Tics can be displaced over time

Tics can be displaced over time

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Çocuklarda istem dışı ani kas hareketleri olan tik bozukluğu, göz kırpma, omuz silkme gibi hareketler veya sesli tikler şeklinde ortaya çıkabilir. Tikler bir süre bastırılabilir ancak tamamen kontrol edilemez ve zamanla yer değiştirebilir (örneğin göz kırpma, bir ay sonra baş sallamaya dönüşebilir). Ailelerin çocuklarını sürekli uyarması tik bozukluğunu ortadan kaldırmaz, aksine durumu kötüleştirebilir. Uzmanlar, ailelerin çocukların tiklerini kontrol edebildiğini düşünerek ceza vermesinin uzun vadede tik bozukluğunu artırdığını vurguluyor. Tik bozukluğu olan çocuklarda altta yatan nedenleri ortaya çıkarmak ve eşlik eden diğer rahatsızlıkları tespit etmek için çocuk ve ergen psikiyatri uzmanına başvurulması önemlidir. Tedavi edilmeyen tik bozukluğu, çocuğun özgüvenini düşürebilir, akran ilişkilerini olumsuz etkileyebilir ve anksiyete, obsesif kompulsif bozukluk, dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu veya depresyon gibi diğer rahatsızlıklarla birlikte görülebilir.

Tics such as blinking, nodding and shrugging can negatively affect the child's life and disrupt his/her relationships with his/her family and environment. Experts point out that tic disorder, which starts as blinking, may continue in the form of nodding after 1 month and may be replaced, and underline that constant stimulation of the child increases tic disorder in the long term.

Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital Child Adolescent Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel made evaluations on tic disorder.

Tics can change places

Stating that sudden muscle movements that occur in children against their will are called tics, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "For example, movements such as blinking and shrugging may occur. Sometimes vocal tics can also be seen in the form of vocalization. Tics can be suppressed and postponed by the child for a while, but the tics are not completely under the control of the child. Tics may change places; for example, a tic disorder that starts as blinking may continue as nodding after 1 month. There may even be periods when they disappear completely over time."

What should families do in tic disorders?

Noting that families' constant warnings to children with tic disorder do not eliminate tic disorder and make the problem more complicated, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "The approach of families to children with tic disorder is sometimes because they think that tics are in the hands of the child, "don't do it, don't behave that way" or we can see that they give punishment, but we know that acting in this way increases tic disorder in the long term. Children can stop their tics for a short time, they can suppress them. For example, sometimes they may not do it at school at all, or they may say that they can't do it if they want to. These statements can mislead families. This situation may cause a perception in families such as 'The child does not do the tic if he/she wants to, he/she does it on purpose'. However, tics can be suppressed for a short time, but they cannot be suppressed in the long term and it is difficult for the child to cope with it. For this reason, it is not right to constantly warn the child not to do it."


The underlying cause must be uncovered

Noting that tic disorder can be treated, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel stated that there may be other causes under tic disorder and said the following:
"We recommend families to consult a child adolescent psychiatry specialist when they see any tic disorder in their children. It is very important for us to evaluate the child in detail, to reveal the underlying causes of tics, and to determine whether there is any other condition accompanying the tic disorder."

A specialist should be consulted

Noting that tic disorder is generally more common in middle childhood and begins to decrease slightly with adolescence, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Elagöz Yüksel said, "In the adult period, very few of them usually become permanent, but unless the underlying cause of tic disorder is not eliminated, children may have other disorders even if the tic disorder passes. Other diseases accompanying tic disorders must also be treated. Otherwise, it is very likely that the child will have to cope with other disorders such as anxiety disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and depression in addition to tic disorder. If tic disorder is left untreated, it can reduce the child's self-confidence and negatively affect peer relationships. For this reason, we strongly recommend that they consult a child adolescent psychiatry specialist."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At09 November 2018
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