What is Carob (Harnup)?

What is Carob (Harnup)?

Content Summary

Keçiboynuzu, Akdeniz bölgesinde yetişen baklagil familyasından bir ağacın meyvesidir. Düşük kalorili, yüksek proteinli ve vitamin, potasyum, kalsiyum, demir ve magnezyum gibi mineraller açısından zengindir. Doğal şeker içeriği sayesinde şeker krizlerini önler ve diyabet hastalarının şeker ihtiyacını karşılar. Yüksek lif ve antioksidan içeriğiyle bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir ve metabolizmayı hızlandırır. Meyve olarak tüketilebildiği gibi, toz halinde tatlılarda da kullanılabilir. Pekmez veya ekstresi halinde günlük beslenme rutininize dahil edilebilir. Antioksidan, antibakteriyel ve antiseptik özellikler içerir; akciğerleri temizler, kalp-damar hastalıklarını önler ve kansere karşı koruma sağlar. Kemik sağlığına da faydalıdır. Kilo vermede etkilidir, tokluk hissi verir ve düşük yağ içeriğiyle kilo vermeye yardımcı olur. Kardiyovasküler sağlığı olumlu etkiler, kötü kolesterolü düşürür ve kalp krizi riskini azaltır. Afrodizyak etkisi vardır, cinsel performansı artırır ve sperm sayısını ve kalitesini yükseltir. Kan şekerini dengeler, diyabet hastaları için uygundur ve anemi tedavisinde doğal bir ilaç görevi görür. Metabolizmayı hızlandırır, sindirim sistemini düzenler ve mide-bağırsak sorunlarına iyi gelir. Yaşlılar ve çocuklar için kemik sağlığını destekler ve fiziksel gelişimi destekler. Hafızayı güçlendirir, dikkati artırır ve çeşitli alerjik hastalıklara karşı koruyucu ve tedavi edici özelliğe sahiptir. Ancak aşırı tüketildiğinde mide bulantısı, baş dönmesi ve ishal gibi yan etkilere neden olabilir. Hamilelik ve emzirme döneminde, diyabet hastalarında ve kan sulandırıcı kullananlarda doktor kontrolünde tüketilmelidir. 0-10 yaş arası çocuklarda doktor tavsiyesi olmadan tüketilmemelidir. Fındık ve baklagillere alerjisi olanlar dikkatli tüketmelidir. Pekmez, toz veya ekstre şeklinde tüketilebilir.

What is carob, carob or carob, also known as carob, is a very useful plant with high nutritional values. Carob, especially its molasses and flour, is a plant with very high nutritional values and therefore it is recommended to be consumed frequently. The only effect of carob, whose molasses or extract is usually consumed for breakfast because it gives energy, is not only to give energy. It is also a natural source of healing consumed to increase sexual power or to prevent respiratory infections such as colds, flu, bronchitis, which are frequently encountered in winter months. In addition, carob is a food source that positively affects cardiovascular diseases, stomach and intestinal irregularities, immune system and many body functions. Therefore, it is recommended to be consumed for health.

What is carob, carob is the fruit of a tree-shaped plant from the legume family, usually growing in the Mediterranean region. Carob is low in calories and high in protein. Carob is known to be rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Since it contains natural sugar, carob is perfect for preventing sweet crises and meeting the sugar needs of diabetics. Due to its high fiber and antioxidant content, carob has the effect of strengthening the immune system and accelerating metabolism when consumed. While carob can be consumed as a snack in fruit form, it can also be used in powdered desserts. Carob; It is a food that can also be included in the daily nutrition routine in the form of molasses or extract.

This fruit, which is consumed especially in the winter months in our country, is a powerful alternative against many winter diseases. Carob contains antioxidant, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. When carob is consumed, the most important of its main benefits is that it cleanses the lungs and protects against cardiovascular diseases by reducing the risk of developing cancer. Since carob is rich in calcium, it also benefits bone health.

What are the Benefits of Carob?

  • Carob helps strengthen the immune system as it is a natural source of antioxidants. It increases the body's resistance mechanism and protects the body; especially from respiratory diseases based on the lungs such as bronchitis and asthma. Carob also provides resistance and immunity against infections thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral content. Carob has expectorant power. Carob helps wounds to heal quickly with its anti-bacterial properties.
  • Carob is an effective food for those who want to lose weight with its high fiber structure. It gives a feeling of satiety and helps to lose weight with its low fat content. In addition, since carob is a natural sugar and the sugar content is low, it ensures that the sugar need is met in a healthy way during the slimming process.
  • Another benefit of the fibrous structure of carob is that it has a positive effect on cardiovascular health. It lowers bad cholesterol levels; prevents diseases such as blood pressure, stroke, vascular occlusion. Carob reduces the risk of heart attack. It is beneficial for the nervous system.
  • One of the known benefits of carob fruit is its aphrodisiac effect. Carob also prevents impotence by increasing sexual performance. However, it also supports sexual life by increasing sperm count and quality. However, if carob is consumed more than necessary, it may cause harm rather than benefit due to saturated fatty acids.
  • Since carob contains low sugar content, it prevents and balances the rise in blood sugar. For this reason, it is perfect for diabetics to consume. Consumption of carob extract or molasses acts as a natural remedy in the treatment of anemia.
  • Carob, which accelerates metabolism and regulates the digestive system movements, stomach such as gastritis; It stands out in intestinal disorders such as constipation and diarrhea. It plays an effective role in the treatment of disorders such as intestinal worms and intestinal parasites.
  • The consumption of one teaspoon of carob molasses a day by the elderly and children will support the physical development of children, while the elderly will have a supportive effect on bone health. The high amount of calcium in carob is 3 times more than the amount of calcium contained in milk and helps prevent bone resorption while strengthening bones. Carob also regenerates damaged cells in the body and delays the signs of aging.
  • Carob makes the person feel energetic and fit. It is a complete source of energy as well as being useful.
  • People with celiac disease or sensitivity to gluten can easily consume carob.
  • Since it does not contain tyramine, people with chronic migraine pain can easily use carob.
  • Carob is of great benefit to dental health thanks to its calcium content. It strengthens the teeth and protects the gums. When consumed regularly, it has teeth whitening properties.
  • Carob strengthens memory and increases attention.
  • Carob has preventive and therapeutic properties against various allergic diseases.

What are the Harms of Carob?

As with any food consumption, it is possible to see harm in carob when the amount is overdone. Carob is in the category of low-risk foods. Although it does not have a certain side effect, certain side effects can still be seen as a result of excessive consumption. For example:

  • Carob can cause nausea and dizziness.
  • No matter how beneficial it is to be a fibrous food, carob can have a laxative effect when consumed in excess.
  • Excessive carob use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.
  • Patients with diabetes and people who use blood thinners should consult their doctor before consuming carob and consume carob according to the doctor's recommendation.
  • Since the skin and defense systems of babies are in the development stage, especially children aged 0-10 should not be fed carob without consulting a doctor.
  • People who are allergic to nuts and legumes should carefully consume products obtained from carob kernels, such as carob flour.

How to Consume Carob?

  • It is possible to consume carob, which is generally used in the form of molasses, in different ways. After soaking a teaspoon of carob molasses in warm water for a while, you can mix and drink it.
  • You can also make desserts and pastries such as cakes using carob flour, and since it does not contain gluten, you can easily consume these recipes prepared with carob flour even if you have gluten intolerance.
  • Carob extract can be consumed at meals or between meals. In addition to being more compatible with breakfasts, it can be used at a certain level at any time of the day. Carob can be consumed in all seasons and is a natural protector against diseases, especially on cold winter days.
  • There are 229 calories in 100 grams of carob. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it carefully so that it does not cause weight gain problems. Carob also contains 54.6 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, it has phosphorus, magnesium, zinc minerals and vitamins A, B, D and E.
  • Carob is a good alternative for chocolate consumption; it contains 2 times more calcium than cocoa. Therefore, it can be used in recipes as an alternative to cocoa.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 January 2022
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