What are the Benefits of Turmeric?

What are the Benefits of Turmeric?

Content Summary

Zerdeçal, zencefil familyasından, Hindistan kökenli bir bitkidir ve Hindistan'da yemeklerin lezzetini ve rengini artırmak için yaygınca kullanılır. Sağlık yararları kanıtlanmış olan zerdeçal tüketimi artmaktadır. B vitaminleri, lif, potasyum ve demir gibi önemli vitamin ve mineraller açısından zengindir. En belirgin özelliği anti-inflamatuar etkisidir; iltihabı azaltır, iyileşmeyi hızlandırır ve üst solunum yolu rahatsızlıklarına iyi gelir. Kanser hücrelerinin çoğalmasını yavaşlatmaya yardımcı olabilir, kötü kolesterolü iyileştirebilir ve toksinleri uzaklaştırır. Ayrıca sindirim sistemini düzenler, ruh halini iyileştirir, hafızayı güçlendirir ve cilt sağlığını destekler. Ancak aşırı tüketimi bulantı, ishal, baş dönmesi, ağız kuruluğu, baş ağrısı, şişkinlik, mide yanması, hazımsızlık ve kan şekeri düşüklüğüne yol açabilir. Diyabet hastaları, hamileler, emziren anneler ve kanser hastaları zerdeçal tüketimi konusunda doktorlarına danışmalıdırlar. Zerdeçal yemeklerde, tatlılarda, çaylarda ve güzellik maskelerinde kullanılabilir. Bir altın süt tarifi olarak, ısıtılmış süte zerdeçal, karabiber ve isteğe bağlı olarak zencefil, tarçın ve bal eklenebilir.

What are the benefits of turmeric, turmeric plant, which is often mentioned together with ginger, is a medicinal plant that is frequently used in teas, especially in winter with its yellow color, and is also frequently used in meals. Turmeric, which has been very popular in recent years, is mostly preferred in kitchens as a powdered spice. Apart from the benefits of turmeric, it should not be forgotten that turmeric can also be harmful if consumed too much. Turmeric consumption is therefore important, it is beneficial to consume it in certain proportions.

Turmeric, also called Indian saffron, is a plant from the ginger family. This plant of Indian origin is mostly used in its homeland India. It is used to give flavor to the dishes as well as to give color to recipes such as turmeric pasta and turmeric rice. The consumption of turmeric, whose health benefits have been proven to be registered, is increasing as these benefits are heard. Turmeric is rich in B vitamins; It is a food that contains important vitamins and minerals for health such as fiber, potassium and iron. Therefore, turmeric plant should definitely be included in nutrition.

What is Turmeric, What are the Benefits of Turmeric?

The benefits of turmeric, turmeric spice is sometimes used in recipes in its plain form, but it is also an important ingredient in curry spice and is also widely used in meals in this way. The most well-known feature of turmeric is its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a powerful antioxidant and is a good aid in India's alternative medicine or phytotherapy (treatment with plants). Turmeric is perfect for both strengthening the immune systemand preventing infectious diseases that may occur. In addition, the abundant vitamins and minerals in it cannot be ignored.

  • One of the most prominent features of turmeric and one of the most important benefits of turmeric is that it is anti-inflammatory, that is, it plays an effective role in eliminating inflammation in the body, while at the same time accelerating the healing process of wounds in the body. This anti-inflammatory property comes from the curcumin substance in it, and it is also the essence that gives turmeric its yellow color. Turmeric is also a very effective food source for the upper respiratory tract. It is often recommended for the treatment of respiratory diseases such as colds, flu, flu or asthma.
  • One of the most importantbenefits of turmeric is that it is a very strong factor in preventing cancer. Turmeric has the ability to prevent malicious cancer cells and tumor. During the treatment process of cancer disease, turmeric can slow down the increase of bad cancer cells.
  • Turmeric is also useful in improving bad cholesterol, which 40 and older age groups complain about. If you want to benefit from the benefits of turmeric, it is necessary to include turmeric in your diet several times a week so that you can benefit from the benefits of turmeric.
  • Thanks to its antioxidant properties, turmeric has a quality that can remove toxins from the body.
  • Turmeric plant, which is also very useful for the digestive system, regulates the digestive tract by ensuring the proper functioning of the intestines with the fibers it contains. Those who experience constipation, bloating or gas problems can also benefit from the benefits of turmeric.
  • Turmeric plant, which is also healthy for depression and psychological disorders, enables the vitamin B6 in its content to secrete happiness hormone (serotonin). Therefore, turmeric is a plant that will make you feel better.
  • Turmeric is also good for memory. It is a good solution for diseases that affect memory such as Alzheimer's or forgetting problems. According to research by experts, the risk of Alzheimer's is quite low in India, where turmeric is consumed the most.
  • Consuming turmeric allows you to have a firmer, smoother and healthier skin and gives the skin shine. If you make a mask with turmeric and apply it on your face, you can get an effective result. Thanks to the curcumin (curcumin) contained in turmeric, it is effective in preventing wrinkle formation, fine line formation and similar skin problems.

What are the Turmeric Harms?

Turmeric harms, like many plants, turmeric can have harmful effects when consumed excessively. When turmeric is consumed too much, it is possible to experience symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and dizziness. Despite its benefits, turmeric can cause dryness in the mouth, headache and bloating or burning in the stomach , indigestion, or trigger the disease in people with stomach ailments such as gastritis and reflux. It is also recommendedthat patients with diabetes pay attention to turmeric consumption. Otherwise, turmeric can cause blood sugar to drop.

  • Important warning: Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should consult their doctor before consuming turmeric.
  • Turmeric can interact with medications used by cancer patients. Therefore, individuals with cancer should definitely consult their physicians before consuming turmeric.

How to Consume Turmeric?

Turmeric is generally used in meals in our country. It can be used in dessert recipes with turmeric powder or curry spice to sweeten dishes or to give color. Apart from this, it is also possible to come across turmeric tea and turmeric detox recipes.
Turmeric is not only used in the food industry. At the same time, it is possible to use turmeric for beauty by making turmeric mask with turmeric being good for the skin. Apart from these, turmeric is used in the field of food coloring due to its color.

Turmeric Golden Tea Recipe

First of all, the milk is heated to the desired temperature, but care should be taken not to boil because the nutritional values in its content should be preserved in this way. A mixture is obtained by adding black pepper, turmeric andoptionally ginger, cinnamon, honey into the milk, which is slightly heated and brought to the desired temperature. In terms of health, it is beneficial to stay away from sugar, so you can use honey or date extract or carob extract. Bon Appetit...

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At21 December 2021
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