What are the Benefits of Pomegranate?

What are the Benefits of Pomegranate?

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Nar, yüksek antioksidan içeriğiyle bilinen bir meyvedir ve günlük C vitamini ihtiyacının yaklaşık %45'ini karşılayabilir. Kalp ve damar hastalıklarına karşı koruyucu etkisi, hafızayı güçlendirmesi ve sindirim sistemini düzenlemesi gibi faydaları bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca, bazı enfeksiyonların önlenmesinde ve Alzheimer ile Parkinson gibi hastalıkların ilerlemesinin yavaşlatılmasında rol oynayabilir. Nar suyu, yeşil çay ve yaban mersini gibi besinlerden daha fazla antioksidana sahiptir ve kan basıncını dengeler, kolesterolü ve kan şekerini düşürür. Nar çekirdeği yağı, cilt sağlığı için faydalıdır ve antioksidan özelliği ile yaşlanmayı yavaşlatır. Nar kabuğu, üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarına karşı etkilidir ve cilt nemlenmesine yardımcı olur. Nar ekşisi ve sirkesi ise antioksidan bakımından zengin olup, kalp-damar hastalıkları, diyabet ve tümör oluşumunu önlemeye yardımcı olur. Nar çiçeği, antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal özelliklere sahip olup, diyabet tedavisinde kullanılabilir. Ancak, alerjik reaksiyonlara yol açabileceği, hamile kadınlar için risk taşıyabileceği ve şeker hastalarının kontrollü tüketmesi gerektiği unutulmamalıdır.

Pomegranate is a type of food that can be used in many foods and salads with its flavor and appearance and has many health benefits. In different cultures, pomegranate trees are seen as sacred because they symbolize women and fertility, and their trees are forbidden to be cut down. The fruit, which has a strong antioxidant property, has protective properties against many diseases.

The fruit contains many vitamins and minerals; It contains potassium, calcium, iron minerals as well as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, B vitamins and folic acid. It also has an effective polyphenol content. These are known as secondary plant pigments. Pomegranate, which is among the fruits with the highest antioxidant properties, can be used as fruit and fruit juice. It is used in the food industry and cosmetics industry with many different properties. The benefits of pomegranate are as follows:
High Antioxidant Properties
It is among the fruits with very high antioxidant content. It has the ability to meet about 45 percent of the body's daily vitamin C requirement. With this feature, it takes a preventive role against infections that may occur in the body and provides protection against all types of cancer. Since vitamin C is a vitamin that can easily lose its beneficial properties if it comes into contact with external factors, it should be consumed fresh without contact with any kitchen utensils. In this case, it provides more benefits when consumed fresh.
Protective Against Heart and Vascular Diseases
It provides serious protection against cardiovascular diseases and prevents the occurrence of different ailments in people with these diseases. With its blood flow and circulation facilitating feature, it contributes to the delivery of sufficient blood and oxygen to the tissues. It is protective against heart attack. Balances blood pressure. Care should be taken not to interact with the drugs used by people. Individuals who use medication in the treatment of heart disease, hypertension or a different disease should definitely get approval from a specialist doctor for continuous consumption.
Prevents Infections, Strengthens Memory
As a result of many researches and studies, it has been observed that the memory and cognitive functions of people who consume pomegranate are strengthened. In addition, regular consumption of pomegranate can strengthen these functions in the treatment of conditions such as forgetfulness, attention deficit and focusing problems due to nutritional reasons. Increasing the consumption of this fruit in the early stages of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's provides a significant slowdown in terms of the progression of diseases.
Strengthens the Digestive System
Regularly consumed fruit prevents the formation of digestive problems. It prevents constipation and bloating problems. In addition, the fruit, which has pulp properties, ensures that the digestive system of adults works regularly. With its pulp feature, the fruit, which provides a feeling of satiety for a long time, takes its place in the diet lists of people who want to lose healthy weight.

What are the Harms of Pomegranate?

Since it can cause allergic reactions in some people, its consumption should be stopped in case of any side effects and a doctor should be consulted about its consumption. Fruit with high sugar content should be consumed in moderation by diabetic patients.
Since it can cause contractions of the uterus during pregnancy in women, its consumption should be done on the advice of a doctor. It should not be consumed in the first three months in risky pregnancies.

What are the Benefits of Pomegranate Juice?

The antioxidant properties in its juice are more than foods such as green tea and blueberries. In addition to its antioxidant properties, it also has polyphenol content. Research and studies show that pomegranate juice is protective against cardiovascular diseases, balances blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar. It is beneficial for eye health and skin with the vitamins it contains. While slowing down the aging of the skin, it protects the cells in collagen and elastin production.

What are the Benefits of Pomegranate Seed Oil?

Pomegranate seed oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds and has many health benefits. Approximately 10 percent of the fruit consists of seeds. Since it is nutritious and important for health, it is used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
With its antioxidant properties, it protects the skin against external factors and slows down the aging of cells. It moisturizes the skin and makes it supple. It rejuvenates and reduces wrinkles by making it elastic. It also relieves irritated areas, itching and inflammation on the skin.

What are the Benefits of Pomegranate Peel?

The peel has many health benefits like its grains. It is useful against diseases occurring with the upper respiratory tract, against sore throat and cough. With the elagic acid feature it contains, it prevents the skin from drying out to a serious extent and moisturizes the skin. As a result of research and studies, it is seen that elagalic acid is beneficial against cancer cells. The tea provided from the peel or buds is used against the complaints that occur in women during menopause.

What are the Benefits of Pomegranate Sour and Pomegranate Vinegar?

They are known as products obtained from the fruit itself or its juice. Pomegranate sour is a sour sauce obtained by thickening the juice of the fruit. The antioxidant rate in pomegranate sour is higher than its juice. It is a product that has many health benefits and is rich in nutritional values. It has properties that prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and tumor formation. Pomegranate sours with sugar additives are not included in this group. It is used to add flavor to meals and salads. Pomegranate vinegar is also known as a food rich in antioxidant properties. It has antibacterial properties and balances blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

What are the Benefits of Pomegranate Flower?

It contains anthocyanins and organic acids that are strong in antioxidant properties. Pomegranate flower, which has an antimicrobial effect, is used to treat insulin level and insulin resistance in the treatment of diabetes. It can be dried and optionally brewed as hot or cold tea.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At18 October 2022
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