What is Bichectomy (Cheek Aesthetics)?

What is Bichectomy (Cheek Aesthetics)?

Content Summary

Buçektomi, yanaklardaki fazla yağ dokusunu azaltarak yüz hatlarını belirginleştirmeyi amaçlayan bir estetik işlemdir. 25 yaş üstü sağlıklı bireyler için uygundur, ancak ince yüz hatlarına sahip kişilerde veya yaşlılarda önerilmez. İşlem, lokal anestezi altında ağız içinden yapılan küçük bir kesi ile gerçekleştirilir; fazla yağ dokusu alınır ve dikişler eriyebilen malzemelerle kapatılır. Ameliyattan önce, hasta beklentilerini açıkça belirtmeli, kullandığı ilaçları bildirmeli ve doktorun önerilerini izlemelidir. Ameliyat sonrası iyileşme süreci genellikle hızlıdır, hastanede yatış gerektirmez ve ağız hijyenine özen gösterilmesi önemlidir. Bazı kişilerde şişme veya morarma olabilir; bu, soğuk uygulama ile azaltılabilir. Avantajları arasında hızlı iyileşme, lokal anestezi, belirgin yüz hatları ve kilo alımında bile kalıcı sonuçlar bulunur. Ancak, kanamalar, enfeksiyonlar, alerjik reaksiyonlar ve sinir hasarı gibi riskler de vardır.

Bichectomy, also known as cheek aesthetics, is an aesthetic operation performed by removing cheek fat in order to achieve a more precise appearance of facial contours. The operation, which is performed to give an inverted triangle appearance to the appearance between the cheekbones and chin, aims to capture the golden ratio in facial features. Similar to facelift operations, an aesthetic, attractive and youthful appearance is provided to the individual's face.

In connection with Hollywood cheek, it is known to be expressions that can be used interchangeably. It is also a part of Hollywood cheek aesthetic operations. In Hollywood aesthetics, different structures that form facial contours are also intervened.

Who is Bichectomy Suitable for?

Although it is seen as suitable for all age and gender groups, the lower age limit for operations is reported as 25. Since people under 25 years of age may have changes in cheek shape and facial features, it is not recommended for people under this age. However, the facial features of people over the age of 25 are usually well-established and no significant changes are seen.
In cheek aesthetic operations, it can be applied to people who have excess fat in the cheek area, whose facial features are not clear, whose cheeks look plump and therefore look overweight, and who have thick facial features.
Individuals with cheek types that are not related to facial features and body type are given an aesthetic, prominent and triangular appearance with cheek aesthetic surgery. Facial features become clearer with cheek aesthetics performed with the aim of golden ratio.
It can also be performed on healthy people, people with a healthy body weight, people with round and full cheeks and facial structure, and people who do not use tobacco.
There may be people and situations where these operations are not suitable. These operations are not recommended in different situations. These situations include individuals with spontaneously thin facial features. In these individuals, thinning in the cheek area with cheek aesthetic surgery can lead to aging and collapse of the cheek.
These operations may not be suitable for elderly individuals. Because, since there will be a decrease in cheek fat tissue with aging in these people, there may be situations such as jowl in the future.

How is Bichectomy Performed?

In cheek aesthetic operations that aim to emphasize the cheekbones and chin by thinning the cheeks, an inverted triangle appearance is provided to the person. There is an examination process before the operations performed to achieve an aesthetic appearance of the individual's facial features. In addition, the person should ask the physician all the questions he/she wants to ask and get the answer.
During the physical examination, the doctor examines the cheek by asking the individual to open and close his/her mouth. What kind of appearance should be provided is expressed by the person and the person should give information about the medications he/she is currently taking. Blood thinners, if any, should be stopped under the doctor's control.
The hunger status of the individual before the operation is important. Blood tests are performed on the person who is recommended to be hungry and the operation is performed if appropriate. In operations, local anesthesia is applied and the area to be intervened is numbed.
By giving local anesthesia, an incision of approximately 1 cm is made on the inner part of the cheek. By reaching the fat tissue inside the cheek, the determined part is removed from the cheek tissue. Then the same procedure is applied to the other cheek. At this point, it is very important that both cheeks have the same appearance.
A part of the fat tissue or different fillers can be added to the cheekbones to provide a hard and sharp appearance. Buccal adipose tissue can be accessed from the mouth or face.
Removal from the face is usually done during the face lift procedure. After the surgical operation, the incision areas are sutured and closed with dissolvable and self-melting materials.

What Should Be Considered Before Bichectomy?

There are some issues to be considered before bichectomy surgery. The person should clearly explain and express his/her expectations and targeted conditions to the doctors before the operation. He/she should also explain whether he/she has any discomfort and chronic conditions, as well as the medications and supplements he/she uses.
The doctor should also be informed about allergic reactions and previous operations, history of illness, alcohol or tobacco use. Providing all the information in detail allows the doctors to have an idea of the possible risks and how the healing process will proceed.
The person may also be asked to stop taking medication before the operation and tests. However, the person should not make this decision on his/her own, but only when the doctor deems it necessary.

What Should Be Considered After Bichectomy?

After bichectomy surgery, hospitalization is usually not required. After a short rest, the patient can be discharged and return to his/her daily life. The doctor may recommend antibiotics to prevent inflammation of the intraoral incision due to surgery.
Attention should be paid to oral hygiene and oral hygiene in order to speed up the healing process. Proper cleaning of the teeth, brushing and mouthwash will prevent infection and accelerate the healing process.
After the operation performed on the buccal adipose tissue, different applications deemed necessary by the doctors can benefit the healing process. Some of these applications are as follows:

  • Pressurized bandage application is applied for the post op process and this application is continued for at least 2 hours.
  • For 3 days after the operation, cold application should be applied for 10-15 minutes every 4-5 hours during the day.
  • Oral exercises and different physical activities should be avoided for the first 1 week post op

In addition, soft and liquid foods should be preferred during the period recommended by the doctor, and foods consumed by chewing should be avoided.
Although the incision area heals within 1 week after the cheek aesthetic operation, the healing of the face and cheek areas may take 2 to 3 weeks. There is no wound in these operations. In addition, cold applications may be recommended as edema and swelling may occur in this 2-3 week period.
The person should avoid alcohol and smoking during the recovery period and should not use blood thinners. Paying attention to the issues recommended by the doctors in the postoperative period accelerates recovery.

What are the Advantages and Benefits of Bichectomy?

The aesthetic operation performed with the surgical method provides many advantages in terms of appearance. With this intervention, it provides advantages to people who are not overweight and look overweight due to the excess fat tissues in the cheek.
Bichectomy benefits can be listed as follows:

  • Since it is a short procedure, the person is discharged on the same day
  • Since local anesthesia is applied instead of general anesthesia, there are no problems such as nausea
  • Individuals with chubby and plump facial features do not have the problem of looking overweight even though they are thin, and their facial features have a sharp appearance.
  • Since there are no applications such as filling or prosthesis, an effective and smooth image is gained
  • Fat tissues removed from the inside of the cheek will not cause the facial contours to return to their former state in case of weight gain afterwards.
  • The healing process after cheek aesthetics progresses much faster and painlessly compared to other operations.
  • Since an incision is made inside the cheek, it does not cause any aesthetic problems.

What are the harms and disadvantages of bichectomy?

Cheek aesthetic surgeries are procedures and operations that are generally considered safe. As with any operation, there may be a possibility of bleeding or infection. For this reason, although it is rarely seen, there may be a difference in the appearance of the cheeks due to the change in fat ratios. Since such situations are perceived as bad in terms of appearance, they can be included in the disadvantages and harms section.
If the disadvantages and disadvantages of bichectomy are listed in items, they can be listed as follows:

  • Intense bleeding
  • Infection and inflammation
  • The body reacts to anesthesia
  • Risk of hematoma
  • Restriction in opening the mouth
  • Water accumulation under the skin
  • Damage to the salivary gland
  • Facial nerve problems

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 December 2022
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