What is Acupuncture? In Which Diseases Is It Applied?

What is Acupuncture? In Which Diseases Is It Applied?

Content Summary

Akupunktur, baş ağrısı, sırt ağrısı, kas ağrısı, diz ağrısı, adet krampları, sindirim sistemi hastalıkları, psikiyatrik problemler, solunum yolu hastalıkları, alerjiler, gebelik bozuklukları, bağışıklık sistemi problemleri, irritabl bağırsak sendromu ve kilo verme gibi çok çeşitli rahatsızlıkların tedavisinde kullanılan, Çin tıbbından günümüze gelen bir uygulamadır. Tedavi, hastalığa bağlı olarak vücudun belirli bölgelerine steril, tek kullanımlık ve çok ince iğneler yerleştirilerek yapılır. İşlem sırasında hafif bir ağrı hissedilebilir ancak diğer durumlarda ağrı olmaz; ısı hissi olabilir. İğneler genellikle 20-30 dakika süreyle bırakılır. Ek olarak, iğneler ısıtılabilir veya stimüle edilebilir veya akupresür (parmakla masaj) veya lazer akupunktur uygulanabilir. Akupunkturun tam olarak nasıl çalıştığı bilinmese de, ağrı kesici maddelerin salınımını artırdığı ve ruh halini iyileştirdiği düşünülmektedir. Yan etkiler hafif ağrı ve kanama ile sınırlıdır ancak eğitimsiz kişiler tarafından yapılırsa ciddi komplikasyonlar oluşabilir. Kilo vermede akupunktur, metabolizmayı hızlandırarak, iştahı azaltarak ve stresi azaltarak yardımcı olabilir ancak sağlıklı beslenme ve egzersizle birlikte uygulanmalıdır. Kulak bölgesindeki noktalar kilo verme için özellikle etkilidir.

Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice in which very fine steel needles are inserted into the skin to stimulate specific points on the body. This practice, which comes from traditional Chinese medicine, is done to alleviate a health condition or symptom, such as pain. It has been used for many years to treat many health problems, including stress management. Today, it is preferred as an adjunct to medical treatment. Acupuncture should only be performed by specialists trained in the field and after the approval of a specialist doctor.

Which Patients Is Acupuncture Used to Treat?

This application, which has come from Chinese medicine to the present day, is used in the treatment of many diseases. The main diseases and ailments in which it is especially applied are as follows:

  • Headache and migraine
  • Back pain, neck pain and muscle pain
  • Knee pain
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Digestive system diseases
  • Psychiatric problems
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Allergies
  • Pregnancy disorders
  • Immune system problems
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Slimming

How is Acupuncture Treatment Performed?

Acupuncture treatment is performed by inserting needles into certain parts of the body depending on the disease. It is performed using sterile, disposable and very thin needles. During the application process, a very slight pain may be felt at the first entrance of the needles. Other than this, the patient does not experience any pain. A slight sensation of warmth may occur at the treated points. Depending on the disease, the duration of the needles may vary, but it is usually kept for 20-30 minutes.

Stimulation techniques can be used to achieve certain effects. The needles are additionally heated, stimulated with a subliminal stimulation current or moved up and down.

There are also many different treatment procedures. One of these is acupressure. It is applied by massaging certain areas with the fingers. By distributing the energy density in the area, the tissues and organs that are thought to be involved are relaxed.

A different method is laser application. It is a mild and painless method applied especially to children who are generally afraid of needles and uncomfortable with needles. In this method called laser needle, stimulation is provided by applying laser light pulses to the person.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Although it is not fully understood what effect the application provides, research on this subject shows that it increases the positive mood in the brain and the release of substances that are effective against pain. These substances are serotonin and endorphins, known as happiness hormones. Some research shows that it provides a solution against pain caused by back and joint disorders. It is also thought to be effective through the role and mediation of some mechanisms of action.

What are the Side Effects of Acupuncture?

It is performed by specialist doctors trained in the field of application. In cases where it is performed by trained specialists, the possibility of encountering negativities is very low. In most cases, side effects such as very mild pain and bleeding at the time of the first introduction of the needle, and palpitations at a low level can be seen.

A rare condition is pain that may develop as a result of injury to the nerves in the skin. However, serious complications can be seen as a result of the application of acupuncture by people who are untrained in this field in environments where home hygiene conditions are not provided.

Weight Loss with Acupuncture

People who want to lose weight can also undergo needle therapy to activate the mechanisms associated with this condition. This method, which can affect the flow of energy in the body, is thought to help with weight loss.

The aim of the procedure is to speed up the metabolism, reduce appetite, suppress the hunger center in the brain and reduce stress.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that weight gain is caused by some imbalances in the body. These imbalances are caused by dysfunction of the liver, spleen, kidney, thyroid gland or hormonal dysfunction. For this reason, these areas are treated to lose weight. However, it is not possible to lose weight with this application alone without gaining regular eating habits, diet and sports.

The most important points for slimming and weight loss are located in the ear area. In the ear, there are points that can stimulate all organs in the human body. In addition, since the distance between the brain and the ear is small, the application is more effective. The effects of the needle procedure applied to the areas in the ear are; it makes the feeling of satiety feel faster, suppresses the feeling of hunger, the desire to eat too much disappears, metabolism and fat burning accelerate, and toxins are also excreted in the body.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At20 February 2023
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