What Causes Ingrown Nail and How Does It Go Away?

What Causes Ingrown Nail and How Does It Go Away?

Content Summary

Batık tırnak, tırnağın normal şekilde boyuna doğru büyümek yerine kütiküle doğru büyümesi sonucu oluşan bir sağlık sorunudur ve genellikle ayak başparmağında görülür. Ağrıya ve tedavi edilmezse enfeksiyon, iltihap, şişme, akıntı ve ısı gibi komplikasyonlara yol açabilir. Nedenleri arasında tırnak boyutunun tırnak yatağı genişliğinden farklı olması, yanlış tırnak kesimi, genetik faktörler ve uygunsuz ayakkabı seçimi yer alır. Belirtiler arasında ağrı, şişme, hassasiyet, kızarıklık, kanama ve akıntı bulunur. Hafif vakalarda ılık su banyosu, elma sirkesi ve uygun ayakkabı seçimi gibi evde uygulanabilecek yöntemler kullanılabilir. Ancak şiddetli ağrı, enfeksiyon belirtileri (artan şişme, artan ağrı, irin akıntısı, ısı artışı) veya tekrarlayan batık tırnak durumunda cerrahi müdahale gerekebilir. Bebeklerde de görülebilen batık tırnakta, erken müdahale enfeksiyon riskini azaltır. Tedavi, evde uygulanabilecek yöntemlerle mümkün olsa da şiddetli ağrı veya yayılım durumunda uzman bir doktora danışılmalıdır.

Aningrown nail is a condition that occurs when the nail grows into the skin instead of growing over the skin. It is especially seen on toenails and often on the big toe. This condition is usually caused by fungi, incorrect nail cutting, narrow shoe preference and finger deformities. The resulting complaints may include swelling, pain, redness, inflammation and infection.

Treatment is usually possible with different methods that can be applied at home. However, if the pain is severe and spreading, a specialist should be consulted to take precautions against complications that may arise.

What is an ingrown nail and why does it occur?

Ingrown toenail is a health problem that occurs as a result of the nail moving towards the cuticle instead of growing normally longitudinally. It is mostly seen on the big toe.
It can cause severe pain and needs to be treated. If left untreated, it can lead to a number of complications. Delayed treatment can cause some infections, inflammation, excessive swelling, discharge and heat.
The most important factor among thecauses of ingrown nails is that the size of the nail is different from the width of the nail bed. In addition, improper nail cutting, genetic factors and incorrect shoe selection also cause this condition.

  • Toenail injury
  • Having an abnormal and curved toenail
  • Improper foot and nail care (manicure and pedicure)
  • Hereditary nail structure passed on to the individual

What are the Symptoms of Ingrown Nail?

The most common symptom in this condition is pain. The pain can be on both sides of the area where the problem develops. There is also sensitivity to contact. Symptoms of ingrown toenails are usually as follows:

  • Swelling
  • Sensitivity
  • Hardness
  • Redness and bleeding
  • Increased temperature and discharge

Ingrown Nail in Babies

Babies' toenails grow very fast. For this reason, it is important to care and cut the nails well. In cases such as ingrown toenails in babies, it appears as redness, swelling and discharge. Touching the problem area causes pain and severe crying in babies. For this reason, care and attention should be paid to foot and nail care in babies.

What is Good for Ingrown Nail?

When this happens, it is important to intervene to prevent a possible risk of infection. They are usually treatable with home methods. However, medical intervention may be required when the pain is too severe.
To prevent possible complications and the development of infection, it is important to intervene as soon as the ingrown nail condition occurs. In mild cases, recovery can be achieved with simple applications that can be done at home. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be required. Some of the methods that can be applied at home in response to the question of what is good for ingrown nails are as follows:

Hot Water Bath
Swelling and tenderness can be reduced by soaking the ingrown foot in warm water. In addition, epson salts can be added to the water to relax the feet.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Although there is no conclusive scientific evidence, apple cider vinegar can reduce the swelling that occurs with its anti-inflammatory properties. It can be done by adding warm water and half a tea glass of apple cider vinegar into a bucket.

Foot Suitable Shoes
As a result of choosing the wrong shoes, people's fingertips may get stuck. In such cases, the nail can get stuck sideways and sink into the flesh. For this reason, very tight and narrow shoes should not be worn.

How to Treat Ingrown Nail?

There are some measures and applications for easier and faster healing of ingrown nails. There are methods and practices that will answer questions such as how ingrown toenails go away .
Soaking the feet in warm water for about 15-20 minutes three to four times a day reduces swelling and sensitivity. Keeping the feet dry during the day prevents situations such as sweat and allows the feet to breathe comfortably.
After ingrown nail development, the nail should not be cut and should be waited until this condition improves. In addition, since infection may occur in this process, antibiotic creams can be used under expert control.

Ingrown Nail Treatment

When home methods do not provide any benefit, swelling increases, pain intensifies, tenderness increases, pus flows and heat increases, you should go to a specialist doctor to treat an ingrown toenail in case of infection.
If any symptoms of infection are observed after the controls made by the specialist, oral antibiotic treatment is applied. Surgical methods such as cutting or complete removal of the nail may also be required.

Ingrown Nail Surgery

If the ingrown condition becomes severe, some or all of the nail may need to be removed by ingrown nail surgery. The situations where surgery is deemed necessary by the specialist are as follows:

  • Failure of home treatments and development of complications
  • If there is a condition that recurs and causes severe pain
  • When there is a disease at risk for this condition, such as diabetes

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At06 January 2023
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