What is Good for Sunburn?

What is Good for Sunburn?

Content Summary

Güneş yanığı, kızarıklık, kabarcıklar ve iltihaplanma ile karakterize rahatsız edici ve ağrılı bir durumdur. Hafif güneş yanığı zamanla kendiliğinden geçerken, şiddetli yanıklar ciddi sonuçlara yol açabilir ve tıbbi müdahale gerektirir. Ağır vakalarda bulantı, kusma, titreme, baş ağrısı, yorgunluk ve ateş gibi belirtiler ortaya çıkabilir. Evde uygulanabilecek yöntemler arasında soğuk suyla duş almak (basınçsız), bol ve pamuklu giysiler giymek, hafif ağrı kesiciler kullanmak (çocuklara aspirin verilmemeli), C vitamini açısından zengin besinler tüketmek ve bol su içmek yer alır. Süt ve süt ürünleri, diş macunu gibi uygulamalar ise zararlı olabilir ve kaçınılmalıdır. Şiddetli güneş yanığı durumlarında mutlaka doktora başvurulmalıdır.

What is Good for Sunburn, How Does It Pass?

The sunburned area turns red and can blister and become inflamed. This situation is uncomfortable and painful. In such cases, if sunburn is severe, it is absolutely necessary to consult a health institution. Apart from this, some methods at home can be good for sunburn and reduce its pain.

If sunburn affects a large part of the body intensely, this can cause serious causes. Especially when light-skinned people are exposed to the sun too much, the risk is higher.
What is good for sunburn, sunburn may remain red when it is mild and then it passes over time when protected from the sun. In moderate and severe sunburns, blistering and inflammation are seen. In such a case, scars may remain, so it is necessary not to play with the inflamed and blistered area and not to burst the blisters under the skin.

If the symptoms of sunburn are as follows, it is necessary to consult a health institution;

- Nausea and vomiting

- Tremor

- Headache

- Fatigue

- Fire

What is good for sunburn, what can be done at home;

Showering with Cold Water

What is good for sunburn, taking a cold shower will reduce the intensity of pain and pain, but you should be careful that the water is not pressurized because it can damage that area. It is necessary not to apply anything other than water to this area, fall gel, etc. chemicals.

Wearing loose and cotton clothes

What is good for sunburn, loose and cotton clothes should be worn in sunburn. Care should be taken as synthetic clothes will irritate that area more.

Taking Mild Painkillers

If there is a slight redness, a mild painkiller can be taken. You should make sure that you are not allergic to the painkiller you use. Aspirin should not be given to children in such cases.

Consuming foods high in vitamin C

What is good for sunburn, it is useful to consume foods high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is beneficial in reducing the risk of dehydration.

Consuming Plenty of Water

What is good for sunburn, the body needs more water than normal in sunburn. In such cases, it is necessary to increase water consumption.

Avoiding Dairy Products on the Body

Applying milk and dairy products to the body can do more harm than good. Because bacteria in dairy products can trigger infection.

Applying Toothpaste

Applying toothpaste to the skin does more harm than good, so it should never be applied.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At28 April 2021
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