What Cuts Cough?

What Cuts Cough?

Content Summary

Öksürük, bebeklerde, çocuklarda, yetişkinlerde ve yaşlılarda görülebilen akut veya kronik, balgamlı veya kuru olabilir ve hem öksüren kişiyi hem de çevresindekileri rahatsız edebilir. Öksürüğün nedeni soğuk algınlığı, grip veya soğuk su içmek gibi hafif nedenler olabileceği gibi, astım, bronşit, zatürre gibi ciddi akciğer hastalıklarının da bir belirtisi olabilir. İki üç haftadan uzun süren, şiddetli ve kuru öksürük veya balgamlı öksürük, özellikle ateşle birlikte görülüyorsa mutlaka doktora başvurulmalıdır. Bebeklerde ve çocuklarda öksürüğü durdurmak için burun temizliği önemlidir; 1 yaş üstü bebek ve çocuklar için bal ve limonlu ılık içecekler faydalı olabilir. Ayrıca, bebeğin ve çocuğun giysilerinin alerjen içermeyen deterjanlarla yıkanması, ortamın havalandırılması ve nemlendirilmesi, sigara dumanından uzak tutulması ve evde hayvan beslenmemesine dikkat edilmelidir. Evde uygulanabilecek basit yöntemlere rağmen, öksürüğün altında yatan nedeni belirlemek için doktora danışmak önemlidir.

Coughing can be chronic, acute, sputumy and dry, as well as at any age, and can disturb the individual and those around them.

Cough occurs in infants, children, adults and the elderly. There are some common solutions for all ages. However, it should not be forgotten that there are some cautions. For example, honey consumption is not suitable for babies. Cough treatment can be applied at home by paying attention to these.


If the cough lasts longer than two to three weeks and the lungs feel as if they are being torn apart when coughing, a lung disease may be present. Cough is seen as a symptom of diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and if there is a severe and dry cough or cough with phlegm, a specialist should be consulted to determine the cause of the cough. If cough and fever are accompanied by cough, a doctor should be consulted.

There is also a cough caused by colds, flu, colds or drinking cold water. This cough lasts at least a day or two and up to a week. This cough may not require consulting a doctor. Since it is mild, it can be stopped with some simple things to do at home.

What stops coughing in babies and children?

Babies often cough because they have a stuffy nose, but they cannot yet clear their noses themselves. The parent should check the baby's nose and clean it when it is full.

- Honey is a very useful food for coughing. Since the use of honey in infants is recommended after 1 year of age, there is no harm in using it after 1 year of age. It can be used in children. A warm drink with honey and lemon can be prepared and drunk.


- What stops coughing If babies cough like they are choking, they should be put on their side or held.

- Babies and children are not yet able to protect themselves and take care of themselves. Parents should be careful not to let them drink cold water and change their clothes when they sweat.

- Make sure that the food they eat is not too hot or too cold.

- Milk with honey is a drink that children like to consume. Milk with honey can be given when cough is seen.

- It should be ensured that the detergents in which the clothes of babies and children are washed do not contain allergenic products and should not be excessively perfumed and irritating. If there is a cough for this reason, the cough can be stopped by paying attention to this.

- The environments where babies and children are located should be well ventilated, humidified and should not be smoked.

- Feeding animals at home can cause allergic reactions in infants and children and cough may be seen for this reason. It is not recommended to have animals in environments where babies and children are present.

When answering the question of what stops coughing, it should not be forgotten that cough is a symptom. A doctor should be consulted to know what the cause is. If it is not caused by an infection or a serious lung disease, it is possible to apply home treatment for cough.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At16 May 2019
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