What Causes Diaper Rash? How Does Diaper Rash Go Away?

What Causes Diaper Rash? How Does Diaper Rash Go Away?

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Pişik, özellikle eklem bölgeleri gibi hava almayan katlanmış vücut bölgelerinin nemli ve ıslak kalması sonucu sürtünmeden kaynaklanan cilt tahrişi olarak tanımlanabilir. Uzun süre ıslak kalan cilt, sağlıklı ve esnek yapısını kaybederek iltihaplanır ve döküntüler oluşur. Bebeklerde sıklıkla kirli bezin uzun süre ıslak kalması ve değiştirilmemesi nedeniyle cilt tahrişidir. Pişik, ıslak mendil ve bezlere alerji gelişmesi, bebeğin vücudunun iyi kurutulmaması, ishal veya katı gıdalara geçiş döneminde de ortaya çıkabilir. Pişik tedavisi ve önlenmesinde, bez ıslak ise değiştirilmeli, bez ile cildin temas ettiği bölgeler kuru ve temiz tutulmalıdır. Alkollü ürünler kullanılmamalı, tahriş olmuş bölge bol su ile yıkanmalı ve nazikçe kurulanmalıdır. Bez bağlanırken sıkı bağlanmaktan kaçınılmalı, cilde nefes alma imkanı tanınmalıdır. Çinko bazlı kremler, vazelin ve alkolsüz kremler kullanılabilir. Bebek pudrası ve nişasta kullanılmamalıdır. Sabun az miktarda kullanılmalı ve bol su ile durulanmalıdır. Giysiler bol olmalı, cildin nefes almasını sağlamalıdır. Pişik uzun süre geçmezse, şişlik, ağrı, ateş veya iltihap varsa doktora başvurulmalıdır.

What is diaper rash, diaper rash can generally occur in babies and children due to diapering, and occasionally in adults; It can be explained as redness and rashes that occur on the inner parts of the leg, neck, armpit, under the breast and joint areas. Babies who are breastfeeding may have discomfort due to daily care or due to some health problems. Diaper rash is one of the most common of such disorders. Having information about why diaper rash occurs is important for the care and health of babies.

However, diaper rash, which can also be encountered in adults, can cause considerable discomfort to people. Diaper rash, which occurs with rashes accompanied by itching and burning sensation, is a condition that can be treated and can pass within a few days.

What is diaper rash?

Diaper rash can be defined as irritation of the skin due to friction due to friction due to the fact that the folded fold areas on the body, especially the joint areas, which do not breathe air, remain wet and moist. When the skin remains moist for a long time, such as sweating, the skin loses its healthy and flexible structure and becomes inflamed and rashes appear on the skin. It is commonly known as diaper-related dermatitis due to incontinence in diapered children.

It is also a condition that can be seen in adults in areas that remain moist and wet for a long time. It is a condition characterized by irritation of the skin due to fluids excreted from the body such as urine and sweat caused by secondary infections accompanied by the skin remaining wet for a long time, the area that is not dried after swimming remains wet for a long time and does not get air or friction. It is also possible for diaper rash to occur on skin that is in frequent contact with diapers and clothes.

Why does diaper rash occur?

Diaper rash, which is a problem often encountered in babies, is the irritation of the skin due to the dirty diaper staying wet for a long time and not being changed. It can also occur if the skin develops allergies to wet wipes and diapers, if the baby's body is not well dried, diarrhea or during the transition to solid food. Babies with diaper rash may be more uncomfortable than usual during diaper changes and may cry when the diaper rash is washed. In this case, it is important to observe the baby's reactions well. When the integrity of the skin is compromised by wetness, the skin may become inflamed, edematous, reddened and burned.

In addition, the formation of fungi and bacteria also predisposes to diaper rash. Babies on antibiotics are more likely to develop diaper rash and parents should be careful and take precautions.

Adults may also develop diaper rash as a result of diapers, wearing tight clothes and some activities.

In the formation of diaper rash, if the skin surface is not dried and cleaned and some mistakes are made in skin care, diaper rash may progress or spread to a large area. In particular, chemical contact to the area can cause damage to the skin surface and cause the rash to flare up.

How does diaper rash go away?

In the treatment and prevention of rashes and redness caused by diaper rash, parents need to be more careful and sensitive to baby health. It is especially important to have the right knowledge and competence in baby care. Measures that can be taken or treatment methods that can be applied for diaper rash formation can be stated as follows:

  • If the diaper is wet, the diaper should be changed.
  • The areas where the diaper and skin are in contact should not be kept moist, they should be dried and cleaned.
  • Alcohol-based products (such as wet wipes) should not be used during cleaning and the irritated area should be washed with plenty of water. In addition, the wet area should be dried with a towel or handkerchief with gentle tampon movements.
  • When tying the diaper, care should be taken not to tie it tightly and the skin should be allowed to breathe as much as possible.
  • In areas where diaper rash develops, moisturizers from zinc-based creams or gels, vaseline and alcohol-free creams can be used with the advice of a physician.
  • Baby powders, which can also be used for preventive purposes in the treatment of diaper rash, are not recommended for use as they can dry and irritate the skin and have a negative effect on the baby's lungs through breathing.
  • Again, the use of starch is a method that should not be applied in the treatment of diaper rash as it can cause fungal growth in the area.
  • Alcoholic products should not be used while cleaning the diaper rash area, and perfumed, heavily scented chemical products should not be preferred.
  • Since the use of soap can also increase irritation, it should be used in small amounts and then the area should be rinsed with plenty of water.
  • The clothes worn on the baby should not be tight; it should be in a way that allows the skin to breathe, does not squeeze and does not sweat.
  • It is important to consult a pediatrician in cases where the rashes in the diaper rash area do not go away for a long time, swollen and painful lesions occur on the skin, fever occurs in the baby, and purulent discharges occur in the diaper rash area.

How is diaper rash treated?

Diaper rash usually does not require medical treatment. Diaper rash can be treated with precautions that can be taken to prevent diaper rash and some methods that parents can apply. Diaper rash creams for children can be obtained from pharmacies. If the diaper rash does not go away for a long time; If there are painful, runny, swollen lesions in the area and there is an increase in body temperature, a health institution should be consulted as soon as possible.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 March 2022
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