What is Acute Abdominal Pain?

What is Acute Abdominal Pain?

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Ani birdenbire başlayan ve şiddetlenen akut karın ağrısı, karın organlarında veya karın duvarında kaynaklanabilir ve iltihabi bir durum, organ delinmesi, damar tıkanıklığı veya organ sıkışması nedeniyle oluşabilir. Ağrı, apandisit, kolesistit, safra kesesi ve böbrek taşları, bağırsak tıkanıklığı, pankreatit, safra yolları iltihabı, peritonit, ektopik gebelik, bağırsak divertikülü, fıtıklar, ülserler, kanserler, vasküler hastalıklar, üreme ve idrar sistemi sorunları, Akdeniz ateşi veya anemi gibi çeşitli nedenlerden kaynaklanabilir. Ağrı keskin veya delici olabilir, delinme veya vasküler tıkanıklık durumunda çok şiddetlidir ve karın duvarında sertleşmeye neden olabilir. Bazen yemekten sonra veya uyku sırasında başlar ve bir bölgeye yerleşebilir. Bulantı ve kusma eşlik edebilir; delinme durumunda ateş de görülebilir. Diyabet hastalarında azalmış his nedeniyle asemptomatik olabilir. Tanı için ayrıntılı bir hasta öyküsü, kan ve idrar testleri, ultrason, BT, gebelik testi ve tanısal laparoskopi gibi radyolojik incelemeler kullanılır. Tedavi, nedeni hedef alır ve çoğu durumda ameliyat (laparoskopik veya açık apendektomi, kolesistektomi, ülser perforasyon onarımı, fıtık onarımı, ektopik gebelik sonlandırılması, damar açılması veya baypas) gerektirir. Bazı iltihabi durumlarda hastanede yatış ve ilaç tedavisi uygulanabilir. Akut karın ağrısı diğer hastalıklarla karıştırılabilir (kalp ve akciğer hastalıkları gibi), bu nedenle gecikmeden tıbbi yardım alınması hayati önem taşır, çünkü ciddi sonuçlara veya ölüme yol açabilir.

Sudden acute abdominal pain first manifests itself as severe and gradually increasing in intensity. This condition can be thought to originate from the organs and abdominal wall. Acute abdominal pain can indicate serious problems, so it is important not to underestimate acute abdominal pain and to consult a specialist doctor as soon as possible. Causes of acute abdominal pain can be due to many reasons. The causes of acute abdominal pain can be revealed with clinical examination and imaging. When the factor causing acute abdominal pain is detected, it should be treated quickly.

Abdominal pain that occurs suddenly and intensely and increases in intensity. It can originate in the organs inside the abdomen or in the abdominal wall. It may be caused by an inflammatory condition, organ perforation or blockage of blood vessels or compression of an organ. Sometimes it is a reflection of extra-abdominal diseases (for example, a heart attack is mistaken for stomach pain).

What Causes Acute Abdominal Pain?

  • Inflammation of the Appendix Acute Appendicitis
  • Gallbladder Inflammation: Acute Cholecystitis
  • Gallbladder and Kidney Stones
  • Intestinal Obstruction / Knotting: Small intestine / large intestine
  • Pancreatic Inflammation Acute Pancreatitis
  • Bile Ducts Inflammation, stones and other conditions
  • Peritoneal Inflammation Peritonitis
  • Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Intestinal Diverticula Mechel, colon etc.
  • Abdominal Hernias Strangulation vs
  • Ulcers Stomach, duodenum and duodenum.
  • Cancers
  • Vascular Diseases: Aneurysm, Blockage
  • Reproductive System (ovarian torsion, PID) and Urinary system (such as pyolonephritis, stones, insufficiency)
  • Familial Mediterranean fever: FMF
  • Anemia Anemia

What are the Symptoms of Acute Abdominal Pain?

The characteristic of pain is that it starts suddenly. It can be a sharp or piercing pain. If it is caused by a puncture or vascular occlusion, it is very severe. There is even hardening of the abdominal wall, which we call wooden abdomen. Some pain may occur after a meal or wake you up from sleep.

Sometimes it starts gradually and eventually localizes to one area (like McBurney / Murphy) Nausea and vomiting may occur.

If there is a puncture, the severity increases and fever may occur.

However, in diabetics, it may sometimes be asymptomatic due to decreased sensation. This is very dangerous.

Is Acute Abdominal Pain Confused with Other Diseases?

There may be reflections of other organs. The pain of heart and lung diseases can be confused. In such cases, vital organ diseases should be differentiated first.

How is Acute Abdominal Pain Diagnosed?

First of all, the patient should be questioned well and specific questions should be asked. After the information is analyzed well, tests for preliminary diagnosis should be requested.

  • Blood and urine tests
  • Radiological Examinations: Ultrasound, Computed Tomography
  • Urine Tests
  • Pregnancy test
  • Diagnostic Laparoscopy
  • Differential diagnosis Heart and lung examinations

How to Treat Acute Abdominal Pain?

Treatment should be directed towards the cause. The majority of acute abdominal pain can be treated with surgery after diagnosis.

  • Laparoscopic or open appendectomy, cholecystectomy, ulcer perforation repair
  • Removal of strangulation and repair of hernias.
  • Termination of ectopic pregnancy. Intervention for ovarian torsion.
  • Opening or bypass for vessels
  • Hospitalization and medication in some inflammatory conditions

Is it necessary to see a doctor for acute abdominal pain?

In simple abdominal pain, relief is seen after a certain period of time, but in acute abdominal pain, it becomes more severe after a moment of false relief. The patient does not know what to do. For example, in an attack of kidney stones, it becomes so severe that the patient wants to climb the wall. Or in the case of a perforation of an organ, the pain is like a stabbing pain. Restlessness, not knowing what to do, and simple medications do not work. In this case, you should definitely go to the nearest health institution without hesitation. It should never be neglected because it can lead to very serious conditions, even death.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At23 February 2022
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