The new danger MOMO

The new danger MOMO

Content Summary

Uzmanlar, yüksek heyecan içeriklerinden dolayı şiddet içerikli oyun ve uygulamaların ilgi çektiğini belirterek, bu tür uygulamaların davranış bozukluklarına yol açtığına dikkat çekiyorlar. "Momo" gibi internet zorbalığı örneklerine değinilerek, ebeveynlerin çocuklarıyla iyi iletişim kurmaları ve bilgisayar ile cep telefonu kullanımının sınırlandırılması gerektiği vurgulanıyor. Şiddet içerikli oyunların çocukların psikolojisini olumsuz etkileyebileceği, oyunlardaki davranışları gerçek hayatta tekrarlamaya çalışabilecekleri ve bu durumun davranış bozukluklarına neden olabileceği belirtiliyor. Ebeveynlerin çocuklarının "tükettiği" içeriği kontrol etmeleri, oyunların içeriğini öğrenmeleri ve birlikte oynamaları öneriliyor. Bilgisayar ve telefon kullanımının belirli zaman dilimlerinde ve ortak alanlarda sınırlandırılması, ebeveyn kontrolünün sağlanması ve gizli oyun oynamanın önlenmesi için internet hesaplarına göz atılması tavsiyeler arasında yer alıyor.

Stating that violent games and applications attract attention due to the high excitement they contain, experts draw attention to the fact that such applications lead to behavioral disorders. Experts advise parents to establish good communication with their children and emphasize that computer and mobile phone use should be limited.

Psychiatry Specialist Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alptekin Çetin from Üsküdar University NPISTANBUL Hospital made important evaluations on the effects of internet bullying named "Momo", which has recently come to the agenda.

"Momo" is an internet bullying

Stating that Momo can be defined as an internet bullying that has emerged in Latin America in recent years and is carried out through whatsapp application, Çetin said, "It can be defined as a process that continues with questions and demands from the number called Momo, which uses the face of a statue in a museum as a profile picture."

High excitement increases interest

Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alptekin Çetin stated that although many computer games are played by children and young people, games with violent content often attract more attention from families, parents or the media and said, "Likewise, young people may prefer to play games due to the high excitement and use of weapons in such games."

Parents should be in communication with the child

Emphasizing that parents should first communicate with their children to protect them from violent games, Çetin made the following recommendations:
"Parents should have control over what their children "consume". This can sometimes be a computer game, sometimes a television program or a YouTube channel. Especially when it comes to games, parents should be in good communication with their children, ask about the content of the game they are playing, see and watch the game with them."

Causes behavioral disorders

Drawing attention to the negative effects on the psychology of children who play violent games, Çetin said, "This type of violent content can negatively affect the child's mental state. Repeating the behaviors they see in the game with their friends, they may try to repeat similar movements or discourses in daily life. Violent games can cause behavioral disorders in children. What makes these games attractive is that they can often play these games with other friends, talk about these games in their daily lives, and watch Youtube channels about these games."

Continuous use is important

Stating that the use of computers or phones should be under parental control if necessary, Çetin listed his recommendations as follows:

"It would be a more appropriate solution to give computers and phones to children for certain periods of time and to allow them to use these devices only in common places such as the living room of the house. If parents tell their children that they will have this kind of control, that they will be able to control their expenses if necessary, that they will want to look at their internet accounts with them, it may help to prevent them from playing such games secretly."

CreatorNP Istanbul Hospital Editorial Board
Updated At16 January 2025
Created At21 December 2020
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