What are Symbiotic Relationships? What are Examples of Symbiotic Relationships?

What are Symbiotic Relationships? What are Examples of Symbiotic Relationships?

Content Summary

Simbiyotik ilişkiler, iki canlı organizmanın karşılıklı olarak fayda sağlayarak birlikte yaşamasıdır. Bu ilişki, karşılıklı fayda sağlayan mutualizm, bir türün fayda gördüğü diğerinin etkilenmediği kommensalizm, bir türün fayda gördüğü diğerinin zarar gördüğü parazitizm ve bir türün zarar gördüğü diğerinin etkilenmediği amesalizm olmak üzere çeşitli şekillerde ortaya çıkabilir. Bitki kökleri ile mikoriza mantarları arasındaki ilişki, mutualizmin bir örneğidir; mantar, bitkinin mineral alımını artırırken, bitki mantara karbonhidrat sağlar. Simbiyotik ilişkiler, türlerin bazı işlevlerini devralarak enerji tasarrufu sağlaması ve hayatta kalma şansını artırması nedeniyle evrimleşmiş olabilir. İnsan ilişkilerinde de simbiyotik ilişkiler mevcuttur; insanlar karşılıklı fayda için işbirliği yapar ve birbirlerinin eksikliklerini tamamlar. Aileler arasındaki simbiyotik ilişki, sağlıklı bir ilişki mi yoksa hastalıklı bir ilişki mi olduğuna bağlı olarak değişebilir; sağlıklı bir ilişki, karşılıklı destek ve faydaya dayanırken, hastalıklı bir ilişki, bireylerin kendi çıkarlarını önceliklendirmesine bağlı olabilir.

Symbiotic relationship is referred to as symbiosis. Symbiotic life is widespread in many different parts of the world. Symbiotic relationship is generally realized through symbiosis life. In this life structure, many living things are expressed as symbiosis. They have a very important place in terms of joint organization, reproduction and continuity of life. It is among the most important subjects in science.

What is Symbiotic Relationships; It is the situation in which two living beings act as an organism and continue their lives by helping each other.
Symbiotic relationship is summarized as symbiosis. When two living organisms continue their lives by supporting each other to act as a single structure, this is referred to as a symbiotic relationship. In this area, two different living organisms act as a single organism and work within the scope of many arrangements with reproduction and food sources.
In particular, the effective coexistence of two different types of life through their relationship with each other stands out as symbiotic life. This way of life can be in a neutral relationship with positive and negative effects. They can survive without having any beneficial or harmful effect on each other.

What are the Types of Symbiotic Relationships?

An example of this relationship is the lifelong relationship between the roots of plants and mycorrhizal fungi. The fungus multiplies the upper area of the plant root, increases the mineral content taken by the plant and provides products for the photosynthesis of the plant with the help of carbon dioxide produced during respiration. In return, the fungus has immediate and efficient access to the carbohydrates it needs. However, this reciprocal relationship is expressed more in terms of "mutual benefit" in areas low in minerals.
In soil rich in minerals, the fungus attached to the roots of plants to re-establish a symbiotic relationship may slow down the growth of the plant compared to normal. It may not harm it, but it may exert a quasi-pathogenic effect. Symbiotic relationships can therefore sometimes be difficult to explain.
There are many different kinds of organisms that have symbiotic relationships through symbiotic life. These species maintain all the different arrangements in life as a single structure.

  • Amensalism
  • Mutualism
  • Commensalism
  • Parasitism

Thus, with many different symbiotic life, symbiotic relationship types are at the forefront. This functioning, which will also manifest itself in the form of symbiosis, allows the continuation of the diversity of living things in the form of a single organism. In addition to the mutual benefit and harm they provide to each other, the symbiotic relationship can continue without providing a certain effect.

How and for what purpose did symbiotic life evolve?

According to the researches, it is stated that symbiotic relationships evolved due to the coexistence of opposite personalities. In other words, such an evolution has been achieved as a result of the coexistence of species that have no connection or interest in each other and even harm each other. First, these species harmed each other, then they "adapted" to each other and continued to live together.
This situation is thought to have evolved because it gives living things an advantage in the natural field. Because as a result of the symbiotic relationship, species stop doing some of their own work because the other party meets certain conditions. This gives them a boost in terms of energy. For example, some plant species attract ants and protect themselves against herbivores with the presence of ants. In this way, they do not have to produce the protective secretions that some other plant species secrete. Acacia trees in South America secrete chemicals called allelochemicals that exclude herbivores. But some specimens of this species live in areas where there is a high density of ants, which protect them from herbivores. In these species, these chemicals are no longer secreted.

Symbiotic life in human relationships

It is a way of living together in which two different people or two different species benefit from each other. In this context, people establish relationships with other people in different ways for various reasons. The reason can be explained as follows; in order to continue their activities, to combat changing conditions and to complement each other's deficiencies, they need to cooperate, communicate and establish relationships. In the presence of these relationships that act with the aim of mutual benefit, people increase their skills and ensure their continuity.
Symbiotic relationships, which aim to provide mutual benefit in human relations in general, are the actions of two or more individuals towards a common or specific goal. In the context of symbiotic relationships, individuals cooperate with each other for purposes such as adapting to changing environmental conditions, competing, gaining advantage, reducing costs, improving their skills and completing their deficiencies.
The concept of symbiosis is one of the concepts that emerged with the consideration of different disciplines. Knowing the causes of these behaviors will allow such behaviors to be recognized and controlled earlier.

Symbiotic Life between Families

It can be expressed as a way of living together in which two different species or creatures benefit from each other. We can exemplify the symbiotic life that develops between parents and children as follows; put yourself in the shoes of a mother or father who has a problem with their spouse, who has children who are at the point of separation, and empathize. The stance of the parties is very important here. Would this stance be destructive, damaging? Or is it a constructive stance? No healthy parent wants their child to be unhappy and takes steps accordingly.
If the mother or father wants their child to leave their spouse before their child and encourages them to do so, there can be no talk of a healthy relationship. At this point, it would be more appropriate to talk about a symbiotic, diseased mother-father and child relationship that arises from the way they mutually benefit from each other.
On the one hand, there are parents who selfishly prioritize their own future concerns and expectations over the happiness of their children, and on the other hand, there is a child who thinks that his/her place to go is ready when the separation takes place, and who has not achieved success at any point in life, who has always remained in the comfort zone and is in need of his/her parents. This is an example of the social reflection of the symbiotic life between living beings.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At19 January 2023
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