What is a Colicky Baby?

What is a Colicky Baby?

Content Summary

Bebek kolikası, yaşamın ilk aylarında bebeklerde görülen, haftada en az 3 gün, 3-4 saat süren şiddetli ağlama ve nöbetlerle teşhis edilen bir durumdur. Bebeğin yüzünde acı dolu bir ifade, yumruklarını sıkarak ayaklarını karnına doğru çekmesi, ciltte kızarıklık ve ağız çevresinde solgunluk gibi belirtiler görülür. Ağlama nöbetleri normal ağlamadan daha yoğun olup, beslenme ve uyku düzenini etkiler. Kolik, genellikle 3. aydan sonra son bulur. Rahatlatma yöntemleri arasında ritmik şekilde sallama, göğse yaslama ve sırtını hafifçe taptap vurma, dışarı çıkarma, sakinleştirici bir ses tonuyla konuşma veya şarkı söyleme, ılık su banyosu ve emzirme yer alır. Ritmik sesler (beyaz gürültü, deniz dalgası sesi vb.) de rahatlama sağlayabilir. Kolik nedenleri tam olarak bilinmese de, gaz sancıları, beslenme düzensizlikleri, gıda intoleransı, sindirim sistemi sorunları, reflü, bağırsak florası dengesizliği, annedeki stres, doğum deneyimi, çevresel uyaranlara maruz kalma ve sigara kullanımı gibi faktörlerle ilişkilendirilmektedir. Teşhis için genellikle detaylı tetkikler gerekmez ancak doktor, altta yatan diğer sorunları ekarte etmek için muayene yapabilir. Tedavi genellikle semptomatik olup, bebek ve ebeveynleri rahatlatmaya odaklanır. Kolik, sağlık açısından ciddi bir tehdit oluşturmaz ancak ebeveynlerde önemli ölçüde stres ve psikolojik sorunlara yol açabilir. Sigara kullanımı kolik riskini artırdığı için, gebelik ve emzirme döneminde sigarayı bırakmak önemlidir.

Colic is a condition that can be experienced in babies in the first weeks or weeks after birth as contractions, pains and crying spells, and also causes parents to worry. This condition, which is not seen as a sign of any disease or illness, can be seen in approximately 20 percent of babies. Compared to normal baby crying, crying in this condition is very different. Even if the baby is tried to be calmed, it does not calm down and usually occurs in the evening.

This problem in babies in the first months of life is diagnosed when it is seen as severe crying and seizures lasting about 3 to 4 hours, at least 3 days a week. Rarely it can last all day, but usually it can happen every day. During this time, the family can become very frustrated and may resort to many ways to calm the baby. This situation usually ends in babies who have completed their 3rd month.

What are the Symptoms of Colic Baby?

During the seizures, there is a painful expression on the baby's face. These babies usually start to clench their fists by pulling their feet towards the abdomen during crying bouts.
In cases of prolonged crying, redness appears on the baby's skin and a pale appearance around the mouth. In such cases, parents panic and try to prevent this situation.
However, babies do not calm down much during seizures. There are some signs and symptoms of this condition, which affects feeding and sleep patterns in babies.
Colic baby symptoms are as follows:

  • Babies strain their backs too much during crying spells
  • Their faces turn red and you can tell they are in pain
  • Their abdomen swells, which disappears after pooping or passing gas
  • A baby who wants a breast may suddenly stop breastfeeding and start crying
  • It is much more intense than normal crying
  • Crying spells usually last at least 3 hours

How to calm a colicky baby?

This condition, which develops due to gas pains, causes the baby to cry for a long time. There are some methods that help the baby to calm down. While these methods help some babies to calm down, they may increase the intensity of crying in some babies.
Since the intensity of these cries is higher than normal, the methods to be used to comfort babies should not be tried one after the other.
The methods that will answer questions such ashow to calm a colicky baby and the applications that are beneficial in calming babies are as follows:

  • Rocking babies slowly and in the same rhythm in the lap, bed or stroller
  • When the baby is on the lap, leaning on the mother's or father's chest and lightly tapping the baby's back or buttocks with the fingertips.
  • Taking the baby outside in the car during prolonged crying spells
  • Mom or dad's voice can help babies to calm down, singing or talking to babies in a calm tone of voice can relax babies
  • As it is also done in crying babies, lying the baby on the lap or on the back and patting and patting the baby's back can provide relief in babies.
  • Breastfed babies can calm down during crying spells
  • In some cases, babies who are bathed with warm water may calm down

What is Colic Baby Music?

Most babies with this condition like rhythmic sounds. These sounds are devices such as vacuum cleaners, hair dryers and shavers that produce the same tone for a long time.
In addition to these, rhythmic sounds such as wind, waves, dripping water, humming, rain and heartbeats are also effective in relaxation.
In addition to these music called white noise, sounds such as lullabies and melodies used to make the baby feel peaceful can also be effective in calming down.

Why Does a Baby Have Colic?

Despite many researches and studies around the world, no definitive conclusion has been reached about why a baby has colic or the causes of colic . Gas pains, crying crises and seizures in babies can be seen due to many reasons.
Due to the fact that the progression and severity of this condition in infants is seen differently for each baby, the length of their duration, the results observed in some medical treatments are not the same, it cannot determine how the approach will be.
Another problem that is often examined is that breastfeeding mothers may stop breastfeeding as a result of stress-related problems such as depression, anger, anger and burnout.
According to some research, conditions related to the digestive system and different causes can cause these situations.

The reasons seen depending on the digestive system are as follows:

Irregular Nutrition
Although there are centers that accept breast milk as a protective substance, it has not been determined that breast milk has an effect on reducing the severity of this condition in infants. In addition, in babies fed with bottles, gas pains after feeding and malnutrition are among the causes.

Food Intolerance and Allergenic Foods
Allergies or intolerance to cow's milk or lactose can cause similar symptoms. However, the solution for these conditions is simple. In babies with colic, complaints continue even if these foods are not consumed.
Consumption of allergenic foods by breastfeeding mothers may also be linked to colic in the baby. In particular, foods such as excessive caffeine consumption, spicy foods, nuts and chocolate may be among these.

Digestive System Order
Some babies have higher levels of enzymes and hormones that control and regulate the stomach and intestines. Depending on this situation, feeding is also done more than normal, forcing the baby to eat, and babies who are tried to breastfeed during crying spells may have increased complaints as gas formation and compression negatively affect bowel movements.

Reflux, which can occur in babies in the early years of life, can cause some babies to be more uncomfortable and cry more than normal. One of the symptoms is that the baby's back becomes very tense and the head throws back. There is no connection between reflux and the timing or duration of crying.

In the early stages of infancy, colic attacks may occur due to insufficient beneficial bacteria in the intestines and lack of balance.
In addition to all these, while there may be different reasons, these can be listed as follows:

Stress and family problems during pregnancy and negative experiences during childbirth are also linked to the development of colic. Other causes include anxiety and worry problems in the mother during pregnancy and lack of support during the care of the baby.

Exposure to Stimuli
One of the most commonly accepted explanations is that the complex and noisy postnatal environment, which is different from the environment in the womb, causes the baby to develop sensitivity to these situations. Exposed to sounds, lights and sights all day long, the baby usually becomes tense and aroused in the evening. In such cases, crying crises may occur.

Exposure to cigarettes
Although the cause is not fully known, colic may occur in babies exposed to cigarettes. The more family members who smoke at home, the more colic is seen.

How is Colic Diagnosed in Babies?

In cases where babies cry too much, parents can consult a doctor. In terms of diagnosing and diagnosing this condition, an examination or test situation is not planned first.
In order todiagnose colic in infants , the doctor may resort to some imaging methods or examinations if the physician deems it necessary and suspicious as a result of the questions asked to the parents about the complaints and findings experienced by the baby and the examination performed.
The baby's height, weight and head circumference are measured and the heart and lungs are listened to and evaluated. The doctor may also look at the reflexes in the arms, legs, hands and feet.
In addition, rashes, infections, allergies or other problems are also examined to determine the condition. As a result of the examinations and tests, a diagnosis is made by determining the situation.

How is Colic Baby Treated?

It is usually not seen as a health problem and is not a disease or symptom. However, in some cases, colicky baby treatment can be considered. Some treatment methods are planned to identify problems such as urinary tract infections, middle ear infections, thrush, inguinal hernia and umbilical hernia and to eliminate these conditions.
If the doctor thinks that the baby has colic, he/she may give some herbal or behavioral advice to reduce crying spells and pains. In the early stages of treatment, the mother and father are calmed and informed about the process.
Although medical treatments are not common in these cases, they are not preferred as they may cause sleepiness, convulsions or diarrhea in the baby. If the complaints persist for a long time, it is important to see a doctor and evaluate the situation.
In addition to these, in cases such as vomiting, fever, the baby constantly sleeping and waking up with difficulty, breathing too fast, not sucking enough, pooping too often, differentiating the color of the stool, you should go to the nearest health institution immediately and be checked by specialist doctors.

Complications that may occur due to colic

It does not cause any medical problems if there are no significant and different health problems underlying this condition. It is not a major health problem or does not cause other disorders.
However, it is different for the mother and father. Parents are under a lot of stress and wear and tear until this situation is over. They can be seriously affected psychologically.
There are some researches for mothers and fathers who have this problem in their babies. As a result of these researches, mothers with colicky babies may experience some psychological problems after birth or problems such as milk cessation, anger, anger, depression.
In addition, this situation can be seen as discomfort for both the baby and the mother and father.

Can Colic be Prevented?

Although the causes are not known exactly, it is known that some factors increase the likelihood of occurrence as a result of research. The gender of the baby, premature birth, breast milk or formula feeding do not cause any effect.
However, mothers who smoke during pregnancy or after childbirth are more likely to have this condition in their babies. For this reason, not smoking during pregnancy or after childbirth is beneficial for the health of the baby and the mother and is also effective in preventing it.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At14 December 2022
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