What is Astigmatism? What are the Symptoms of Astigmatism?

What is Astigmatism? What are the Symptoms of Astigmatism?

Content Summary

Astigmatizm, kornea veya merceğin eğriliğindeki bir kusurdan kaynaklanan bulanık görme sorunudur. Bu kusur, ışınların retinaya düzgün odaklanmasını engeller ve bulanık görmeye neden olur. Belirtiler arasında bulanık görme, gece görüş zorluğu, göz yorgunluğu, baş ağrısı ve gözlerde yanma hissi yer alır. Çoğu zaman genetiktir ancak göz yaralanmaları veya hastalıklarından sonra da gelişebilir. Miyop ve hipermetrop kişilerde de görülebilir. Teşhis, göz muayenesi ile konulur ve tedavi yöntemleri arasında gözlük, kontakt lens ve lazer ameliyatı yer alır. Gözlük ve kontakt lensler, gözdeki kırılma bozukluğunu telafi eden lensler kullanırken, lazer ameliyatı korneanın yeniden şekillendirilmesini içerir. Çocuklarda astigmatizmin tespiti için düzenli göz muayeneleri önemlidir.

Astigmatism, which is a common disorder in eye health, is a visual defect that causes the individual to see blurred and lose clarity in vision, regardless of distance or near. Astigmatism, which can occur due to genetic and congenital causes, is a disorder that may also occur due to external factors in later ages. However, astigmatism, which is one of the refractive errors such as myopia and hyperopia, is a treatable eye problem. It is recommended that anyone experiencing loss of clarity in vision should consult a physician and undergo an examination to prevent the progression of the condition.

What is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is the problem of blurred vision, inability to see clearly. Symptoms of astigmatism can be squinting and headaches.

However, astigmatism is also likely to occur after an eye surgery or eye injury. When light enters the eye due to a defect in the curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye, this defect in the cornea cannot be focused correctly on the retina and then an unclear image occurs. Astigmatism can also be seen in myopic and hyperopic people. It is usually a simple light refraction defect and can be corrected with glasses, lenses or laser surgery.

What Causes Astigmatism?

The rays that come into contact with the eye are first refracted in the cornea, which forms the front layer of the eye, and then come to the lens in the inner part of the eye and make a second refraction. As a result of these refractions, the rays fall on the cells that provide vision on the eye and the vision process takes place.

Astigmatism is one of a group of vision problems called refractive errors. Refractive errors occur when there is a defect in the surface of the cornea or lens of the eye or an abnormality in its curvature. Other refractive errors include myopia, hyperopia and presbyopia, which occurs with aging.

Most commonly, the cornea, the outermost layer of the eye, is not shaped like an orange, but is elliptical in the shape of an egg, so that the rays that are not refracted properly cannot fully fall on the cells that provide the visual function and blurring of vision occurs. This defect is called astigmatism.

Astigmatism can occur due to genetic or congenital causes. However, it can also occur as a result of diseases, infections and traumas that can cause changes in the corneal layer. People with astigmatism may see the point they are looking at with distorted shapes and elongated edges. Astigmatism remains almost the same over time, with no significant increase or decrease.

What are the Symptoms of Astigmatism?

Although the symptoms of astigmatism show different effects on everyone, generally, people with astigmatism may have blurred or dark near or far vision. Some people with astigmatism may not have symptoms. Images are never clear.

The most common symptoms in people with astigmatism are

  • Blurred vision
  • Visual impairment
  • Difficulty seeing when driving at night
  • Eye fatigue after prolonged reading or focusing on something
  • Do not squint
  • Eye irritation
  • Headache
  • Shaded vision

Some symptoms may be caused by other health or vision problems. It is therefore advisable to be examined by an ophthalmologist.

If you suspect astigmatism symptoms in children, your child may not be aware of the condition or may not express it, so it may not be detected. This is why routine eye examinations in children are so important.

  • In the first 6 months after birth
  • 2.5-3 years old
  • Before starting school
  • It is important that the child is examined every one or two years during the school period.

What is Hypermetropia Astigmatism?

Hypermetropic astigmatism is the inability to see clearly near, but can see clearly far away. People with hyperopia tend to squint because they cannot see clearly near. Generally, the symptoms manifest themselves as squinting and burning in the eyes.

How is Astigmatism Diagnosed?

Astigmatism is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist after examination. When diagnosing astigmatism, the ophthalmologist performs an examination after certain symptoms and diagnoses astigmatism. While a 0.50 degree problem does not pose much of a problem, problems between 0.50 and 2 degrees are treated with glasses and contact lenses.

How is Astigmatism Treatment Performed?

There are many different methods used in the treatment of astigmatism. Some of these are

  • Use of glasses: The lens in the glasses used serves to compensate for the refractive disorder in the eye. Lenses prepared depending on the degree of curvature disorder in the cornea or lens ensure that the rays reach the retina properly.
  • Contact lens use: Contact lenses, similar to glasses, are used to correct irregular refraction through the lens. They provide a sharp and clear vision. However, in long-term lens use, the risk of infection is high in cases where eye and lens care is not done well and cleaning is not provided adequately. Patients using lenses should pay attention to hygiene in order to prevent infection problems.
  • Surgical operation application: For those who do not prefer glasses and lenses, the cornea is reshaped with laser eye surgery, another treatment method. Thus, your eyes can focus light rays better. The biggest advantage of surgery as a treatment method is that the solution is permanent. By reshaping the cornea with the help of laser, it is aimed to eliminate the refractive disorder. The method, also known as astigmatism correction treatment, poses a certain risk like every surgical procedure, but it can also be advantageous in terms of providing a permanent improvement.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At13 October 2021
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