What is Computed Tomography (CT)?

What is Computed Tomography (CT)?

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Bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT), X-ışınları kullanarak vücudun incelenen bölgesinin kesitsel görüntülerini oluşturan bir radyolojik yöntemdir. X-ışını kullanımı nedeniyle radyasyon içerir, bu nedenle hamile kadınlarda kullanımı azaltılır; ancak yeni teknolojilerle radyasyon dozu minimum düzeye indirilerek hasta güvenliği sağlanmaktadır. 128 dilimli BT cihazları, inceleme hızını artırarak daha ince kesitli görüntüler elde etmeyi sağlar; tek nefes tutmayla tüm vücut taranabilir ve bilgisayar işlemiyle 3 boyutlu anatomik detaylar ortaya çıkarılabilir. Yeni I-DOSE teknolojisiyle de yüksek çözünürlüklü görüntüler minimum dozda elde edilir. BT, özellikle kanama şüphesi olan hastalarda acil serviste ve beyin ameliyatlarından sonra erken takipte sık kullanılan değerli bir yöntemdir; beyin kanaması şüphesinde birkaç saniye içinde kanamayı tespit eder. Gelişmiş çok dedektörlü BT cihazlarıyla 3 boyutlu eklem görüntüleri ve anjiyografi yöntemiyle beyin, boyun, böbrek ve ekstremite damarları detaylı değerlendirilebilir; kalp koroner anjiyografisi ise kol damarından verilen kontrast maddeyle kalp damarlarını kısa sürede görüntüleyerek daralma ve tıkanıklıkları değerlendirmeye olanak sağlar. Ayrıca BT, akciğerlerin görüntülenmesinde X-ışınlarından sonra en sık ve değerli yöntemdir.

Computed tomography is a radiological method that creates a cross-sectional image of the area of the body being examined with X-rays. Since X-rays are used as a method, it contains radiation. Therefore, its use in pregnant women is avoided. However, today, with new advanced devices and technologies, images are obtained by minimizing the radiation dose as much as possible for patient safety.

What opportunities do 128-slice CT devices offered by developing technology offer?

With the 128-slice CT devices offered by the developing technology, the speed of the examination has increased and the cross-sectional thickness of the images created by the device has become thinner. With a single breath-hold, the entire body area can be scanned with thin sections; sections in different plans, 3-dimensional anatomy and detail can be revealed by computer processing of continuous sections. In addition, with the newly developed I-DOSE technology, high-resolution imaging can be achieved with minimum dose.

In which cases is CT used?

CT is a very sensitive examination for bleeding. In patients with suspected cerebral hemorrhage, it can be clarified whether there is bleeding in a few seconds. For this reason, it is a valuable examination method that is frequently used especially in emergency services in patients with suspected bleeding and in early follow-up after brain surgeries.

With today's advanced multi-detector CT devices, 3D joint images can be created by taking thin sections. In addition, brain, neck, kidney and extremity vessels can be evaluated in detail with the CT Angiography method. With Cardiac Coronary CT Angiography, the heart vessels can be visualized in a short time with the contrast material administered only through the arm vein and a detailed evaluation can be made in terms of stenosis and obstruction. In addition, tomography is the most frequently used and valuable method after X-ray in the visualization of the lungs.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At04 November 2019
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