It is considered normal for a normally developing child to experience difficulties for about a month after starting school, to want his/her mother with him/her, to be anxious and even cry when entering the classroom. However, over time, the child is expected to adapt to these difficulties, continue to attend school and make friends. If the child has difficulty in demonstrating these skills, he/she should be evaluated by a doctor.

What are the challenges of the parent-child relationship during the school process?
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Yeni okula başlayan çocuklarda yaklaşık bir ay boyunca anne özlemi, kaygı ve ağlama gibi zorluklar yaşamak normaldir. Ancak, çocuk zamanla uyum sağlaması, okula devam etmesi ve arkadaş edinmesi beklenir. Bu becerileri sergilemekte zorlanan çocukların doktor tarafından değerlendirilmesi gerekir.