What are the Benefits of Pomegranate Fruit?

What are the Benefits of Pomegranate Fruit?

Content Summary

Nar suyu, meyvenin sağladığı tüm faydaları sunar ve antioksidan ve fitokimyasal elementler içerdiğinden oldukça faydalı bir besindir. Bir bardak nar suyu, birkaç narın bileşenlerinden faydalanmayı sağlar, ancak sindirim sistemini düzenlemek için narı doğrudan meyve olarak tüketmek daha iyidir. Nar suyunun en önemli özelliği posasıdır; posası kaybedildiğinde vitaminler de kaybolur. Diğer meyve suları gibi, nar suyunun da glisemik indeksi meyveden daha yüksektir, bu nedenle diyabetli kişilerin narı meyve olarak tüketmesi daha faydalıdır. Nar şerbeti ve nar suyu, salatalarda, soslarda, mezelerde ve yemeklerde lezzet katmak için kullanılır ve kalp-damar hastalıklarını önler, ağız ve diş sağlığını korur ve kansere karşı koruma sağlar. Nar şerbeti veya suyu satın alırken organik olmasına dikkat etmek önemlidir. Nar kabuğu da faydalıdır, nar kabuğu çayı yapılarak tüketilebilir ve kolesterol dengesini sağlar, sindirimi düzenler. Nar çekirdeği yağı, antioksidan açısından zengindir, cilt sağlığına faydalıdır ve kas ağrılarını hafifletmeye yardımcı olur, kırışıklıkları azaltır ve cilt tonunu eşitler. Evde nar çekirdeği yağı yapmak için sadece nar çekirdeği ve zeytinyağı gerekir. Nar çiçeği de faydalıdır; idrar yolu enfeksiyonları ve diğer enfeksiyon hastalıklarının tedavisinde kullanılır ve cilt ve saç güzelliğine katkıda bulunur, kan şekerini dengeler. Nar çiçeği çayı sıcak veya soğuk tüketilebilir ve kilo vermeyi amaçlayanlar için günde 1-2 fincandan fazla olmamak üzere yemeklerden 30 dakika önce tüketilmelidir.

Pomegranate comes out in the fall season and the benefits of pomegranate as a fruit are too many to end with counting. Pomegranate, one of the symbols of power, strength and invincibility; It is an important fruit in terms of health. Pomegranate and pomegranate juice protects from diseases and has an important role in improving health. Pomegranate juice is highly preferred in meals, salads and cosmetic industry as well as being used in the field of health. Pomegranate is preferred as pomegranate juice as well as consumed as fruit. Pomegranate juice contains high amounts of phytochemicals.
Phytochemicals, which are one of the benefits of pomegranate juice, protect against cancer, infection and chronic etc. It plays an auxiliary role in curing diseases.
Pomegranate contains potassium, calcium and iron minerals; vitamins A and C, K and B vitamins, as well as folic acid.
Pomegranate consumption and regular drinking of pomegranate juice allows us to regularly benefit from the benefits of pomegranate. At the same time, pomegranate and pomegranate juice is a fruit rich in antioxidants. Compared to other fruits, it ranks first in terms of antioxidant richness. There is no harm to the human body in consuming pomegranate fruit and pomegranate juice. But it is still beneficial for people with some special conditions not to consume. These special conditions apply to patients undergoing chemotherapy, pregnant women, those who have had intestinal surgery and finally those who have gas and bloating problems.


  • Pomegranate juice provides all the benefits of pomegranate as a fruit, and we can say that pomegranate juice is a very useful food because it contains antioxidant-containing components and phytochemical elements.
  • Since pomegranate juice contains more antioxidant-containing components and photochemical elements, it is quite possible to benefit from the components found in several pomegranates when 1 glass of pomegranate juice is consumed.
  • For those who want to regulate the digestive system, it is much better to consume pomegranate directly as a fruit instead of pomegranate juice.
  • The most important issue to be considered in pomegranate juice consumption is its pulp. If the juice of the pomegranate is squeezed, the pulp content is lost and the vitamins in the juice of the pomegranate disappear with the loss of the pulp content.
  • As with the content of other fruit juices, pomegranate juice has a higher glycemic index compared to the fruit. Since its glycemic acid is high, it is beneficial for people with diabetes to consume pomegranate as a fruit, not as pomegranate juice.

As it is understood from all these, the benefits of pomegranate juice are as many as the benefits of pomegranate.


Pomegranate sour and pomegranate juice are used in salads, sauces, appetizers and meals to add flavor and are highly preferred.

Pomegranate juice and pomegranate sour are used in the health sector to protect us from many diseases, apart from being so preferred and used in the food sector, some of them are as follows;

  • Pomegranate juice prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
  • It ensures the protection of oral and dental health.
  • Pomegranate syrup, which is good for many important diseases such as cancer prevention, should be consumed regularly.
  • The most important thing to pay attention to, especially when buying pomegranate syrup or pomegranate juice, is that it is organic. We should not buy any pomegranate syrup that we do not know its content and where it is produced. Many products sold as pomegranate syrup with unknown content consist of harmful chemicals. Therefore, it will always be healthier to use our preferences from brands with clean content that we trust or to make it organically at home.



  • SALT


  • First of all, we need to wash all the pomegranates we buy to make pomegranate syrup cleanly. After washing, we need to divide them with the help of a knife. Then separate the grains of the pomegranates we divide from their shells. While separating the grains, we need to get help from a deep and wide plate in order not to get dirty.
  • After the pomegranate grains are separated, we need to clean the pomegranate grains thoroughly if there is a membrane or shell on the plate where we separate the pomegranate grains so that the taste does not change.
  • After the cleaning process is over, we can squeeze the grains we have separated from the peel to save time and to make it easier, with the help of a juicer or food processor.
  • Continue with the method we have chosen until the juice of the pomegranate seeds we have extracted comes out. After completing the squeezing process, strain the pomegranate juice with the help of a strainer just in case.
  • After the straining process is finished, take the pomegranate juice we have filtered into a large pot and leave it on the stove to boil for at least 3 or 4 hours. Let's not forget to remove the foam that forms during boiling.
  • When the pomegranate juice that we boil to make pomegranate sour starts to get a dense and thick consistency, it means that it is done. Salt should be added 5 minutes before turning off.
  • Turn off the heat when the consistency is ready. After turning off, let it rest until it cools down.
  • After the resting process is over, you can fill it into the bottle you will keep and put it in the refrigerator.


  • The reason for adding salt while making pomegranate sour is to prevent fermentation. If salt is not added, fermentation will occur.
  • The pomegranates to be used must be sour.
  • Since pomegranate juice is acidic, iron or aluminum bottles and containers should not be used while boiling or after boiling. It would be better to boil it in a steel pot in terms of taste.
  • When preparing pomegranate juice, it is necessary to pay attention that there is no membrane and peel on the pomegranate.


The miraculous properties of pomegranate peel and pomegranate juice are quite high. Pomegranate peel contains many of the benefits of pomegranate from the peel. The benefits of pomegranate are not only in pomegranate juice and grains. Pomegranate peel is also very important and beneficial for health. But because it is generally not known by too many people that pomegranate peel is useful, they immediately throw away the peels after separating the pomegranate from the grains. However, the peels are as important and functional as the pomegranate itself. Different recipes can be tried from pomegranate peels.
For example; pomegranate peels can be consumed by making tea from pomegranate peels, and cinnamon and cloves can also be used to sweeten the tea made from this pomegranate peel. It is possible to balance cholesterol and regulate digestion with pomegranate peel consumption.


Pomegranate fruit, which has a strong content in terms of antioxidants, is the most popular and preferred fruit among the fruits containing antioxidants. The antioxidants contained in pomegranate seed oil protect our skin from harmful factors and slow down aging. A large part of the pomegranate consists of seeds and pomegranate seeds consist of the seeds found in pomegranate. Pomegranate seed oil has made a name and benefit in the food, health and cosmetics sectors. Pomegranate seed oil also contains the benefits of pomegranate.

  • By applying this oil, you can help relieve pain in your muscles.
  • It helps to remove wrinkles.
  • It is an effective factor in equalizing the color tone on the skin.
  • It treats problems such as dandruff and itching on the scalp.
  • It is effective in minimizing the cracks in the body after pregnancy or due to rapid weight gain and loss.


For those who want to makepomegranate seed oil at home, it is enough to have only two ingredients. These ingredients are pomegranate seeds and natural olive oil.

Pomegranate Seed Tea Recipe

First of all, we should dry the pomegranate seeds with the help of the oven. After the drying process is over, we should pass the dried seeds through the robot until they are powdered. Then we should add the powdered pomegranate seeds into 1 liter of natural olive oil and start mixing. We can put this mixture we have obtained in the bottle we will keep in order to use it. The most important factor here is that it should rest for at least two weeks before use. During the rest period, it will be good to ensure that it sees the sun for 1 hour during the day.


When using pomegranate seed oil, it will be enough to get help from a cotton ball. Let's squeeze a few drops onto the cotton and apply it gently to our skin. After the application process is finished, we should massage with the help of our fingers so that it does not come around the eyes and around the lips. After finishing the massage, we need to wait 10 or 15 minutes and wash our face with warm water. As the last process, it will be enough to apply our moisturizer.


The benefits of pomegranate are not limited to its fruit and pomegranate juice.
Pomegranate flower is also very useful like pomegranate fruit and pomegranate juice.
The benefitsof pomegranate fruit and pomegranate juice are too many to underestimate. Therefore, just as pomegranate juice is healthy in every respect, pomegranate flower is just as healthy. It is known to be useful and frequently used in the treatment of urinary tract infections and other infectious diseases with tea obtained from pomegranate flowers. In addition, another benefit of pomegranate flower and pomegranate juice is skin and hair beauty, balancing blood sugar, etc. We see that pomegranate flower tea is effective when used regularly to solve problems.


Pomegranate flower tea and pomegranate juice can be consumed both hot and cold. It can be easily preferred in the summer months due to its cold drinking option. Add some pomegranate flower tea to 1 or 2 cups of boiled water and let it brew for 4 or 5 minutes. After the brewing process is completed, you can consume by adding cloves, lemon or cinnamon according to preference. Pomegranate flower tea, especially those who want to lose weight, should be consumed hot, not exceeding 1 or 2 cups a day. It will be enough to drink 30 minutes before meals. Those who consume it for weight loss will notice that it works if they use it regularly with the diet program.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At25 October 2021
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