pain: In some people, abdominal pain may be experienced with diarrhea as the intra-abdominal lymph nodes are affected.

Pain in Muscles and Joints: In some cases, weakness and fatigue may be observed, while pain in the muscle groups and joints in the body may be experienced.

Hoarseness: In case of swelling in the throat, people may experience symptoms of hoarseness as a result of narrowing of the larynx as well as negativities such as runny nose and cough.

What is done in the treatment of throat inflammation?

People who experience this discomfort should first be examined and supported by a specialist doctor. Among the methods to be applied in the treatment of the disease, the priority may be to identify the underlying causes that cause this discomfort and to cure and alleviate them.

The same method or antibiotic treatment is not given for every throat inflammation treatment. With the correct diagnosis of the disease and the underlying causes of the problem, treatment planning is made and a treatment method is preferred accordingly.

In the case of a bacterial infection, antibiotic treatment can be initiated on the advice and recommendation of a doctor. The important point in this case is to determine what the type of bacteria is and what condition it is in.

Since some types of bacteria provide resistance to certain antibiotics, some studies should be carried out in order to achieve an effect in drug treatment. An antibiotic resistance test can be performed to determine this situation, and depending on the results, the appropriate antibiotic can be prescribed by the doctor.

If the cause of the disease is seen to be due to viral infections, these conditions are usually treated by working on the symptoms and signs and the patient is recommended to rest. Generally, people who recover within 1 week or 10 days are not given any other treatment and symptom improvement is considered sufficient.

In addition, if different underlying causes are detected after examination and tests, individualized treatment methods can be applied for these diseases. For this reason, patients should see a specialist for information and treatment before self-medication.

There are also some useful methods that people can apply themselves at home. However, when a person experiences this health problem, they should first see a specialist. While there may be cases where these methods may not be beneficial, treatments recommended and applied by a physician give faster and clearer results. Therefore, the priority should always be to see a doctor.

Some natural methods that can be applied at work and at home that are good for throat inflammation are as follows:

Rest (rest): The patient should rest and rest in order to regain body resistance and accelerate this situation.

Abundant Fluid Consumption: It is recommended to consume plenty of water and fluids to relieve dry throat and to ensure the healing of the area. In addition, since symptoms such as fever associated with this condition can cause fluid loss in the body, fluid intake should be increased to strengthen the immune system and body health.

Humidify the Ambient Air: When the environment where the person is located is dry and stuffy, the level of irritation of the throat may increase and this can be prevented by humidifying the air. For this reason, the environment can be humidified by means of cold steam.

Gargling with Salt Water: Patients can reduce the complaints in the throat by gargling with salt water and this method can benefit the person.

Avoiding Cigarette Consumption: In cases where these problems are experienced, the level of irritation increases as the throat becomes sensitive and cigarette consumption triggers this situation. For this reason, not smoking will allow this condition to heal faster.

Using Lozenges: As with some throat diseases, the use of lozenges that can benefit sore throat in case of this disease can also reduce swallowing problems.

In case this disease occurs or symptoms appear, the person should immediately consult a health institution or specialist and be examined.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At08 December 2022
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