To end the pandemic, at least p of the population should be provided with effective vaccines

To end the pandemic, at least p of the population should be provided with effective vaccines

Content Summary

Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay, a leading expert, highlights the critical role of vaccination in ending the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing that achieving at least 70% vaccination coverage is crucial for effective control and eventual eradication. He stresses that while several vaccines are undergoing trials, including Sinovac (inactivated virus) and Biontech-Pfizer (mRNA), current data show no significant differences in safety or efficacy between them. However, he notes the logistical challenges of the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine due to its stringent storage requirements, contrasting it with the easier handling of the Sinovac vaccine. Prof. Uzbay assures the public that all vaccines undergo rigorous safety and efficacy testing before licensing. He encourages individuals to receive any vaccine approved by the Ministry of Health, prioritizing accessibility and emphasizing that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the potential risks, particularly given the unpredictable lethality of COVID-19. He also cautions against unsubstantiated anti-vaccine sentiments, as widespread vaccine hesitancy would prolong the pandemic.

Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay, Head of the Department of Internal Medical Sciences at Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Advisor to the Rector, Director of NPFUAM, made evaluations on vaccine studies that are a hope during the pandemic process.

Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay emphasized that vaccination is very important for the end of the pandemic or to reduce the rate of spread and said, "If we want to end the pandemic, we need to bring at least 70% of the society together with an effective vaccine. The more people the vaccine reaches, the faster and more effectively the pandemic will be controlled and will disappear over time." Emphasizing that Covid-19 is a virus infection and that the most effective and reliable method against such pandemics is vaccination, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay emphasized that social cooperation is essential for vaccination.

Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay, Head of the Department of Internal Medical Sciences at Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Advisor to the Rector, Director of NPFUAM, made evaluations regarding the vaccine studies that are a hope during the pandemic process.

Vaccine is the most effective method against pandemics

Emphasizing that Covid-19 is a virus infection and that the most effective and reliable method against such pandemics is vaccination, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay said, "Scientists and research support organizations around the world reacted really well in solidarity. There was already an advanced vaccine technology. In addition, there were already vaccine development studies against the virus family to which this virus belongs. In a short period of time, many vaccine studies were initiated and these studies bore fruit in a short period of one year. There are still more than 200 serious vaccine studies in the world, and about 10 of them have reached Phase III, which is the final evaluation stage before licensure."
The safety and efficacy of all vaccines are being tested

Noting that the vaccine produced in China by the Sinovac company, which the Ministry of Health ordered and announced that it would be applied free of charge, is one of these, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay said:

"This vaccine is not subject to a different control process than the currently discussed vaccines such as Biontek-Pfizer, Moderna, Oxford, etc. All vaccines are tested and tested for their safety and efficacy in the phase stages in the same ways and methods. The data are transparently presented to science and the authority responsible for control. It is also shared with the public. For example, in Brazil, when one of the volunteers who received this vaccine died, the trials were immediately halted and the situation was investigated. Once it was proven that the death was not related to the vaccine, the studies continued. It is out of the question to start implementation before the Phase III results are announced, evaluated and the quality control of the product to be applied is carried out. The Ministry of Health has also made a clear statement on this issue. After the necessary controls and evaluations are carried out, the product will be licensed and put into widespread use. Throughout all phase studies, there is no significant difference in side effects and efficacy between the vaccines produced with different techniques that are now close to being licensed. Therefore, at the moment, it is not possible to evaluate the Sinovac vaccine from China differently from the others in terms of side effects and efficacy."

No significant difference in safety and efficacy between the two vaccines

Stating that the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine needs to be stored at -70 degrees Celsius and that the effect of the vaccine may be lost if the storage conditions are not followed, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay said, "The vaccine needs to be transmitted through a sensitive chain from the production line until it comes to you. For this reason, Germany and the countries that aspire to this vaccine are creating a suitable infrastructure. Even if it lasts for a while after it leaves -70, a disruption in the delivery chain can lead to a problem resulting in ineffectiveness. For this reason, a -70-degree condition must be ensured in the places where this vaccine will be stored and/or preserved. This means a minimum investment of 10-15 thousand dollars for each storage unit. While 10-15 thousand dollars may be sufficient for a pharmacy, the price may increase as the storage volume increases. In addition, a reasonable period of time must not be exceeded to prevent the vaccine from spoiling while reaching the person to whom it will be administered. The Sinovac vaccine we are discussing does not have such a problem. Its shipment and storage is possible with the classical methods we know. In conclusion, there is no significant difference between the two vaccines in terms of safety and efficacy, based on the current situation and available data. The Biontech vaccine requires infrastructure investment and a more careful shipment chain in terms of storage and shipment."

Chinese vaccine is produced with classical inactivated vaccine technique

Referring to the difference between inactivated vaccine and mRNA vaccine, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay gave the following information

"The most important difference between these two vaccines is that their production techniques and strategies are different. The Chinese vaccine is produced with the classical inactivated vaccine technique. The virus that has been isolated and killed or weakened is injected into the body and introduced to the immune system. This is a very old and familiar technique. Many vaccines produced with this technique have been used for a long time. There is almost no one who has not received any vaccine produced with this technique. The Biontech-Pfizer vaccine, on the other hand, is produced with a new method called messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which will be used for the first time in the world. Uğur Şahin and Biontech have been working on producing vaccines against some types of cancer with this technique for years. When the Covid-19 Pandemic emerged, the technique was used to produce a vaccine against the virus and according to the results of the studies so far, sufficient efficacy has been achieved and no significant side effects have emerged.

mRNA is a single-stranded biomolecule produced from DNA, the main genetic material for most living things. It can pass through the cell nucleus and reach the cytoplasm, carrying the genetic information stored in DNA to protein synthesis sites called ribosomes. This type of vaccine uses an mRNA that contains information about the spike proteins that allow Covid-19 to attach to cells when it enters the body. This mRNA is read in the cells of our body and converted into spike proteins. These cannot cause disease without the rest of the virus, so they are ineffective. As soon as the defense cells in our body's immune system see these proteins, they perceive them as "foreign substances" and start producing defense molecules called antibodies. This allows us to recognize COVID-19 and neutralize it without getting sick. After the mRNA transmits its message, it disappears. Theoretically, it is not expected to trigger another reaction in your body. The results of the short-term studies did not indicate any major problems, but we need to see the results of long-term application in large populations to prove the safety of this new technology in terms of triggering a serious side effect or other reaction. In conclusion, the Chinese vaccine is old, the German-US vaccine is new and based on a different technology. Whether mRNA vaccines are more effective and safer than the classical ones remains to be seen in long-term practice."

70% vaccination is a must if we want to end the pandemic

Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay emphasized the importance of vaccination to end the outbreak or reduce the rate of spread and said: "If we want to end the epidemic, we need to bring at least 70% of the society together with an effective vaccine. The more people the vaccine reaches, the faster and more effectively the epidemic is controlled and disappears over time. Here, the vaccination programs of the countries should be rational, sufficient doses should be produced and delivered to people, and the society should support the vaccination activities. Unfortunately, some anti-vaccine voices are rising. This is not a good thing. Social cooperation is essential. If the public avoids vaccination and does not vaccinate in sufficient numbers, even if the pace of the pandemic slows down, it will continue to cause problems to the extent that it disrupts daily activities. This would not be good for the economy in the long run."

We can receive any vaccine licensed by the Ministry of Health

Noting that he wanted to emphasize the importance of vaccination rather than highlighting any vaccine, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay said: "We can have any vaccine that has completed the necessary Phase studies, has been checked and licensed by the Ministry of Health. The preference here can be personal. Anyone can get the Chinese or German vaccine. As long as it is provided in sufficient doses and put into use. If sufficient doses cannot be obtained from different vaccines and there is only one option, then the vaccine provided and approved by the Ministry of Health should be used. Who will receive the vaccine is a matter of planning and strategy. The recommendations of scientific committees, public health experts, virologists, microbiology and intanology experts should be heeded. The relevant scientific authorities in the field will make the most valid planning. As in every country, we will probably start with health personnel and high-risk groups. Over time, vaccination will spread to the wider layers of society."

You can get the vaccine you can easily access

Noting that short-term research results indicate that there is no significant difference in efficacy and safety between vaccines that are currently close to use, Prof. Dr. Tayfun Uzbay said:

"When it comes to medicines and vaccines, we find older medicines that have been used in large segments of society for a long time safer. However, this does not mean that we should be too conservative about a new and effective technology. If we do so, we may fall behind scientific developments. I recommend getting any vaccine that you can easily access and that has been approved by the ministry after quality and safety tests. In medicine, drug and vaccine applications are based on a cost-benefit calculation. If the risk you take when you do not take a drug or vaccine is greater than the risk you take when you do not take it, especially if this risk can result in death, then you should use the drug or vaccine without worrying too much about long-term, unpredictable and unlikely side effects. Covid-19 is a lethal virus and we don't know very well who it kills and according to what. It can kill people who have never smoked, who are athletes, young and very healthy. It seems very important to be vaccinated rather than getting Covid-19, both in terms of our return to normal life by eliminating this scourge as soon as possible and in terms of our own life safety. In such an environment, engaging in discussions based on conspiracy theories, far from scientific grounds and facts, and rejecting the vaccine means taking a significant risk that could result in severe damage or loss of life. On the other hand, if the number of people who think this way increases too much, it means that the pandemic will be prolonged."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At23 January 2025
Created At10 December 2020
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