The cause of your pain may be emotional

The cause of your pain may be emotional

Emotional and social burdens trigger low back pain.

Stating that low back pain, one of the most common diseases, can be caused by depression, experts emphasize that depressed people experience more low back pain. Stating that the best therapy is exercise, experts recommend staying away from stress.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu said that the factors that trigger low back pain are not always spinal diseases, tumors, bad posture habits, sudden movements, lifting and carrying heavy objects. Erdoğanoğlu said that while low back pain should normally go away on its own within a few weeks from the moment it occurs, it can become permanent in most people.

Depression may be the cause of low back pain

Stating that pain is affected by many factors and that the mind plays an important role in long-term pain, Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu warned, "If you have high emotional or social burdens, if you are a person with depressive symptoms, you are at risk of developing chronic low back pain."

Stating that even just thinking about the pain will bring the person closer to the pain, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu stated that low back pain can cause depression and said, "Scientific research results support that low back pain is often associated with depression. Approximately 80 percent of all chronic low back pain patients have depressive symptoms, and 20 percent actually have depression. Whether low back pain is a physical manifestation of depression or whether chronic pain causes depression is still debated in science, but it can be said that both are possible."

Stress and dissatisfaction trigger low back pain

Stating that two factors are particularly important in preventing low back pain in a physical disease of psychological origin called "psychosomatics", Erdoğanoğlu said that firstly, exercise and sports should be done to relieve the body's tension and keep it fit and strong, and secondly, it is necessary to take a closer look at life habits.

Stating that stress at work, conflicts in life partnerships, dissatisfaction with work and the way you perceive life are potential triggers for low back pain, Erdoğanoğlu suggested, "You should question yourself; are you investing enough in your body, do you feel overburdened, are you satisfied with your life and are you balanced?"

Exercise is the best therapy

Stating that physiotherapy and rehabilitation is a good method for a person who has suffered from low back pain, regardless of its origin, to heal the pain syndromes and regain spinal health, Erdoğanoğlu said, "Exercise or adequate physical activity is the best therapy for chronic low back pain. Because exercise both makes your muscles strong, ensures proper posture and nourishes the structures called discs between the spine."

Do not sit for a long time!

Emphasizing that the spinal discs have important functions such as reducing the normal pressure loads in daily movements and distributing the loads evenly, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu stated that the discs prevent damage to the spine and, on the other hand, provide spinal mobility. "When you sit for too long, your discs are exposed to a strong pressure load. Important nutrients leak out of the gelatinous nucleus on the inside of the disc and the metabolism of your discs is disrupted." "The load on the spinal discs is much lower when you walk and stand than when you sit," said Erdoğanoğlu.

The advantage of exercise

Stating that exercise also helps against depression, which is closely related to low back pain, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu said, "US researchers have been able to show that the brain produces a natural antidepressant known as VGF during physical activity. Sports not only makes you physically fit, but also makes you happy," she said, noting that strategies for coping with stress can be easily and quickly integrated into daily life.

"Strength training, especially backstroke swimming, walking, jogging at a moderate pace, cycling, climbing and even skiing, yoga or hiking in nature, relaxation techniques, proper breathing techniques, spending time with friends or taking some time for yourself and facing your stress in a timely manner are important," suggested Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu, Assist.

Being depressed predisposes to pain

Stating that an aspect of coping with pain is learned from childhood, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu stated that reprogramming is often required to clear the pain memory and that good strategies for the body to regain a lost feeling are meditation, yoga and mindfulness training physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
Stating that anyone who perceives life as sad and depressive is more prone to pain, Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu said that not every cause of chronic pain should be attributed to depression, and noted that a health professional should be consulted in case of prolonged pain.

Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Erdoğanoğlu stated that they continue to work in this field at Üsküdar University NP Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Clinic.

Updated At05 March 2024
Created At22 January 2021
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