What is Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation)?

What is Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation)?

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Blefarit (göz kapağı iltihabı), bulaşıcı olmayan bir göz sağlığı sorunudur ve kronik hale gelebilir. Tedavi edilmezse göz ve göz kapaklarında kalıcı hasara yol açabilir. Semptomlar arasında gözlerde sulanma, yanma, kızarıklık, kuruluk, şişlik, ışığa duyarlılık, kirpik dökülmesi, bulanık görme, sık göz kırpma ve göz kapaklarında aşırı kabuklanma yer alır. Nedenleri tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte, kir ve toza uzun süre maruz kalma, kuru göz, enfeksiyonlar, rozasea, kontakt lens solüsyonlarına veya göz makyajına alerji, göz kapağı yağ bezlerinde tıkanıklık, seborik dermatit, kirpik akarları veya bitleri gibi faktörlerle ilişkilidir. Teşhis, tıbbi geçmişin incelenmesi, detaylı göz muayenesi ve göz kapağından alınan örneklerin incelenmesini içerir. Tedavi, hafif vakalarda evde uygulanabilecek hijyen uygulamaları ve sıcak kompresleri kapsarken, daha şiddetli vakalarda antibiyotik merhemler, göz damlaları, steroid göz damlaları ve anti-inflamatuar ilaçlar kullanılabilir. Rozasea veya seborik dermatit gibi durumlarla ilişkiliyse, öncelikle bu altta yatan hastalıklar tedavi edilir. Blefarit tedavi edilebilir ancak çoğu durumda kronikleşir ve tekrarlayabilir, bu nedenle göz hijyenine dikkat edilmesi önemlidir.

Blepharitis is an eye disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the eyelids due to different causes. Blepharitis, which can develop significantly in the eye, eyelashes and eyelids, is a common health problem. Although the cause is not known exactly, it may be associated with many different diseases or conditions. In early diagnosis and early treatment, the success of recovery is quite high and serious complications that may develop are prevented.

Eyelid inflammation is a non-contagious health problem that can develop as a chronic condition. If left untreated and progresses, it can cause permanent damage to the eyes and eyelids. If symptoms appear, eye hygiene should be observed and monitored. If there is no improvement, an ophthalmologist should be consulted immediately.

What are the Symptoms of Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation)?

Although the symptoms of blepharitis are similar in most cases, they may differ depending on the intensity of the infection and the severity of the symptoms. Blepharitis symptoms can be listed as follows.

  • Watering and burning in the eyes
  • Redness and dryness of the eyes
  • Swollen eyelids or oily eyelids
  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Blurred vision
  • Increased and frequent desire to blink
  • Excessive burring of the eyelids

What Causes Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation)?

The causes of blepharitis are not known exactly. The development of eyelid inflammation can be linked to many different factors. Conditions and conditions that can cause eyelid inflammation are as follows:

  • Prolonged exposure of the eyes to dirt and dust
  • Dry eye
  • Infections
  • Rose disease
  • Allergy to contact lens solutions or eye makeup
  • Blockages in the sebaceous glands of the eyelids
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Eyelash mites or lice

Inflammation and infections of the eyelids, if not treated in time, can lead to serious complications and progression of the infection to different layers of the eye. To avoid such situations, attention should be paid to eye hygiene and treatment should not be delayed.

How is Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation) Diagnosed?

Patients who apply to eye diseases as a result of eyelid inflammation complaints are first informed by the specialist physician about their medical history, the medications they use, when the complaints started and the chronic diseases the person has. Afterwards, the patient undergoes a detailed eye examination. The examination is performed by a specialist doctor using special devices and equipment.

The specialist may apply anesthesia to the patient for a more detailed eye examination. The examinations are performed with specially manufactured magnifying glasses. After the physical examination, the specialist may order some tests to clarify the diagnosis of the disease.

The most common test forthe diagnosis of blepharitis is to take a sample from the fat or crusts that develop on the eyelid and examine it. As a result of the examinations carried out in a laboratory environment, the type and amount of bacteria that cause eyelid inflammation are also determined.

How Does Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation) Go Away?

Blepharitis treatment can be done with different applications depending on the person and the condition of the disease. In mild inflammations, experts recommend hygiene practices and hot compresses that the person can do on his/her own from the home environment. However, in cases where these procedures are not sufficient, some drug treatments can be applied by specialist doctors.

Some antibiotic creams and ointments recommended by specialist doctors are very effective in healing the eyelid. In addition, eye drops containing antibiotics, antifungals or antivirals can be used to clean the inner part of the eyelid and prevent inflammation from progressing to different layers.

In cases of allergy and infection, steroid eye drops and anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve symptoms may also be recommended. If deemed necessary by the specialist, topical cyclosporine medications may also be preferred in some forms of the disease. These medications are very useful in reducing symptoms and complaints.

In inflammation that develops as a result of different diseases such as rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis, a treatment is first planned for these conditions. Afterwards, treatments directed to eyelid inflammation are applied. In some cases, dry eye discomfort is also observed. In this case, patients are advised to apply artificial tears regularly.

An effective treatment can cure this disease. However, in the majority of cases, eyelid inflammation has become chronic and may recur after treatment. In such cases, people should pay close attention to eye hygiene.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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