The secret to a happy marriage is a healthy sex life

The secret to a happy marriage is a healthy sex life

Content Summary

Sağlıklı bir cinsel yaşam, mutlu bir evliliğin temel taşlarından biridir. Eşler arasındaki iletişim ve cinsellik, evliliğin sağlığı için el ele gitmelidir. Cinsel sorunlar, ilişkinin bozulmasına yol açabilir ancak uygun yöntemlerle çözülebilir. Çoğu cinsel sorun, yanlış öğrenme ve bilgi eksikliğinden kaynaklanır. Erkeklerde en yaygın sorunlar iktidarsızlık ve erken boşalma, kadınlarda ise isteksizlik, orgazm olamama ve vajinismus’tur. Sağlıklı cinsel gelişim için, çocukluktan itibaren doğru bilgi edinmek şarttır. Ailelerin çocuklarına vereceği cinsel eğitim ve onlara kazandırdıkları kişilik özellikleri çok önemlidir. Çocukların sorularını açık, net ve yaşlarına uygun şekilde cevaplamak gerekir. Amaç, çocuğun bedenini kabul etmesini sağlamak, cinsel organlara dair olumsuz düşünceleri ortadan kaldırmak ve cinsellikle ilgili korku ve kaygıları önlemektir.

A happy marriage passes through a healthy sexual life!

Sexuality, which has a very important place in marriage, not only gives satisfaction to the individual but also contributes to a strong bond between spouses. Stating that both communication between spouses and sexuality should go smoothly in order for the whole marriage to be healthy, experts emphasized the importance of spouses talking about their problems for a happy marriage and healthy sexual life, stating that problems in both areas will affect each other.

Every year, September 4 is celebrated as World Sexual Health Day. Clinical Psychologist Çiğdem Demirsoy from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital gave important information about the importance of sexuality between couples on World Sexual Health Day.

Sexual problems lead to deterioration of relationships

"Most sexual problems are solvable problems when handled with appropriate methods," said Çiğdem Demirsoy, "For this reason, sexuality should not be seen as a subject that should be ashamed and hidden, and one should not hesitate to seek help. People with sexual dysfunction may experience various psycho-social problems in themselves and their partners. These psycho-social problems are sometimes the cause and sometimes the result of sexual problems. With sexual therapy, these can be thoroughly evaluated and understood. When not addressed and resolved in time, problems in sexual life can lead to conflicts between couples and deterioration of relationships. When sexual problems are addressed with appropriate methods and techniques in a timely manner, the emergence of other problems such as marital and relationship conflicts will be prevented."

Lack of information and faulty learning lie at the root of sexual problems

Stating that most of the sexual problems are based on lack of information and erroneous learning, Demirsoy continued his words as follows:

"Erroneous knowledge and beliefs lead to exaggerated expectations about sexuality or anxieties about sexual intercourse, creating a basis for various sexual dysfunctions. The most common sexual dysfunction in men is empotence (lack of erection) and premature ejaculation. In women, the most common sexual dysfunctions are sexual reluctance, inability to orgasm and vaginismus, which is the involuntary contraction of the muscles at the entrance of the vagina to a degree that makes sexual intercourse impossible due to fear of pain. In addition to sexual dysfunctions, there are also applications with various sexual identity problems, concerns about masturbation and various obsessions about sexuality.

Correct information is essential from childhood!

Adolescence is a period when reproductive ability is acquired and interest in sexuality increases. In addition, during this period, sexual preference becomes apparent and the need to be an individual is at the forefront. For a healthy sexual development, it is necessary to get the right information starting from childhood before puberty. At this point, it is important what kind of sexual education families give their children and more importantly what kind of personality they give them. Since sexual intercourse is also a form of relationship between two people, the acquisition of characteristics such as the ability to relate to people in general, communication skills and taking responsibility until adolescence will contribute to a healthy sexual life.

Do not avoid your child's questions

In sex education, it is important how to tell the child rather than what to tell. The questions asked by the child should be answered clearly, without evasiveness and in a way that is appropriate for his/her age and comprehension. Parents' knowledge of what is seen in children at what age will guide them.

Things to be considered in general: To ensure the child's acceptance of his/her own body and the formation of sexual identity, to teach that sexual organs are not bad, dirty or dangerous, and to prevent fears and anxieties about sexuality.

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At25 October 2022
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