What is Avocado, How to Eat It? What are the Benefits of Avocado?

What is Avocado, How to Eat It? What are the Benefits of Avocado?

Content Summary

Avokadolar, yüksek oranda tekli doymamış yağlar içeren, kremsi bir yapıya sahip Meksika ve Orta Amerika kökenli bir meyvedir. Besin açısından zengin olup, A, C, E, K, B vitaminleri, demir, bakır, çinko, fosfor, potasyum ve manganez gibi mineraller içerir. Lif bakımından zengin olması sindirim sistemine faydalı olup, tok tutar. Bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirir, kan şekerini dengeler, vitamin ve mineral emilimini kolaylaştırır, kolesterol seviyesini düzenler, göz sağlığını korur, depresyonu azaltır ve kemik sağlığını destekler. Ayrıca kronik hastalıklara karşı koruyucu etkisi vardır ve yaşlanmayı geciktirir. Sporcular, diyet yapanlar, yaşlılar, çocuklar ve hamileler için uygundur. Ancak, yüksek kalorili olduğu için aşırı tüketilmemelidir. Hamileler, emziren anneler, latekse alerjisi olanlar, hassas cildi olanlar, solunum yolu hastalığı olanlar, kan sulandırıcı kullananlar, kolesterol ve karaciğer sorunu olanlar avokado tüketirken dikkatli olmalı veya doktorlarına danışmalıdır. Alerjik reaksiyonlara neden olabildiği ve bazı ilaçlarla etkileşime girebileceği unutulmamalıdır. Günlük tüketim için yarım veya üçte bir avokado yeterlidir.

Avocado has become very popular in recent years and has become a frequently consumed fruit in our country. This fruit, which is very beneficial for health, allows the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and minerals and is highly beneficial to the body if consumed with other nutrients. Avocado plays a major role in balancing blood triglyceride levels. Thanks to the many antioxidants it contains, it helps prevent diseases and has a positive effect on immunity. Avocado, which contains potassium and vitamins B, E, K, C, is rich in vitamins and must be consumed for skin, hair and eye health.

What is Avocado?

Avocado is the fruit of the avocado tree with an oily structure. This fruit, which grows around Mexico and Central America, is a very rich fruit because it contains unsaturated fats. This fruit, which has a high fat content compared to other fruits, has a creamy texture and can be easily consumed. More than 70% of an average avocado is made up of good fats. Avocado is one of the fruits that contain fat-soluble antioxidants. Avocado oil can be preferred in meals instead of trans fats. It is a suitable food for vegans and vegetarians to consume.

How to Eat Avocado? How to Consume?

Avocado is a fruit that can be consumed with many foods and does not have an intense taste. Avocado can be consumed by slicing it, adding lemon, salt and different spices, spreading it on bread or putting it directly into salads. It can also be consumed in smoothies, mixed with chocolate and cocoa and consumed as a dessert like pudding. No matter how useful avocado is, the amount of calories will increase when consumed in excess due to the healthy fats it contains. Therefore, dieters or those trying to maintain a calorie-weight balance should avoid consuming too much avocado. According to the advice of experts, it will be sufficient to consume half an avocado or 1/3 of an avocado per day. After the fruit is cut lengthwise in the middle, it is divided into two equal parts. The large core in the middle is removed. It can then be cut into thin slices in the shape of a moon and mashed in a bowl. It can be enriched with spices such as salt, red pepper flakes, black pepper and garlic powder. If desired, it can be squeezed with lemon, mixed with yogurt or consumed as a salad by adding tomatoes, onions and parsley. No additional oil is required.

What are the Benefits of Avocado?

The benefits of avocado, avocado has many benefits and has the ability to protect against many diseases. The benefits of avocado can be listed as follows:
- Avocado; With vitamins C, E, K, B6, B1, B3, B9, B2, B5
- Iron,
- Copper,
- Zinc
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- It also contains minerals such as manganese. It also contains fatty acids that the body needs such as omega-3.

- Avocado is a very good source of fiber. In this way, when consumed, it is beneficial to the digestive system while also keeping it full. The caloric value of an average avocado is about 260 and the amount of fiber contained in a half avocado is about 6-7 grams. It is a food that will be useful for constipation problem.

- Thanks to the fatty acids it contains, it strengthens the immune system when consumed. It balances sugar levels in the blood. It also facilitates the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

- Avocado ensures the stability of the cholesterol level and this is a condition that directly affects the heart.

- Thanks to the powerful antioxidant carotenes it contains, it ensures the protection of eye health. It creates a defense against protecting the eye from ultraviolet rays.

- Thanks to the high potassium mineral it contains, it reduces depression.

- Consuming half an avocado a day helps to obtain 22% of the vitamin K requirement. Avocado containing vitamin K, which is very important for bone health, will be very beneficial for bone health if consumed. Avocado is a fruit with a high nutritional value.

- It is also a defensive food against chronic diseases in terms of the fiber it contains. Heart diseases, high blood pressure, intestinal and stomach diseases are less common in someone who consumes avocados frequently.

- When avocados are consumed thanks to the beta-carotenoids it contains, cartilage injuries are less common. It prevents the formation of osteoporosis, ie bone resorption. Avocado is especially recommended for those with osteoporosis.

- By preventing toxic substances in the body, it develops a defense mechanism against aging. Therefore, it prevents aging and prevents the formation of possible diseases.

- The healthy fats, protein and minerals it contains are perfect for consumption by the elderly, children and pregnant women.

- It is also recommended to be consumed by athletes and dieters because it speeds up the metabolism, gives saturation and contains the nutrients the body needs.

- The linoleic acid contained in avocado is beneficial for dry skin, hair breakage, hair loss and hair wear, and healing of wounds.

- The fatty acids in avocado have a positive effect on the proper functioning of brain functions and memory.

- Thanks to the high iron content in avocado, it can be consumed instead of meat for vegans and vegetarians and the iron content that can be taken from meat can be met with avocado.

- Compared to other fruits, avocado has a glycemic index level of zero with very little sugar in its content . Thus, it keeps blood sugar under control.

- Avocado has a probiotic effect.

What are the Harm of Avocado?

Although avocado has many benefits, it can also have some harms. The emergence of the harm of avocado may vary from person to person. Excessive consumption of avocado may be inconvenient, it may have undesirable consequences due to the presence of some diseases in the person or if consumed with some medications. The following factors should be considered before consuming avocados:

- People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consume avocado in consultation with their physician. - In case of excessive consumption of avocado, the body may show allergic reactions such as itching and redness. - It is a food that people allergic to latex should avoid. - People with sensitive skin type should be careful when using it. - People with upper respiratory diseases such as flu and asthma should be careful when consuming avocados. - If the person is using blood thinners, he/she should consult a physician before consuming avocados. - People with cholesterol and liver disease should use it under the supervision of a physician.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At10 April 2022
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