What is Eye Fatigue?

What is Eye Fatigue?

Content Summary

Göz yorgunluğu, genellikle ciddi bir göz hastalığını göstermese de, şiddetli olabilir ve günlük aktivitelere engel olabilir. Göz yorgunluğunu hafifletme ve önleme yöntemleri genellikle basit yaşam tarzı değişikliklerini içerir. Göz yorgunluğunun yaygın nedenleri arasında uzun süreli ekran kullanımı, yoğun okuma, düşük ışıkta çalışma, uygunsuz gözlük kullanımı, uzun süreli araba kullanma, kuru göz, aşırı parlak veya yetersiz aydınlatma, bilgisayar ekranı ayarları ve göz kaslarının aşırı kullanımı yer alır. Belirtiler arasında bulanık görme, kızarıklık, kaşıntı ve batma hissi, baş ağrısı, kuru gözler, yanma hissi, ışığa duyarlılık, baş dönmesi, odaklanma güçlüğü ve genel yorgunluk hissi bulunur. Tanı, göz muayenesi, görme testleri ve göz içi basınç ölçümü ile konur. Tedavi, düzenli ara vererek dinlenme, ekran süresini azaltma, doğru oturma pozisyonunu koruma, göz egzersizleri yapma, aydınlatmayı ayarlama, uygun gözlük kullanımı, nemlendirici göz damlası kullanımı ve göz koruyucu gözlük takmayı içerir. Şiddetli veya sürekli göz yorgunluğu durumunda bir göz doktoruna danışılması önemlidir.

Eye strain is a discomfort felt when the eyes are focused for long periods of time, performing a task at close range or prolonged exposure to digital screens. This condition is caused by overuse or fatigue of the eye muscles. Eye strain can be affected by factors of modern life such as prolonged computer use, intensive reading, low light conditions and increased use of digital devices. Nowadays, especially with the increase in computer use, complaints of eye strain have become common.

This condition does not usually indicate a serious eye disease, but can be severe and interfere with daily activities. Measures to alleviate and prevent eye strain usually involve simple lifestyle changes.

What Causes Eye Strain?

Eye strain can occur due to a variety of factors. Here are some common factors that cause eye strain:

Prolonged Screen Use: Prolonged exposure to digital screens such as computers, phones or tablets can cause eye muscle fatigue. This condition is also referred to as digital fatigue.

Intense Reading: Prolonged reading, especially when done in low light or in the wrong sitting position, can cause eye fatigue.

Low-Lit Environments: Working or reading in poorly lit or low-light environments can strain the eyes and cause fatigue.

Inadequate Eyeglass Fitting: Wearing an inappropriate or outdated eyeglass size can contribute to eye strain.

Prolonged Driving: Prolonged driving, especially on long journeys, can increase eye strain.

Dry Eye: If the surface of the eye is not sufficiently moist, dryness and fatigue can occur.

Severe Lighting: Overly bright or poorly lit environments can increase eye strain.

Computer Screen Settings: Inappropriate brightness, contrast and color settings of the computer screen can tire the eyes.

Overuse of Eye Muscles: Focusing for long periods of time or engaging in intense visual tasks can overuse the eye muscles.

What are the Symptoms of Eye Fatigue?

Eye strain can manifest itself with a variety of symptoms. These symptoms can often be temporary, but if they recur or worsen, it is important to be evaluated by an ophthalmologist. Common symptoms of eye strain:

Blurred Vision: Eye strain can make it difficult to see objects clearly and can cause blurred images.

Redness: Eye strain can cause redness of the eyelids and whites.

Itching and Stinging: Eye fatigue can be accompanied by an itching or stinging sensation.

Headaches: Eye strain can cause headaches. This can be a mild pain, usually felt in the forehead and temples.

Dry Eyes: Insufficient moisturizing of the eyes can be manifested by a feeling of dryness.

Burning Eyes: Eye strain can cause a slight burning sensation in the eyes.

Photosensitivity: Eye fatigue can lead to increased sensitivity to bright light.

Dizziness: Dizziness may be felt after intense visual activities.

Difficulty Focusing: Eye fatigue can cause difficulty focusing for long periods of time, or difficulty focusing on objects at close range.

General Feeling of Fatigue: Eye fatigue can often be combined with a general feeling of physical and mental fatigue.

How is eye fatigue diagnosed?

To diagnose eye strain, an examination is first performed by an ophthalmologist. In addition to assessing the general health of the eyes, this examination includes methods such as vision tests and intraocular pressure measurement.

Computerized vision tests can be used especially in cases of eye strain due to computer use. A fundus examination can be performed to examine the condition of the retina and optic nerve.

Patient anamnesis provides detailed information about the patient's lifestyle, daily activities and work habits, and this information shapes the diagnostic process. In line with the information obtained, the ophthalmologist creates the appropriate treatment plan and makes recommendations to the patient, thus aiming to improve eye health.

How to Treat Eye Fatigue?

Treatment for eye strain usually starts with simple lifestyle changes and home remedies. However, in severe or persistent cases, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist. Methods used to alleviate and treat eye strain:

Taking a Break and Resting: It is important to take regular breaks and give the eyes a chance to rest, especially after computer use or prolonged focusing.

Reducing Screen Time: Reducing exposure to computer, phone or tablet screens can reduce eye strain.

Correct Sitting Position: Creating an ergonomic working environment and maintaining the correct sitting position supports working without straining the eyes.

Eye Exercises: Regular eye exercises can be beneficial to strengthen and relax the eyes.

Lighting Control: Adjusting the lighting in the work environment can prevent overly bright or insufficient light from straining the eyes.

Eyeglasses Control: If available, wearing or updating the appropriate eyeglass size can reduce eye strain.

Moisturizing Eye Drops: Using moisturizing eye drops, as recommended by a doctor, can be effective in alleviating dry eyes.

Eye Protection Goggles: Wearing eye protection goggles in certain working conditions can protect the eyes against external factors.

In cases of severe or persistent eye strain, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist for a more thorough evaluation and professional advice.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 March 2024
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