What is good for mosquito bites?

What is good for mosquito bites?

Content Summary

Sivrisinek ısırığı semptomları arasında ısırıktan bir süre sonra şişme, küçük kabarcıklar, çürümüş gibi görünen koyu lekeler, yaygın şişme ve kızarıklık, hafif ateş, kurdeşen ve şişmiş lenf bezleri yer alır. Sivrisinekler, kan emerken tükürük enjekte eder ve vücut buna şişme ve kaşıntı ile reaksiyon gösterir. Dişi sivrisineklerin kan emmesi üreme için gereklidir. Çoğu ısırık hafif reaksiyonlara neden olur, ancak nefes darlığı, vücutta kızarıklık ve boğazda kapanma gibi ciddi alerjik reaksiyonlar acil servise başvurmayı gerektirir. Yüksek ateş ve eklem şişmesi gibi semptomlar sivrisinek kaynaklı hastalıkların belirtisi olabilir ve tıbbi yardım gerektirir. Sivrisineklerden korunmak için uzun kıyafetler giymek, sivrisinek kovucular kullanmak, koyu renk giysilerden kaçınmak, terli ve nemli olmamak, gece ve sabah dışarıda fazla zaman geçirmemek ve pencerelere sineklik takmak önerilir.

Mosquitoes , which usually appear in summer periods, become the nightmare of many people. Itching and swelling after mosquito bites also negatively affect people's daily lives. Mosquitoes, which increase in areas where the sea or puddles are located, can pave the way for many minor or major problems, from itchy bites to some diseases.

What are the symptoms of mosquito bite infection?

When a mosquito bites, it uses a proboscis to suck blood and pierces the skin. The mosquito injects saliva into the skin as it feeds. The body reacts to the saliva, causing swelling and itching. Some people's bodies react only slightly to a bite or bites, while others react more strongly, resulting in swelling, pain and redness.
Mosquito bite symptoms can be listed as follows;

  • Swelling that occurs some time after the bite
  • Small bubbles
  • Dark spots that appear to be rotten
  • Extensive swelling and flushing
  • Low-grade fever
  • Hives
  • Swollen lymph nodes

What happens when a mosquito bites?

Many people are bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquito bites affect everyone in various ways. When mosquitoes bite, they draw blood from the organism and inject part of their saliva into it. Mosquito saliva contains anticoagulants and foreign proteins. These foreign proteins trigger the body's immune system. As a result, the body's immune system releases histamine, a component that helps white blood cells reach the affected area. Although histamine is essential for the body to fight against foreign substances, it is a substance that causes itching, inflammation and swelling.
Male and female mosquitoes feed on plant nectar and water. But female mosquitoes need blood in their diet to reproduce. Therefore, only female mosquitoes bite individuals. Mosquito bites rarely cause significant allergic conditions. In these rare allergic cases, if there is a sensation such as difficulty breathing, flushing of the whole body, closing of the throat, you should go to the emergency room as soon as possible. Symptoms such as high fever and swelling in the joints after a mosquito bite are not caused by allergies, but by the diseases carried by mosquitoes. In such a problem, it is necessary to consult a health institution without wasting time.

What are mosquito protection methods?

The mosquito's contact with the individual takes approximately 6 minutes. In normal times, the symptoms of a mosquito bite are observed within the first 48 hours after contact with the individual. First, a small red spot appears and then itching and edema may occur. We can list mosquito protection methods as follows;

  • Long clothes can be preferred as much as possible during sleep.
  • Support can be obtained from mosquito repellents.
  • Black clothes should not be worn.
  • Do not be sweaty and damp.
  • Do not spend too much time outside at night and in the morning.
  • Mosquito netting can be placed on the windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 January 2023
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