We must take precautions in the fight against the virus

We must take precautions in the fight against the virus

Content Summary

Üsküdar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dekanı Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur, koronavirüsün %3'lük ölüm oranına rağmen hafife alınmaması ve önlemlerin alınması gerektiğini vurguluyor. Virüsün kişiden kişiye bir metre mesafede veya öksürme ve hapşırma yoluyla vücuda temasla bulaştığını belirterek, mesafeyi iki metreye çıkarmayı ve hijyen kurallarına uymayı öneriyor. Okulların tatil edilmesinin hastalığın yayılmasını %66 oranında azalttığını, yetkililerin etkili önlemler aldığını belirtiyor. Evde kalmanın ve sık havalandırmanın önemini vurgulayarak, dışarıdan giyilmiş kıyafet ve ayakkabıların havalandırılmasını tavsiye ediyor. Havada asılı kalan partiküllerin birkaç saat sonra yere düştüğünü, bu yüzden ortamların havalandırılmasının önemli olduğunu belirtiyor. Ayrıca doğru bilgiye ulaşmanın, sosyal medyadaki yanlış bilgilendirmeden kaçınmanın ve panik yapmamanın gerekliliğine dikkat çekiyor. Koronavirüsün en belirgin semptomlarının 38 derecenin üzerinde ateş, başlangıçta kuru daha sonra balgamlı öksürük ve solunum sıkıntısı olduğunu belirterek, A, B, C, D ve E vitaminlerinin bağışıklık sistemi için önemini vurguluyor ve sigara kullanımının riski 14 kat artırdığını belirtiyor.

Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur: "We recognize the character of the virus, we must be cautious to take it under control"

"Outdoor clothing and shoes should be ventilated"

Stating that the disease should not be underestimated and precautions should be taken when looking at the 3% lethality rate of coronavirus, Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur, Dean of Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, emphasizes that everyone should do their part. Noting that particles can hang in the air for several hours in a room where a person coughs, Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur points to the importance of frequent ventilation of indoor environments and says that clothes and shoes worn outside should be ventilated.

Emphasizing that they recognize the character of the coronavirus, Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur said:

"The coronavirus is transmitted from person to person at a distance of one meter, or indirectly from the entry points of the body by contact from where the person coughs and sneezes. It is necessary to pay attention to these. If we increase the one-meter distance to two meters as a precaution and take general hygiene measures, we will prevent us from being infected. Ministries have taken very accurate and foresighted measures to regulate social life. When we look at the published articles, the vacation of schools before the disease spreads to the country has an effect of 66%. In other words, the authorities in our country have taken the decision that will be 60-70% effective. It is also an important decision to perform Friday prayers from home because in crowded and close contact places, there is a possibility that even risk-free groups can infect each other. The authorities are taking the necessary measures. These are measures that will protect us as a society. Considering that the lethality rate is 3%, let's not underestimate the disease. Let's protect ourselves."

Ventilation of your environment is important

Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur emphasized that particles remain suspended in the air for a few hours despite the questions "A person coughed, are we never going to enter that room anymore?" and said, "Let's say a person coughed, the particles they spread around can hang in the air for a few hours. Then it slowly falls towards the ground. In other words, we can emphasize that light ventilation, ventilating rooms for one or two hours in a drafty environment is very useful to eliminate particles suspended in the air. We can also say that it is also useful to go out in the open air in a way that there is no contact with others. When we go home, we should hang our outer clothes and shoes on a hanger and ventilate them in the open air until morning, so that even if the virus has infected our clothes, we should know that it will not remain alive when we ventilate until morning. Some people say to wipe our clothes. The virus can survive longer in humid environments than in dry environments. If you do not do the wiping process successfully enough, which is possible, then you bring with you the risk of giving it more chances to live. Ventilation is very important in this respect."

It is very important to have the right information

Emphasizing the need to get the right information instead of paying attention to what is said around, information that does not have a source of truth, Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur said, "We will start taking the measures that we neglect in normal times. It is important to be calm, everyone should do their part. Try to get the most accurate information from the first mouth. Do not forget that there are hundreds of people on social media, especially those who panic the society and benefit from it. We need to be very careful about what information comes from where, especially in a medium that is open to everyone, from those who want to create panic with false information and sell materials at exorbitant prices to those who want to prevent certain things for much other purposes. Our Ministry of Health is doing very good work in this respect. It has not concealed any developments and shares them with us as cases emerge. The official site is the cleanest, most verified information."

Don't panic!

Stating that some people who cough or have a headache immediately panic, Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur said, "First of all, you should not panic immediately in every cough and headache. Like all virus infections, coronavirus infection symptoms can mimic others. However, as the 3 most suspicious symptoms of coronavirus; We can say fever above 38 degrees, cough that is dry without phlegm at first but then turns into phlegm and respiratory distress."

The immune system strengthens with proper nutrition

Drawing attention to the importance of vitamins, Prof. Dr. Haydar Sur said, "We should not have a deficiency in vitamins A, B, C, D, E. Each vitamin has a separate place in the immune system. Only vitamin C is known in the society. Vitamin D has a very special place, especially in winter. If there are not enough vitamins in the foods we eat, our immune system is affected very quickly. On the other hand, if we talk about smoking, we know that smoking destroys the immune and respiratory system and all kinds of defense systems of the body. Unfortunately, the risk of coronavirus is 14 times higher in smokers. There are articles that smokers are more likely. As a physician, I strongly recommend that smokers quit smoking."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At26 March 2020
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