What are the Benefits of Molasses?

What are the Benefits of Molasses?

Molasses provides many benefits to the human body. When genuine molasses without additives is consumed, it causes burning in the throat and when consumed regularly; It contributes to the elimination of problems related to obesity, gynecological diseases, anemia, depression, acne and other skin disorders. In addition, molasses is also good for bone and hair health. It also keeps the nervous system in balance and accelerates the healing of wounds.

Molasses regulates insulin resistance when taken in sufficient quantities, but molasses should not be exposed to high temperatures during its production. Molasses at low temperatures is always more beneficial. Experts recommend drinking molasses in case of chronic cough and high fever.

What is Molasses Good for?

The benefits of molasses to the human body are countless. Molasses keeps the person fit, provides energy and is known as a source of carbohydrates and sugar. Along with this, it contains many vitamins such as B-3 , B-6, vitamin, minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium and potassium. We can list the benefits of molasses as follows;

  • Strengthens memory.
  • It is effective in the treatment of anemia.
  • Keeps the person energized when consumed before sports.
  • Contributes to the development of bones.
  • It helps to increase the mother's milk.
  • It is very effective in healthy nutrition.
  • It has a calming feature.
  • It helps to reduce skin problems.
  • It has intelligence development feature.
  • Helps to heal menstrual cramps.
  • Provides lightening of body weight.
  • Strengthens sexual health.
  • Contributes to the healing of ulcers.
  • It provides relief for people with asthma and bronchitis disorders.
  • Strengthens body resistance in cold weather.
  • Supports the growth and development of babies and children.
  • It is good for mouth and throat pain.

Molasses has antioxidant properties. It is very safe for the healing of such diseases. It is also very effective in the healing of rheumatism diseases.

What are the Types of Molasses?

Andiz (Juniper) Molasses: It is produced from the fruits grown on the juniper tree. This molasses, which contains andiz cones in its essence, is made with andiz extract. Juniper molasses is good for conditions such as colds, coughs, itching, vomiting. It is a very important molasses for the lungs and liver. It makes blood and provides energy.
Mulberry Molasses: It is a type of molasses obtained from the mulberry tree. It is especially good for stomach disorders. Mulberry molasses increases body resistance against cold weather in chronic asthma and bronchitis disorders. It becomes the energy store of athletes. It helps the mental and physical development of babies and children. It is good for diseases and pains in the mouth and throat.
Grape Molasses: It is obtained from grapes. It is good for anemia disorders. Grape molasses stimulates appetite and gives energy. It is very effective in stomach diseases, digestion and regular functioning of the kidneys.
Carob Molasses (Harnup): It is obtained from carob. It is widely consumed in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions. The type without additives shows benefit when consumed. It is good for shortness of breath. Goat horn molasses lowers cholesterol and keeps blood pressure in balance. It is very effective in protecting heart health. Strengthens the body. It contributes to the physical development of children.
Molasses has an important place in Turkish cuisine. Those who do not want to use cakes, cookies and refined sugar generally prefer molasses. Molasses is not only for children; all age groups should consume it. But molasses contains high levels of carbohydrates and sugar. Therefore, diabetics or people with overweight should be careful when consuming molasses.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At05 March 2024
Created At15 September 2022
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