What is Gonorrhea?

What is Gonorrhea?

Content Summary

1879'da Albert Neisser tarafından keşfedilen Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonokok), gonoreye neden olan bakteridir. Bulaşma oranı kadınlarda %60-90, erkeklerde ise %20-40'tır. Kadınlarda genellikle servikste lokalize olur ve %80'inden fazlasında belirti görülmez. Belirtiler arasında sarı-yeşil, kötü kokulu vajinal akıntı, idrara çıkma sırasında yanma ve kasık ağrısı bulunur. Bartholin bezlerinin tutulumunda vajina girişinde ağrılı şişlik (Bartholin apse) gelişebilir. Eklem ağrısı ve şişmesi de görülebilir ve bu ağrı yer değiştirir. Nadir durumlarda boğaz enfeksiyonuna ve doğumsal bulaşmaya neden olabilir. Pelvik inflamatuar hastalık (PID) önemli bir komplikasyondur. Tanı, vajinal kültürle konur ve tedavi antibiyotiklerle yapılır; tedaviden bir hafta sonra enfeksiyonun iyileşip iyileşmediği kontrol edilmelidir.

Gonorrhea, also known as gonorrhea, is a bacterial infection that affects both men and women. It is a sexually transmitted disease and affects the rectum, throat, conjunctiva and urethra in particular.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus), which causes the disease, was discovered in 1879 by the German doctor Albert Neisser. The identification of the causative agent of gonorrhea led to important steps in the diagnosis and treatment of the condition.

It is not the case that every woman who has intercourse with a man with gonorrhea is infected. Only 60*90% of women develop infection. It is not easily passed from woman to man. 20-40% of men who have intercourse with a woman with gonorrhea are infected. This infection is mostly localized in the cervix in women.

Due to the structure of the tissues, this bacteria does not settle in the vagina. Apart from the cervix (cervix), it infects the urethra and the bartholin glands located at the entrance of the vagina. More than 80% of women have no specific symptoms. This is an indication that the incubation period may vary.

What are the symptoms of gonorrhea?

The common symptom of gonorrhea is complaint, that is, genital discharge. This discharge is yellow-green in color and smells bad. It has a texture similar to mucus and may rarely itch. Along with these, burning during urination may also be experienced. The most common complaint after the discharge is groin pain.

Pain is usually experienced in both parts. Fever can be seen rising in the afternoon and evening. If the bartholin gland is affected, a severe painful swelling at the entrance to the vagina, i.e. a bartholin abscess , may occur. If the microorganism enters the bloodstream, it can also cause infection in the joint area.

Joint pain and swelling may occur. Symptoms do not manifest themselves in a single joint. The pain is migratory. As one joint improves, symptoms appear in another. This is also called traveling joint pain. In rare cases, throat infection due to gonococcus can develop. It can be passed from mother to baby during birth. One of the side effects of gonorrhea is pelvic inflammatory disease. It is expressed as the progression of the infection to the tubes and ovaries. Many side effects can be observed along with infertility.

How is gonorrhea diagnosed?

Diagnosis is made by evaluating cervical and vaginal discharge. Vaginal culture is most useful in gonorrhea. The production of gonococci in the culture is sufficient for diagnosis. Even if it is diagnosed clinically, this condition must be detected by culture.

How is gonorrhea treated?

Gonorrhea is a disease that is highly sensitive totreatment . The person can regain his/her health by applying antibiotic treatment. After the first week of antibiotic use, cultures should be repeated and it should be determined that the infection has healed.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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