What is Eye Twitching? Why Does It Happen?

What is Eye Twitching? Why Does It Happen?

Content Summary

Göz seğirmesi, göz kapaklarını kontrol eden kaslarda istemsiz kasılmaların sonucu olarak ortaya çıkabilen ve göz kapağının tekrar tekrar kapanıp açılmasına neden olan bir durumdur. Kesin nedeni bilinmemekle birlikte, uzmanlar tarafından stres, göz yorgunluğu ve diğer bazı durumlardan kaynaklanabileceği bildirilmektedir. Göz seğirmesine neden olabilecek faktörler arasında göz aşırı kullanımı, aşırı alkol tüketimi, uykusuzluk ve uyku düzeninde değişiklikler, aşırı stres, göz tahrişi, alerjiler ve kuruluk, göz enfeksiyonları ve iltihapları, aşırı ışık maruziyeti, göz kapağı gerginliği, aşırı sürtünme veya darbe ve bazı ilaçların yan etkileri sayılabilir. Nadiren nörolojik nedenlerden de kaynaklanabilir. Bir haftadan uzun süren seğirme, göz kapağını açıp kapamada zorluk, kızarıklık, şişme veya akıntı, göz kapağı düşüklüğü veya aşırı bulanık görme gibi durumlarda doktora başvurulmalıdır. Tanı için doktor, hastanın öyküsünü dinler, detaylı göz muayenesi yapar ve gerekirse nöroloji uzmanına yönlendirir. Tedavi genellikle dinlenme ve yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri ile yapılır. Hafif vakalarda dinlenme, egzersiz, kafein ve alkol tüketiminin azaltılması önerilir. Gerektiğinde göz damlası kullanımı, sıcak kompres, güneş gözlüğü kullanımı ve B vitamini takviyesi düşünülebilir. Kronikleşen durumlarda ise botoks enjeksiyonu veya cerrahi müdahale gerekebilir. İlaç tedavisi ise genellikle semptomları hafifletmeye yöneliktir ve kalıcı bir çözüm değildir.

Eye twitching, medically known as myokymia, is an involuntary recurrent contraction of the eyelid muscles, usually associated with lack of sleep and too much fatigue during the day. This condition can be caused by eye diseases or, rarely, by some neurological disorders. Twitching can last for a few seconds or minutes. In cases that last for a long time and do not go away, an ophthalmologist should be examined.

The problem, which can occur as a result of an involuntary contraction in the muscles that control the eyelids, can cause fluctuations and repeated closing and opening. The cause is not known for certain and in the statements made by experts, it is reported that it may be based on stress and eye fatigue, mostly due to some situations.

Why Does Eye Twitching Occur?

The cause of the problem that occurs due to spasms in the eyelid is not known exactly. It is reported that there are some factors that may be factors in the occurrence of this condition, which is thought to develop without any consequences.
As the research on the cause of the disease is limited, this problem does not cause too many problems in some people. There are also a number of conditions that trigger the disease.

  • The factors that cause eye twitching are as follows:
  • Overexertion of the eye
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Insomnia and change in sleep patterns
  • Exposure to too much stress
  • Eye irritation
  • Allergies and dryness
  • Inflammations and infections in the eye
  • Exposure to too much light
  • Eyelid stretching
  • Too much rubbing or impact
  • Side effects of certain medications

Although rare, this condition can also be caused by neurological causes. For this reason, in case of prolonged and persistent problems, the person should go to the ophthalmologist and neurology department and be examined.

When Should I Go to a Doctor for Eye Twitching?

The disease can be relieved by resting or it can also improve spontaneously. In some cases, going to a doctor makes it easier and faster to get rid of this problem. However, in some cases, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately. In the following cases, the person should be checked by a specialist physician.

  • In cases lasting 1 week and longer
  • Difficulties in closing and opening the eye
  • In case of any redness, swelling or discharge
  • When there is sagging eyelid
  • When there is excessive burring

When any of the above-mentioned situations occur, the person should definitely be examined and see a specialist doctor.

How is eye twitching diagnosed?

In terms of diagnosing the disease, the history of the disease is listened to by the doctor. Afterwards, a detailed eye examination is performed and after these procedures, it is usually diagnosed.
In these procedures performed by the ophthalmologist, the specialist may direct the person to a different area if he thinks that it is caused by another problem. When it is thought that this condition is caused by neurological causes, the patient is referred to the neurology department.
There are also a number of questions that can be asked to the person in terms of diagnosing the disease. The person should convey to the specialist in detail the situations in which he/she experiences complaints and how long the problem lasts.
The medications used and the diseases experienced, the recurrence of this problem, the amount of alcohol and caffeine consumption, and headaches, if any, can be used to diagnose the disease.
It may also be necessary to be checked with some imaging techniques if deemed necessary by the specialist.

How is eye twitching treated?

Since it usually improves spontaneously, there is no need for too much treatment. In addition, most of the reasons for its development are related to the individual's lifestyle.
In mild cases, rest and rest is recommended. Cardio exercises and sports are recommended. For relaxation, some relaxation exercises, limiting coffee and tea consumption, and reducing alcohol consumption are recommended.
It is recommended to wear sunglasses in bright environments, apply warm compresses to relax the eye muscles, use eye drops regularly, and rest the eyes for a certain period of time when looking at the computer for a long time.
As there may be vitamin B and B12 deficiency in the body of the person, foods and supplements related to the completion of these vitamins can be used under the advice and control of a doctor.
Individuals should consult a specialist if the disease becomes chronic. If the complaints become chronic, botox can be injected if the specialist advises and deems it necessary.
Some types of medication that can be prescribed by a doctor can also be used in the treatment process. These drugs, which are generally used to alleviate the symptoms in mild cases and to correct the symptoms, provide a short-term improvement. It is not a definitive solution.
In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. With these operations, some muscles and nerves in the eyelid are removed and the problem is eliminated.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At08 December 2022
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